Skin Whitening & Lightening

The Ultimate Skin Rejuvenation Techniques for Maximum Effectiveness and Their Treatment Cost

The Ultimate Skin Rejuvenation Techniques for Maximum Effectiveness and Their Treatment Cost


Skincare is the need of the hour.  As the world around us is changing every day, so is the concept of skin care. Just washing your face and applying a face cream is no longer enough for skin care. Today we have an array of skin care and non-invasive procedures available to help one deal with different skin issues. Sun damage, signs of aging, hyperpigmentation, scars, and loss of collagen all take a toll on the skin over the years and modern skin rejuvenation techniques help reduce the issues and give your skin and you a boost of confidence.

The skin works round the clock to protect you by keeping the infections away and protecting you from sickness. With good skin care and rejuvenation, you are aiding the skin in a big way to help it do its job. Feeling good about your skin also brings main social and mental benefits, it gives the extra bounce in your step knowing everything is good.

The latest procedures have faster recovery times, and look very natural with subtle changes in the skin. There is no shortage of choice when it comes to skin rejuvenation techniques. Right skin rejuvenation procedure can help reduce the pore size, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, correct blotchiness of the skin, tighten the skin even out the blemishes and scars and so much more to give your skin a refreshed and younger look. It’s important to know which procedure will work for your skin needs. Let’s take a closer look at the procedures and their areas of maximum effectiveness.

1. Anti-wrinkle or wrinkle-relaxing injections

These are the most popular skin rejuvenation treatments around the world. Anti-aging injectables consist of small amounts of neurotoxins such as Botox that when injected under the skin block the signals from nerves to muscles thus smoothening the wrinkles on the face, eye, and neck area. These skin treatments are effective for wrinkles caused because of repetitive facial movements such as smiling, frowning, raising eyebrows, etc. Anti-aging treatments also help decrease the possibility of the formation of deep lines in the future.

What can they help with Reducing the frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines, brow lift, vertical neck bands, jawline, and lower facial contouring?

  • How long does it take:

    This treatment takes about 30 minutes to complete. There is no downtime apart from a little redness and swelling.

  • How long do the results last:

    About 4-5 months comfortably and post that you will need maintenance treatment.

  • Cost Of Skin Rejuvenation Injections

    The price is decided on per injection. Depending on the number of areas being treated and whether or not you are opting for a maintenance treatment package, the cost of antiaging injections can vary.

  1. Dermal filler

Another popular form of skin rejuvenation, dermal fillers have completely changed the concept of treatment of wrinkles and fat loss under the skin since their inception. The fillers replace the natural volume loss in the skin caused because of aging. The most common filler is Hyaluronic acid, Calcium hydroxylapatite, Polylactic acid, and Polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres (PMMA).

  • What are fillers good for? Fillers are used to treat depressed scars, add height and volume to the cheekbones, reduce and restore the hollowness in cheeks and eyes, plump up the thin lips, improve the jawline contour, fill in the nasolabial folds, reduce the formation of vertical lines or smoker lines, improve lip border, reduce deep smile lines, frown lines between the eyebrows, marionette lines, and facial scars.
  • How long does it take: Depending on the area being treated it takes about 30 minutes to complete the treatment.
  • How long do the results last? Depending on the area being treated and the type of filler used the fillers can last for about 4-18 months. Excessive smoking, UV exposure, and use of other skin rejuvenation treatments like laser and RF treatments can impact the longevity of the dermal fillers. Top-ups are necessary to maintain the results. There is no downtime and they are known as lunchtime procedures. The results appear gradually.
  • How much do skin rejuvenation fillers cost? It varies with the type of filler used and the areas being treated. Dermal fillers are injected in small amounts to suit the natural contours of the face and the surgeon’s expertise matters a lot to make it appear natural. Hence the surgeon’s fees are also a factor in the cost of skin rejuvenation treatments.
  1. Chemical Peels

This is a popular skin rejuvenation treatment done using a mix of skin-safe chemical peels that are applied on the skin to treat various skin issues. The peels help remove the outer layers of the skin. There are mainly three types of peels, superficial, mild, and deep depending on how deeply they penetrate the skin and the effects achieved.

  • What can peels help with? Peels work by removing the skin cells from the skin surface using a controlled chemical burn method. The strength of the peel and the time it is left on the skin determines the results. Peels are used to treat mild to medium scarring, age spots, skin discoloration, blotchy skin, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage.
  • How long does the skin rejuvenation treatment take? The treatment takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete. The treatment also includes a face cleanse before and after the treatment.
  • How long do the results last? The peels do have some downtime. And you will notice some redness, and burning on the skin but it goes away in the week. The results appear gradually as the skin peels and heals. Mild to medium peels need regular treatments to maintain the results. The downtime varies with the type of peels used.
  • How much does peel skin rejuvenation cost? The price varies with the type of peel used and the number of treatments needed. Deep chemical peels are mostly permanent and thus cost more.
  1. Microneedling or collagen induction therapy

This is a popular treatment for treating acne scarring. The procedure involves clearing very tiny injuries on the skin. This starts the skin into healing mode. As the skin heals it induces the production of collagen and tightens the elastin fibers under the skin. The result is smooth and tighter skin that looks younger over the years.

  • What is this procedure used to treat: Scaring, fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and loose skin all can be treated with microneedling treatment. Top skin specialist also uses this process to deliver skin nutrients under the skin such as hyaluronic acid, ascorbic acid, etc. to add more effectiveness to the treatment.
  • How long does the treatment take? Since it is a non-invasive treatment, it only takes about 30 mins to 1 hour to complete.
  • How long do the results last? The results of collagen induction therapy appear gradually for the months to come and you will notice the changes in your skin with smoother and tighter-looking younger skin.
  • How much does microneedling cost? This procedure is risk-free and inexpensive and is done as a lunchtime outpatient procedure. The cost of this skin rejuvenation depends on the area being treated, the expected results, and the number of sessions needed.
  1. Laser skin resurfacing

These treatments are the gold standard for skin rejuvenation. Laser treatments can target almost all the skin issues. The treatment works by using laser light energy and converting it into heat as it hits the skin. The procedure eliminates the dead skin cells and promotes collagen production leading to skin tightness. The laser wavelength can be modified to treat distinct skin layers and cells. to treat the skin concerns.

  • What can laser skin rejuvenation treat? Different layers are used to treat different types of skin issues:
    • Full ablative lasers or CO2 skin rejuvenation:

      This type of laser removes the outer layers of skin, which stimulates the production of new skin cells and collagen. It is effective in treating wrinkles, scars, and uneven skin tone. Examples include carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium laser resurfacing.

    • Non-Ablative Laser Resurfacing:

      Unlike ablative lasers, non-ablative lasers do not remove skin. Instead, they work beneath the skin’s surface to stimulate collagen growth and tighten underlying skin. Non-ablative lasers are generally less invasive and require less downtime. They are suitable for treating mild to moderate skin issues such as fine lines, mild wrinkles, and minor skin discoloration.

    • Fractional Laser Resurfacing:

      Fractional lasers work by targeting only a fraction of the skin at a time, leaving the surrounding skin intact. This promotes faster healing and reduces downtime compared to traditional ablative lasers. It can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns, including wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven pigmentation.

    • CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing:

      This is a type of fractional laser resurfacing that uses carbon dioxide (CO2) to remove layers of skin tissue in a fractionated method. It is effective in treating deep wrinkles, scars, and other more severe skin imperfections.

    • Erbium Fractional Laser Resurfacing:

      Similar to CO2 fractional laser resurfacing, erbium lasers work by removing the skin’s outer layers. They are often preferred for treating surface-level wrinkles and lines, as they cause fewer side effects and have a shorter recovery time compared to CO2 lasers.

  • How long does the treatment take? Laser treatments are done over several sessions and each session can take about one hour to complete as the skin is cleansed and then anesthesia is applied before starting the treatment. Lasers are also used for hair removal. The downtime is of few days as the skin heals and the redness and burning subsidizes.
  • How long do the results last? Of all the skin rejuvenation treatments, lasers give the most long-lasting and effective results. The skin tightening can last for a few years with good skin care and the scars are almost permanently gone.
  • The cost of laser skin rejuvenation: This varies by many factors such as the type of treatment, the number of treatments, the surface area being treated, the number of sessions needed, and the expected results. Lasers are precise treatments and need great expertise on the part of the cosmetic surgeon and hence that also becomes the part of cost of skin rejuvenation treatments.
  1. Thread lift

This nonsurgical liposuction skin rejuvenation is a step above the dermal fillers but is slightly invasive. It also acts as a collagen stimulator and gives smoother skin. It is also called a non-surgical facelift in which medical-grade threads are placed under the skin to reduce the appearance of sagging skin.

  • What does thread lift do? This skin rejuvenation treatment is popular for correcting sagging cheeks, and lower facial areas such as jaw or jowls. Threads help fill in the facial volume and the deep lines and wrinkles. They are also used on brow lifts.
  • How long does the treatment take: Just under 30 minutes and it is done under a local anaesthetic.
  • How long do the results last? From six months to two years. This depends on the quality of the skin and the type of treads that are used. There is minimal downtime to the procedure and apart from some pain, swelling, and bruising, there is no discomfort.
  • How much does it cost: The price of thread rejuvenation depends on the type of thread used and the areas of the face treated.
  1. Ultherapy

This is a simple skin rejuvenation treatment, meant for skin tightening with the use of ultrasound energy.

What can Ultherapy do? The procedure is used to reduce the appearance of double chin, wrinkly chest, poor skin laxity, turkey neck, and drooping eyelids.

The treatment takes how long? Less than 30 minutes and you can see the results from the first treatment itself.

How long do the results last: comfortably for three to six months as the results appear slowly and steadily as time passes? People with high skin laxity might need more than one treatment for full results. Immediately after the treatment the skin might appear red but it is only for a couple of hours.

The price of Ultherapy skin rejuvenation: It mainly depends on the area being treated and the number of sessions needed for desired results.

Best cosmetics surgeons in India use a combination of skin rejuvenation treatments to give the perfect results for the patient. The popular non-surgical facelifts use dermal fillers, Botox, and other skin rejuvenation procedures to treat the face as a whole and offer a bespoke treatment to the patient.

Dr. Rinky Kapoor and Written by Dr. Rasesh Shah and Reviewed by Dr. Chaitrali Sant and Medical fact checked by Dr. Harshal Tandel and Content edited by Dr. Vaibhav Kumar

Published by
Dr. Rinky Kapoor and Written by Dr. Rasesh Shah and Reviewed by Dr. Chaitrali Sant and Medical fact checked by Dr. Harshal Tandel and Content edited by Dr. Vaibhav Kumar

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