Laser Lipolysis

Fighting Fat with Laser Lipolysis

Exploring Laser Lipolysis as a Safe Solution

Obesity is a real issue and many men and women around the world are struggling to get rid of the extra fat on the body which refuses to budge from its place despite all the struggle of regular exercise and diet programs.

The hanging fat on the arms or the paunchy stomach or thunder thighs, as they are called, are often a big dent to the self-confidence of a person who is doing everything right but still not able to get the sculpted body he or she covets.

Thanks to modern technology, and the invention of lasers for skin care, it is now possible to have a sculpted body easily and get rid of the fat pockets that are bothering you. This process is non-invasive and is called laser lipolysis.  Laser lipolysis is a safe procedure that gives positive results with the use of different wavelengths to break them.


The purpose of laser lipolysis


Our body is made up of many things and fat cells are one of them. The fat cells do the important task of storing energy in the body. But when the fat cells accumulate, they are difficult to get rid of as the body is not expending as much energy as it should. Laser lipolysis helps to break the fat into enzymes and water or hydrolysis. There are two types of laser lipolysis:

Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL): In this process, the surgical small incisions are made in the skin and a small tube with micro laser attached is inserted in the fat under the skin. The laser targets and liquifies the fat which is then sucked out through the hollow cannula.

Non-surgical laser lipolysis:  This is a non-invasive liposuction procedure using the power of lasers. The liposuction device is small blocks which is then placed against the skin. The laser energy penetrates the skin and melts the fat.

This procedure does not burn or damage the skin in any way. The broken-down fat is then flushed out of the body through the natural lymphatic system over the next few weeks.  This type of lipolysis happens naturally in the body and also results in the loss of inches.


Benefits of Laser Lipolysis


  • Stubborn Fat Removal: Laser lipolysis is often chosen to target areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It can address fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, chin, and back.
  • Body Contouring: For individuals looking to reshape their body contours and achieve a more defined silhouette, laser lipolysis can help remove excess fat in particular areas to enhance body proportions.
  • Improved Skin Tightening: Certain types of laser lipolysis not only target fat cells but also stimulate collagen production, which can lead to improved skin tightness and reduced sagging in treated areas.
  • Minimally Invasive Option: Compared to traditional liposuction, laser lipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure that typically involves smaller incisions, leading to potentially quicker recovery times and reduced scarring.
  • Localized Treatment: Laser lipolysis can be a precise method for treating specific areas with localized fat deposits, allowing for more targeted and precise fat removal compared to non-invasive fat reduction methods.
  • It is safe to be used with other cosmetic body contouring procedures such as tummy tuck, breast augmentation, facelifts, thigh contouring, arm lift etc.
  • Enhanced Results: Combining laser energy with traditional liposuction techniques may lead to improved fat removal, smoother contours, and potentially better skin tightening compared to traditional liposuction alone.

It’s important to note that while laser lipolysis can be effective for fat reduction and body contouring, it’s not a weight-loss solution or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Candidates considering this procedure should generally be in good health, at or near their ideal weight, and have realistic expectations about the outcomes.


Results of Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis offers noticeable fat reduction and skin tightening. It targets the small deposits of fat in specific parts of the body. The results are consistent and long-lasting if the patient does not gain weight and maintains a good lifestyle.

With full treatment, you can shed up to 11kgs or 25 pounds of total body weight easily. Results can vary based on individual factors such as skin elasticity, targeted area, and lifestyle choices post-treatment.

One session of laser lipolysis lasts for about 25 minutes. One session can destroy about 24% of fat cells in the area being treated. Results start to become visible after six weeks from the treatment and the finest results are visible about 12 weeks post the treatment. The fat cells that have been destroyed won’t regenerate and this makes the results of laser lipolysis permanent.


Number of Laser Lipolysis Sessions:

The number of sessions required depends on the treatment area, the amount of fat to be reduced, and the individual’s response to the procedure. Generally, multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart may be necessary for optimal results.

Who is a suitable candidate for laser lipolysis treatment

Laser lipolysis is a completely safe procedure and can be used as an outpatient procedure. This will be an ideal procedure for you if:

  • You are an adult and in your ideal weight range (with a BMI of 30-35 and lower) but bothered by the fat pockets
  • You have stubborn fatty tissue in the abdominal, thigh, and hop region
  • The fatty pockets on your buttocks are not going away even with exercise
  • You have undergone massive weight loss but struggling with losing skin
  • You are committed to maintain a healthy weight range
  • You are not able to lose the pregnancy weight


Risks and Side Effects:

Potential risks and side effects of laser lipolysis include:

  • Bruising: The area that is being treated might feel slightly bruised and tender but this is just a very temporary issue and will go away in a few days.
  • Swelling: Some people notice slight swelling on the treated area because of the effects of the treatment but it is never a cause of worry and compression garments help clear up the swelling.
  • Temporary numbness: Some numbness and loss of sensitivity are caused on the skin during the healing period as the skin becomes tone and firmer.
  • Skin irregularities: These happen because it takes about three to six months for the body to flush out the toxins and the fat and hence one might notice some irregularities in the skin during that period. However, the results are visible immediately and keep improving over time.
  • Infection: These are caused because of improper laser lipolysis administration and the practitioner not sanitizing and closing the incisions properly.
  • Burns: Slight burning and tingling sensation happen because the laser uses hot heat to break down the fatty tissue under the skin. The laser devices come with a cooling feature that prevents the skin’s surface from overheating and causing damage.
  • Scarring (rare)



Before and After:

Before the procedure, patients undergo a consultation to discuss expectations, potential risks, and pre-treatment instructions. After treatment, individuals may experience swelling and mild discomfort, followed by a gradual improvement in the treated area’s appearance over several weeks to months.


Lifestyle After Treatment:

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is crucial to sustaining the results of laser lipolysis. This helps prevent fat regain in treated areas.


Laser Lipolysis Cost in India:

The laser lipolysis cost in India can vary based on factors such as the treatment area, the clinic’s reputation, the expertise of the practitioner, and the number of sessions required. On average, the cost may range from ₹30,000 to ₹1,50,000 per session, depending on these variables.



Dr. Rinky Kapoor and Written by Dr. Rasesh Shah and Reviewed by Dr. Chaitrali Sant and Medical fact checked by Dr. Harshal Tandel and Content edited by Dr. Vaibhav Kumar

Published by
Dr. Rinky Kapoor and Written by Dr. Rasesh Shah and Reviewed by Dr. Chaitrali Sant and Medical fact checked by Dr. Harshal Tandel and Content edited by Dr. Vaibhav Kumar

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