Category Archives: Acne Treatment

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Acne Treatment

Shedding Light on Blue LED Therapy: A Breakthrough in Acne Treatment

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Revealing How Blue LED Therapy Clears Acne

About 90% of the adolescent population around the world suffers from the issues of acne in their growing years. Over the years the dermatology world has developed many acne treatments including retinoids, acids, topical systemic antibiotics, peels etc.

These are used on the skin and often have side effects such as dermatitis, skin irritation, and microbial resistance to antibiotics. The latest development is the use of blue LED therapy for acne and acne scar treatment is becoming a very popular alternative treatment.

Blue light therapy for acne scar treatment in India is a unique treatment for mild to moderate inflammatory acne. Blue light has lower irradiation levels than the usual ablative treatments and directly targets the cells and tissues.

There are two types of acne namely inflammatory and non-inflammatory.  They can also have a yellowish secretion in the centre or as nodules or sometimes acne can lead to scar formation which can be inflamed. The inflammatory acne is visible on the skin and is usually looks red and appears as a bump on the skin.

Non inflammatory acne also called comedones grows inside the skin they are either closed or open. Blue light therapy kills the bacteria on the skin and is an FDA-approved treatment for acne vulgaris. There have been no reports of its damage to skin such as cancer or ageing.


Benefits of blue light therapy:

laser treatment for acne scars and LED lights are the two most popular photo modulations used in skin treatments and have proven effective in acne treatments. The blue light therapy targets the bacterium C. acnes which produce porphyrins.

These absorb the ultraviolet and blue light and cause photoexcitation hence the production of singlet oxygen which eventually leads to the destruction of bacteria. Apart from this blue light also reduces the inflammation in the outer layers of the skin.

Its benefits over other acne treatments include

  • It’s safe when done by licenced and trained practitioners.
  • Do not produce any long-term complications
  • There is no need to take antibiotics and drugs as a part of blue light treatment
  • It can be used on all parts of the body
  • Does not cause acne scarring
  • Can be used with other acne therapies
  • This can be done using at-home machines too

The antimicrobial effect of the blue light wavelength kills many different kinds of bacteria that often collect in pores and oil glands and cause acne breakouts.

Blue light for acne treatment also helps in getting rid of free radicals on the skin and delays oxidizing and skin ageing.

What is the procedure for blue light therapy?

Blue light therapy for acne treatment is a completely outpatient procedure and is done in the dermatologist’s office. Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with the dermatologist and he will examine your skin type and the extent and type of acne to determine suitability for blue light therapy.

Then they will explain the type of light used, what to expect before, in and after the treatment and how many sessions will be needed.

Before the procedure

  • For two weeks prior to blue light sessions avoid applying retinol and other exfoliating skin care products that thin the skin
  • The dermatologist will ask you to stop the anti-inflammatory drugs and maybe the blood-thinning medications
  • Protect your skin from the sun, avoid sun exposure and tanning beds etc.

At the Fermat’s office

  • On the day of the procedure make sure that your face is clean and makeup-free
  • The practitioner might give you additional treatments such as facials to open the pores before LED therapy
  • They will give you safety goggles to wear to protect the eyes from bright lights
  • The health care provider will then make you lie down on your back and put your head in a device to keep your face still. Then the practitioner will place the blue light instrument on the area of the skin that needs to be treated for acne. The device is moved in circular and repetitive movements for a few minutes. The entire treatment session takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.
  • There are no injections and the treatment is completely non-invasive and painless. At most your skin might feel a bit warm but there will be no discomfort.

Post-blue light therapy treatment

  • Immediately post the acne treatment, the skin might appear pink and red and, in a few days, you might notice some mild skin peeling.
  • For a few days afterwards the blue light treatment skin the typical skin care inclusions such as scrubs, exfoliants, topical vitamin A etc.
  • Your skin might be sensitive so make sure you don’t touch your skin often.
  • Wear sunscreen every day and be vigilant with sunblock during the recovery period.

How many treatment sessions will be needed?

Blue light therapy for acne treatment is a type of phototherapy and is rarely done in a single treatment. You might need several rounds with two to three treatments per week and over the course of four to six weeks depending on the extent of acne.

At-home treatment of acne using blue light devices

Blue light devices are also available as at-home devices in the form of masks, bands and hand-held devices. You can easily buy these online. They are simple to use and come with detailed instructions to follow. For example, in the case of blue light LED masks, you will need to use it for a few minutes each day and sit still when applying them. Similarly, in the case of hand-held devices, you will need to hold the device about 6-10 inches from the acne-infested skin for about 10 minutes every day. It is important that you follow the instructions clearly and don’t overdo the use.

Risks of blue light therapy

It is a safe procedure for most skin types but in some cases, the side effects can be

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Skin peeling
  • Mild skin irritation

In cases when the blue light is not used correctly, the treatment can cause

  • Dried pus or blisters on the side of the treatment
  • Some skin burns
  • Pain at the treated skin
  • Dark pigmentation because of overexposure to the sun


Who cannot get blue light therapy treatment?

Blue light therapy is not suitable for the treatment of blackheads, whiteheads and nodular acne. Also, you should avoid this acne treatment if

  • You are currently on antibiotic treatment
  • Your skin is sensitive to sunlight or prone to sunburn
  • You are pregnant
  • you are on Accutane
  • you have a history of certain conditions such as skin cancer or inherited eye diseases.

Continued use of blue light therapy can help control all types of mild to moderate inflammatory acne


Whether you are using an at-home device or going to a clinic blue light therapy can help you get rid of the acne if you wish to avoid prescription medications. The effects of the treatment may need to be maintained by follow-up treatments if needed. At home, blue light therapy is not as fast or effective as professional treatment but it still helps.


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Acne Treatment

Exploring Neosporin: A Guide to Its Use for Acne Treatment

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Understanding Neosporin for Acne Treatment

Acne is a common cosmetic condition and Neosporin is a common solution to the problem. When you wake up with a puss-filled zit on your face and there are no other treatments around, Neosporin can come in handy.

It is an antibiotic ointment, easily available at the pharmacy near you, commonly used for minor skin injuries. It can help in treating infected acne but cannot treat all types of acne. Let’s take a look at its efficacy, side effects, and alternatives to this acne and acne scar treatment.

Acne is the most common skin condition around the world, and therefore it is important that you know the right treatment for acne to prevent scarring and skin damage.

What causes acne?

Acne forms when the sebaceous glands are affected by the hormone levels and get worse with bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) which is a gram-positive bacteria) and inflammation and this usually happens because of

  • Excess oil production in the skin pores
  • Accumulation of dead skin cells on the skin
  • Growth of bacteria and germs in the skin cell pores

There are other factors too that can increase the risk of acne on the skin such as sun exposure, tight clothing causing friction, use of oil-based cosmetics, PCOS, genetic disposition, sun exposure, stress, skin trauma, unhealthy diet, and insulin resistance.

When the bacterial P. acnes becomes trapped under the skin it causes acne to form. And in cases when the bacteria cannot escape to the surface of the skin the infection spreads and leads to more painful cystic acne or pustules.  The common acne types include

  • Whiteheads that don’t show up on the skin
  • Blackheads that appear as tiny black dots on the skin and are most visible on the nose
  • Pustules are pimples filled with pus
  • Cystic acne is the most painful and long-lasting kind and can cause scarring such as icepick scars, pitted scars, keloid scars, etc.

Understanding what is the reason behind acne determines the treatment line for the bothersome pimples or zits.


What is Neosporin

Neosporin is an antibiotic made of three primary active ingredients namely neomycin sulfate, polymyxin b sulfate, and bacitracin zinc. It is commonly used to kill the wound bacteria for faster healing. And since acne is also caused because of bacteria it is considered to be an effective treatment for some kinds of acne and acne scaring.

  • The polymyxin antibiotic fights the gram-negative bacteria and breaks down the cell membrane to kill infection-causing bacteria.
  • Bacitracin works on gram-positive bacteria targes the cell walls and prevents cell synthesis. This stops the spread of bacteria.
  • Neomycin is effective in fighting gram-negative bacterial infections.

Out of these three ingredients, bacitracin is considered effective in acting against some causes of acne. Neosporin is only effective in fighting against bacterial infection on the surface of the skin and not the target of acne. Also, Neosporin is also known to cause contact dermatitis.

Neosporin also contains main soothing ingredients like cocoa butter, olive oil, Vitamin E, cottonseed oils, etc. which helps in moisturizing the skin in cases of acne scarring. It helps in softening the scars but does not heal them.

When does using Neosporin help?

If you have popped a pimple or accidentally popped it, it can cause scarring and even hyperpigmentation and the usual acne applications won’t work on them. Popped pimples are treated like a wound or cut on the skin and then using Neosporin two to three times a day will help. But the first step should be to contact your dermatologist before committing to any treatment in order to minimize scarring and ensure that the cause of acne is targeted well.

Excessive use or using it without the need can make the skin bacterial resistant and make it less effective against future bacterial infections. This increases the severity of future skin infections.

Secondly petroleum jelly can block the skin pores and the skin is not able to breathe properly which increases the chances of acne by manyfold. Other side effects of using Neosporin include itching, rash, hives, and damage to the skin.

What is the treatment for acne?

Instead for reaching out to the Neosporin tube lying nearby, you must know about the specific treatments for acne that are effective and give safer and long-lasting results. These include

  • Oral antibiotics which target the bacterial infections inside the skin. Antibiotics like doxycycline, minocycline, or tetracycline are prescribed to reduce inflammation and control bacteria. Usually used in moderate to severe cases.
  • Benzoyl peroxide topical treatment targets most acne-causing bacteria. It can be used in the form of cream, gel, wash, foam, etc. Benzoyl peroxide can be used one to three times a day on acne.
  • Salicylic acid topical treatment which is a milder treatment available in wash-on and leave-on formulas. Helps in unclogging pores and exfoliating dead skin cells. It does not cause any allergic reactions on the skin and can be used along with benzoyl peroxide treatment.
  • Retinoid cream or retinol creams and serums help prevent clogged pores and promote cell turnover, reducing acne. Available in prescription creams or gels.
  • Isotretinoin: A potent oral medication reserved for severe acne. It reduces oil production, prevents clogged pores, and can lead to long-term remission in many cases.
  • Birth control methods to control acne
  • Androgen blockers
  • Chemical peels: Help exfoliate the skin and unclog pores. Various strengths of peels are available.
  • Laser treatment: laser treatment for acne scars is used to target and kill acne-causing bacteria or reduce oil production.
  • Microdermabrasion: A procedure that exfoliates the skin to remove dead skin cells, aiding in unclogging pores.



Home Care and Lifestyle Changes: There are some basic things for skin care you can do at home to prevent acne from showing its appearance

  • Gentle Cleansing: Use mild, non-comedogenic cleansers twice daily to keep the skin clean without drying it out. Use lukewarm water to wash your face.
  • Avoiding Harsh Products: Some skincare products can aggravate acne. Avoid oil-based makeup and opt for non-comedogenic, oil-free products.
  • Regular Moisturizing: Even acne-prone skin needs hydration. Choose oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizers that suit your skin type. It helps reduce the skin sensitivity and irritation.
  • Avoid scrubbing your skin when you have a pimple or acne on the skin.
  • Don’t pick or pop a pimple no matter how itchy or irritating it is. Avoid touching acne with your fingers.
  • Maintain good hair health by shampooing regularly and keeping flaky scalp under control.
  • Protect your skin against sunlight and UV exposure by using non-comedogenic sunscreen and wearing sun-protective wear. Using an oil-based sunscreen can block the skin pores and increase acne.
  • If you have acne then take medications in time before they spread or become worse.
  • Healthy Diet: Some studies suggest a connection between diet and acne. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins may help. Limiting dairy and high-glycaemic foods might also be beneficial for some individuals.


Acne affects many people and its severity can vary from mild to severe and even cause scarring. However, it can be avoided by taking good care of your skin and making sure any skincare issue is treated in time.

Neosporin is not the most effective treatment for acne but it can help in some cases. It’s crucial to consult with a dermatologist to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on the type and severity of acne, as well as individual skin characteristics and medical history. Acne scar treatment in Mumbai also needs to be customized as per the patient.

Combining different treatments or approaches might be necessary for effective acne treatment and acne scar treatment. Being consistent with treatment and skin care and patient adherence to the treatment plan is key for successful acne control.


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Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Laser Treatment for Acne Scars: What You Need to Know

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Laser Treatment for Acne Scars: What You Need to Know

Approximately 95% of the people in the world today have suffered from moderate to severe acne at some point of their lives. Acne is not only uncomfortable; it also leaves behind some residual scaring which is very visible in some cases. Most of us are aware of the strict rule that touching, picking or trying burst out the pimple is a very bad idea but still sometimes we do and it can lead to scars that don’t go away with time.

Most people feel depressed and the acne scars have put a dent on your self-confidence which might become difficult to deal with. Here in comes the laser treatment for acne scars to the rescue. It is one of the most searched cosmetic treatment on the internet. The light therapy irritates the scar tissue on the top layer of the skin. This encourages the skin to start producing new and healthy skin cells that replace scar tissue and reduce the appearance of scar. The scars fade away greatly and the pain is to the minimal. Laser treatment for acne scar is the best treatment to get back the smooth and supple skin that you always wanted. Laser treatments do not work on active acne or wrinkled skin but other than that if the acne scaring making you dissatisfied with your appearance, then talk to the best dermatologist in india about laser treatments today. Although the face is the most commonly treated part, laser can also remove acne scars from back, upper torso, arms and neck.

What is acne scaring?

Acne scarring occurs when the acne does not heal properly.

There are mainly three types of acne scars

  • Atrophic acne scars: these are the worst kind of scars and take a long time to treat. The look like hollow dents on the skin and are also called pitted scars. They are caused because of loss of collagen and inflammation in the active acne. These are further classified in the three categories

Ice pick scars that look small on the surface but are deep

Boxcar scars have defined edges and broad

Rolling scars cause uneven texture on the skin.

  • Hypertrophic acne scars: These look like small bumps on the skin and are caused because of scar tissue build up. These are common in people with dark skin tones and are often caused because of white heads and cystic acne. They appear like keloid scars and in many cases are very prominent.
  • Post-inflammation hyperpigmentation: these have the appearance of dark coloured spots on the skin. all types of acne cause an inflammatory trigger in the skin that can cause excess pigment production. Since people with dark skin have excess melanin in the skin, they are more prone to this type of scaring. People who have the tendency to pop their pimples are more prone to this pigmentation.

How does laser help in scar removal?

The best dermatologist in india Suggests some traditional methods of scar removal such as creams, exfoliation, spot treatment etc. take a long time to work and often do not give the desired results. Lasers work on all kinds of scars and heal them from within.

Given below is everything you need to know about laser treatment for your acne scars

There are different types of lasers for scar treatment

When it comes to skin treatments using lasers there is no one size that fits all. The type of scar you have will decide the type and duration of laser treatment for it. In a nutshell laser light converts into thermal energy to induce a natural wound healing in the skin. This causes new collagen formation which heals the skin and the scar. Another way that the lasers work is by using the light energy to break up the pigments and reducing the scar to a great extent.

Your dermatologist can even use a combination of different types of lasers along with topics and microneedling to improve the texture, colour of the skin and decrease the appearance of scars caused because of acne. Here is all the basics you need to know about laser options for acne scar treatment in Mumbai

  • Ablative lasers for acne scars: these type of lasers use a specific wavelength of light to target the skin around the scar. As the outer layer of the skin is removed the new layer starts to grow. The new skin is smoother and without scaring. The healing time is around 2 weeks and this procedure is not suitable for severe scars. CO2 and Nd:YAG are the most common type of lasers used.
  • Non ablative lasers: These work under the skin and do touch the surface. The increased collagen production triggers natural healing and cell regeneration process under the skin, thus improving the appearance of scar. This is a very suitable treatment for people with dark skin because of lower risk of hyperpigmentation. The results are not as dramatic as ablative lasers but it helps with all three i.e., atrophic and hypertrophic scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Fractional laser skin resurfacing: These are also generally a type of non-ablative laser acne treatments. Instead of a concentrated laser beam fractioned lasers hit the skin in tiny columns of light targeting only the problem area and leaving rest of the skin intact. The microthermal zones created by fractioned lasers are best for thick and bumpy scar treatment and even work for depressed scars. They also help reduce pigmentation and stimulate collagen production. The collagen helps raise the depressions in the skin and blend more evenly with surrounding skin. Fraxel and CO2 are most commonly used lasers for scar treatment. Fractioned lasers for acne scar treatment in Mumbai have shorter recovery times and less complications.
  • Pulse dye laser or the intense pulsed light laser: These lasers are mainly used for treatment of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and/or post-inflammatory erythema on the skin. The brown or red marks on the skin are targeted by the laser (both melanin and redness) and they fade away the marks by breaking up the spots. The laser light is absorbed by haemoglobin in blood and it leads to constriction in blood vessel and hence reduced redness. There is no downtime to this procedure and it is not suitable for treatment of other types of scars.
  • Picosecond Lasers for acne scars: Picosecond lasers are another great option for treatment of the hyperpigmentation caused because of acne breakouts. This is one of the most advanced form of laser for treatment of hyperpigmentation scaring. This type of laser delivers short pulses of light energy to the skin and breaks up the pigmented particles. The body absorbs the broken fragments and flushes them out of the system naturally. Since this laser does not use heat energy it is very suitable for dark skin.

Benefits for laser treatments for acne scars

  • Lasers give quick results in terms of positive changes in your skin after treatment. This improvements continues for several days and months.
  • They can treat large areas in one session.
  • Lasers reach the deep layers of the skin and heal the deeper damage. They work in areas where other treatments have fallen short.
  • The recovery is fast and less than other exfoliation methods for acne scar removal
  • You will know you have won the battle against acne for good. No matter what has cause the acne and subsequent scaring, you will get the smoothest skin possible with laser acne scar treatment in Mumbai.


How long does the procedure of acne scar removal takes?

One laser appointment will last for about 60-90 minutes. You will not see the results immediately but withing 7-10 days of the session you will see visible improve in the scaring and pigmentation.

Multiple sessions are often needed to get the complete and long-term results. This is especially important in cases where non-ablative laser ae used. Though there is no downtime with laser treatment, the number of sessions needed to completely get rid of acne scaring from your skin depend on

  • The severity and extent of the scars
  • Selection of the type of laser needed
  • Intensity of the laser (it also increases the healing time)

Ablative lasers might show the result in just one treatment but IPL lasers need 3-4 treatments spaced a month apart. Ask your dermatologist about how many sessions will be needed and about the maintenance treatment as they affect the cost of laser treatment for acne scars in Mumbai too. Your skin might look worse for a few days but as it heals you will notice a dramatic improvement.

Is laser treatment painful?

The intensity of the feel of laser on skin depends on the laser settings but it is not an intolerable pain. Your cosmetic surgeon will apply a numbing cream on the skin about 20 minutes before the procedure.

Side effect of laser treatment for acne scar

The expertise of the practitioner in working with lasers for your specific skin type is the deciding factor in reducing potential side effects after the laser treatment. expert cosmetic surgeons use different therapies to give excellent results with only few days of discomfort such as redness and temporary scabbing or discolouration.  When not done by experts the list of complications from lasers range from worsening of acne, more scarring, permanent discolouration.  Pulse dye laser can cause blistering and swelling whereas the fractional laser skin resurfacing can cause scaring if used too aggressively.

Every skin type needs different laser settings. The surgeon will take proper precautions so that the laser does not damage to the epidermal layer of the skin.



Skin care after laser treatment for acne scars?

Laser is a cosmetic produce and the results take some time to appear. Every skin has different healing time and recovery time. After every laser session you will have to take good care of your skin for week and months. Your skin will also need special protection from sunlight because the new skin that is formed is quite raw and sensitive. 6-8 weeks of sensitive skin care is needed to ensure that the healing is complete and skin texture and tone is even. The doctor might also give you special skin products to use to maximize the benefit of the treatment. avoid wearing makeup for a week or two after the treatment.

Here are five most important aftercare steps


  • Protect your skin from sun, blue light and pollution
  • Avoid using non-essential skin care products, stick to those which the doctor has recommended.
  • Avoid exercise: skip all forms of exercise a day or two after the treatment. exercise can cause swelling and slow down the healing process
  • Don’t scrub or exfoliate: Stick to gentle skin products
  • Follow the doctor’s recommendation for aftercare


Cost of laser treatment for acne scars

The cost of laser treatment for acne scars in Mumbai can vary from few thousand rupees to up to one lakh rupees depending on the treatment. Price of the acne scar treatment using lasers are depended on the severity of the acne scaring, type and intensity of laser treatment used, the number of sessions needed and the fees of the practitioner. Since it is a cosmetic procedure, your insurance might not cover the cost of acne scar laser procedures.

Also, in laser treatment for acne scar price in Mumbai includes initial and follow up consultation costs, the hospital fees etc. Enquire in details at the clinic about the cost inclusions and exclusions.




About Dr. Rinky Kapoor

Dr. Rinky Kapoor- Best Dermatologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Co-founder of The Esthetic Clinics, is one of the best dermatologists in the world & currently practices in Mumbai, India. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist at S L Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. Dr. Kapoor is trained at the National Skin Centre, Singapore & at Stanford University, USA. A celebrity skin doctor, Dr. Rinky Kapoor has won many honors such as “Best Dermatologist in Mumbai”, “Most Valuable & Admired Cosmetic Dermatologist in India” & “Best Dermatologist in India”, etc for her expert dermatology care, affordable & reliable skin care, hair care & nail care Read more

Expertise In

• Skin diseases
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Hair disorders
• Nail disorders
• Cosmetic skin treatments
• Skin surgeries
• Laser skin treatments

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