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The Top 10 Advantages of CO2 Laser Resurfacing and Cost in India

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Keeping the skin looking young, healthy, and fresh is something that we all desire. Most people start the skincare journey with the use of OTC cosmetic products which are generally not too heavy on the pocket, easy to use, and safe on the skin. They do show some results and work mildly on superficial skin issues but are not usually beneficial in the long term. The skin changes faster than you think and often the surface products become ineffective.

Sometimes, with skin issues such as dullness, dryness, and blotchiness nothing seems to work, not even the creams and tutorials that you spend hours on. You might think of cosmetic surgery to fight the issues but the cost and process involved may hold you back. There has to be some other option, right? A magical fairy-like skin rejuvenation treatment that can zap away all the skin woes the answer lies in CO2 laser skin resurfacing.

What Is Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing?

As the name suggests, this treatment harnesses the powers of CO2 lasers for skin rejuvenation. This is a part of cosmetic treatment procedures and the most sought-after for a good number of reasons. CO2 laser skin resurfacing can target and treat many of the skin issues including lines and wrinkles, scars, warts, and other skin flaws.

Lasers are essentially narrow-spectrum light beams. The CO2 laser is an infrared laser with a wavelength of 10600 nanometres. The source of this beam of light is carbon dioxide. The main reason this type of laser is popular in skin treatments is because this particular wavelength is selectively and highly absorbed by water molecules.

How Does This Help The Skin And What Is Skin Resurfacing?

Skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure aimed at improving the texture, tone, and appearance of the skin. It’s used to address various skin concerns and imperfections, such as wrinkles, fine lines, scars, pigmentation irregularities, and uneven skin texture. The primary goal of skin resurfacing is to promote skin rejuvenation, resulting in a smoother, more youthful, and radiant complexion. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, lasers, micro-needling, etc are all part of the resurfacing procedures.

When the CO2 laser hits the skin, it heats up the top layer of the skin and the water molecules in the epidermis vaporize and so do the epidermal cells. In this process, the top layer of the skin is stripped off without damaging the tissues. There are two types of CO2 lasers used, fractional and non-fractional lasers. Fractional CO2 lasers are also known as the gold standard for skin rejuvenation as they use thin columns of light to address the problem area, thus creating micro-injuries on the skin instead of continuous area damage. This technique reduces damage to the skin because of the heat and also minimizes the side effects making recovery faster.

CO2 laser skin resurfacing has many advantages over other skin rejuvenation treatments and these include-

  1. Superior cosmetic results make you feel better about your skin

    This gold-standard treatment gives even faster results. This means not only you do get to see physically better skin; but the results also give a boost to your self-esteem, give added confidence, and improve your comfort level even with little or no makeup. CO2 laser skin resurfacing gives the skin an internal glow that is hard to miss.

  2. You look younger

    Removing the epidermis takes away the imperfections from the skin such as rough areas, pigmentation, superficial scars, blemishes, etc, and even tightens the skin. The CO2 laser beam on the skin burns the collagen strands and the collagenous tissue contracts. When this happens, the immune system perceives it as an injury and triggers the natural repair mechanism of the body into action. As the skin heals, fresh epidural cells grow back and collagen production improves, and even the deep skin layers undergo repair and renewal thus tightening and firming the skin and giving it a younger appearance. The quality of your skin will appear decades back in time.

  3. It’s a chemical-free process

    The CO2 laser skin resurfacing works on the skin and there are no chemicals used, hence there are none or minimal chances of new breakouts or rashes which other products can cause.

  4. CO2 lasers zap away the signs of aging:

    One of the biggest reasons for the popularity of CO2 lasers in skin resurfacing is that this treatment can remove the signs of aging. It can successfully treat fine and coarse wrinkles, especially from sensitive areas such as around the eyes, nose, mouth, and forehead. In addition to this, the improved collagen product helps keep the wrinkles at bay.

  5. Sun damage reversal:

    CO2 laser skin resurfacing is highly recommended by top dermatologists for the treatment of moderate to severely sun-damaged skin. Sun damage causes depigmentation, skin discoloration, spider veins, and loss of elasticity on the skin. Overexposure to the sun can cause sunspots, age spots, and uneven skin tone. CO2 laser treatments target and eliminate these pigmentation irregularities, revealing a more even and youthful complexion.

  6. Scar revision:

    Both superficial and deep acne scars can be treated with the help of CO2 laser skin resurfacing. Whether you have surgical scars, scars from injuries, chicken pox scars, or stretch marks, CO2 laser resurfacing can help minimize their appearance. The laser promotes skin regeneration, gradually fading scars over time

  7. Skin texture improvement

    CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatment is an effective way to remove the melasma and brown spots from the skin, reduce the pore size, and correct the uneven skin. The result is an even textured, smooth, and rested-looking skin.

  8. It Is An Excellent Alternative Treatment For Skin Growth Treatments:

    non-melanoma skin cancers, and benign skin growth like actinic keratosis, warts, and moles can also be removed using the CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatments, especially in cases when facial plastic surgery is contraindicatory.

  9. The Treatment Is Precise

    CO2 laser skin resurfacing uses laser beams that can be precisely targeted on the problem areas without damaging the surrounding skin which makes it perfect for treating delicate facial skin.

  10. It Is Safe For Most Skin Types

    Laser can be easily used on most skin types without any side effects. The results are long term and with little skin care and sun protection, you can prevent most of the issues from coming back. Lasers can be used for older skin and younger skin as well.

CO2 laser resurfacing is a versatile and highly effective cosmetic procedure with a multitude of benefits. Whether you’re looking to reduce wrinkles, diminish scars, reverse sun damage, or improve overall skin texture and tone, CO2 laser resurfacing can help you achieve your skincare goals. However, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified dermatologist or skincare specialist to determine if CO2 laser resurfacing is suitable for your specific needs and skin type. With the right guidance, you can enjoy the transformative advantages of this advanced cosmetic treatment.


The cost of CO2 laser skin resurfacing in India can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of laser used, the area being treated, the location of the clinic or hospital, the experience of the doctor, and the number of sessions required

Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing

This is one of the most common types of laser skin resurfacing. The cost can range from ₹5,000 to ₹25,000 per session, depending on the extent of the treatment area and the clinic’s location. Keep in mind that these are approximate cost ranges, and the actual cost can vary from one provider to another. Additionally, you may require multiple sessions for optimal results, so it’s essential to discuss the full treatment plan and pricing with a qualified best dermatologist in India or a cosmetic surgeon. The location of the clinic can also influence costs, with major cities typically having higher prices than smaller towns or rural areas. It’s crucial to choose a reputable and experienced provider to ensure both safety and effectiveness when undergoing laser skin resurfacing.

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Laser Liposuction in India

Laser Liposuction in India: Assessing Its Effectiveness

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Losing fat and keeping the weight off is at the top of the wish list of most of the world. We exercise, we diet, we follow a good sleep schedule but the fat pockets just don’t go away. These often make their home around the abdomen, thighs, back, face, buttocks, upper arms, etc. Exercise usually does not work on it but the simple cosmetic procedure of laser liposuction in India can easily solve this problem.

Also known as laser lipo, this fat reduction technique is the latest in liposuction procedures and much less invasive than other liposuction procedures. It is a minimally invasive procedure done under local or general anesthesia to remove stubborn fat. It offers several advantages over traditional liposuction techniques. Here are some of the key advantages of laser liposuction:

  • Minimally Invasive

    Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, which means it requires only small incisions. Traditional liposuction involves larger incisions and more extensive tissue disruption.

  • Local Anaesthesia

    Laser liposuction can often be performed under local anesthesia, reducing the risks associated with general anesthesia required for traditional liposuction and also the time needed to spend in the hospital.

  • Less Bruising and Swelling

    Laser energy used in this procedure helps to coagulate blood vessels, resulting in reduced bruising and swelling compared to traditional liposuction.

  • Faster Recovery:

    Patients typically experience a quicker recovery with laser liposuction. The smaller incisions and reduced trauma to the surrounding tissues contribute to faster healing times.

  • Precision and Contouring

    The use of a laser allows for precise targeting of fat cells, which can enhance the sculpting and contouring of the treated areas. This is especially beneficial for delicate areas like the neck and chin.

  • Skin Tightening

    Laser liposuction heat can stimulate collagen production, which may lead to skin tightening effects. Traditional liposuction may not have the same skin-lightening Benefits

  • Smaller Scars

    The incisions made during laser liposuction are tiny and result in smaller scars compared to the larger incisions used in traditional liposuction.

  • Cellulite Reduction

    Laser liposuction can help improve the appearance of cellulite, which traditional liposuction may not address.

  • Versatility

    Laser liposuction can be used on various body areas, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, neck, and face, offering versatility for body contouring needs.

How Does Laser Liposuction Work?

This is an FDA-approved procedure for fat reduction. The laser light is used to melt the fat cell under the skin. The light perforates the cells and causes them to deflate or liquefy and break apart.

The deflated fall cells are then flushed out of the lymphatic system easily or are removed from the body through suction. Since the laser light targets the cells, it also helps tighten the collagen fibers under the skin. This results in a tighter and smoother skin.

The important thing to keep in mind is that laser liposuction in India is not a means to lose weight, it is a tool to reduce the fat volume i.e., it will decrease the fat in the bulge.

What Results Can You Expect from Laser Lipolysis Treatment?

Laser lipolysis works by reducing body fat. The fat cells once removed do not grow back.  The amount of fat loss varies from person to person, but on average, the studies have shown that patients lose 1 inch from the waist and hips and about 2 cm from each leg.

However, the results of liposuction are also affected by the fact of how well the patient takes care of their body. Healthy eating and a regular exercise plan keep the fat from regenerating and the results last longer.

Laser liposuction is not a quick weight loss fix but a way towards a confident and healthy you.

How Is Laser Liposuction Done?

The procedure is done in a surgical setting and takes about an hour to complete. The patient can go home the same day to a normal lifestyle. The process is as follows:

  • The surgeon will clean and prepare the area for liposuction
  • The next step is anesthesia (local or general depending on the area being treated)
  • The surgeon will make a small incision on the area and insert a cannula for the laser light. This helps break down the fat cells.
  • Then the surgeon will use a suction to remove the deflated fat cells from the body.
  • The incisions are closed and the patient is sent to recovery.

There are many different kinds of laser liposuction in India and the strength of the laser affects the number of sessions needed, its effectiveness, and the recovery period.

After the Laser Liposuction Procedure

A few days of downtime is needed after the procedure in the form of swelling, bruising, and slight pain. Therefore, one should avoid returning to regular work and avoid doing strenuous activities for three weeks post-recovery.

The surgeon might give you a compression garment to wear for some time after the laser liposuction procedure to help with the healing process and reduce the chances of complications.

The cosmetic surgery team will also help you with a guide to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine to keep the fat cells away.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of laser liposuction may vary from person to person, and results depend on factors such as the individual’s anatomy, the specific technology used, and the surgeon’s skill.

Who Can Get a Laser Procedure?

Healthy, physically active individuals who are in good health are considered to be the best candidates for laser liposuction in India. Ideal body weight, good skin tone, and realistic expectations are other prime requirements for the procedure.

Laser liposuction is recommended for people who have lost weight but are not able to lose the stubborn fat areas even after proper diet and exercise.

This type of lipo method is not recommended for pregnant and mensurating women. This is because in such cases the fat cells act as a means for hormone metabolism and functioning.

The large volume of fat reduction in mensurating women can lead to temporary hormone imbalance. Other conditions that need to avoid laser liposuction are

  • Liver diseases
  • Blood clots
  • Heart conditions and diseases
  • Cancer
  • Implants
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • People who have pacemaker fitted
  • Abnormal tissue growth

While laser liposuction offers many advantages, it may not be suitable for all cases, and a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is essential to determine the best approach for your body contouring goals. Additionally, both laser liposuction and traditional liposuction are not weight loss procedures but are designed for body sculpting and fat reduction in targeted areas.

How Many Sessions of Laser Lipolysis Are Needed?

Depends on the person’s anatomy and the expected results. Most people need one treatment but for those desiring to have additional body sculpting more than one session might be needed.

What Is the Cost of Laser Liposuction?

There is no standard price for laser liposuction in India. The cost of laser liposuction in India varies with

  • The area of the body being treated. Large treatment areas such as the abdomen and buttocks cost more than arms.
  • Location of the clinic
  • The surgeon’s fees
  • Type of laser liposuction used
  • No sessions needed
  • Additional body contouring procedures planned with laser liposuction

Talk to your consultant about the pricing of laser liposuction in India.

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Laser Lipolysis: Is It Safe?

Laser Lipolysis: Is It Safe?

Diet and exercise are essential for our healthy being. One of the biggest psychological factors behind all this is the desire to look good and the paunchy stomach and heavy thighs actually do not do good for the morale especially when one is exercising and dieting well.

Sometimes the fat pockets just refuse to go away and can give an odd shape to the body with loose skin. The localized fat that causes bulge at the abdomen is the one thing that people worry about the most and it is most difficult to get rid of. This is where the laser lipolysis or laser liposuction procedure comes to help.

Yes, it is a completely safe procedure that gives positive results with even most stubborn fat pockets. Lasers of different wavelengths have become a very popular in different types of skin treatments in the recent years. The reason being that lasers do not harm the skin, don’t need any incisions and can be used on all skin types for successful results.

How is laser lipolysis done?

This is not a surgical procedure and the total time taken for the entire treatment is less than one hour. It is considered an alternative to traditional liposuction and aims to achieve body contouring and fat reduction. Here is how the simple procedure works

  1. Anaesthesia: Before the procedure begins, the area to be treated is cleaned and local anaesthesia or tumescent anaesthesia (a solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine) is administered to numb the treatment area and minimize discomfort.
  2. Incision: Small incisions, typically less than half an inch in length, are made in the targeted area. These incisions serve as entry points for the insertion of the laser fiber and other surgical instruments.
  3. Laser energy delivery: A thin laser fiber is inserted through the incisions into the subcutaneous fat layer. The laser emits energy that specifically targets and disrupts fat cells while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.
  4. Fat emulsification: The laser energy is absorbed by the fat cells, causing them to heat, rupture and liquefy. This process is known as fat emulsification. The liquefied fat is then easier to remove from the body.The melted fat then moves into the interstitial fluid and is flushed out by the natural lymphatic system of the body
  5. Fat removal: After the fat cells have been disrupted, a cannula (a thin tube) is inserted through the incisions to suction out the emulsified fat from the treatment area. This step helps contour the area and remove excess fat.
  6. Incision closure: Once the fat removal and contouring are complete, the incisions are typically closed with sutures or adhesive strips. Depending on the technique used, the incisions may be so small that they do not require stitches.

There is another kind of laser lipolysis and that is the Non-invasive laser lipolysis in which the laser destroys the fat cells under the skin and they are eliminated from the body through the natural drainage channel.

The benefits of laser lipolysis that make it one of the safest fat removal procedures

Apart from being less invasive than the traditional surgical liposuction, laser liposuction has many more advantages such as

  • Skin tightening: In addition to fat removal, the laser energy also stimulates collagen production in the skin. This can lead to skin tightening and improved overall contouring of the treated area.
  • It can be used to treat multiple areas in one seating such as abdomen, arms, back, thigs and chin.
  • The patient will notice immediate change and improvement in the appearance of the areas that are being treated.
  • There are no large incisions made and local anaesthesia is used and hence there is very less chance of difficult complications or side effects.
  • Laser lipolysis has more accurate results than the other methods of body contouring.
  • It is an outpatient procedure without any need of an overnight stay in the hospital, and the patient can go home the same day to resume the normal daily activities sans rigours exercises for next few days.
  • The treatment has a quick recovery time and does not require repeat visits to the cosmetic clinic.
  • Laser lipolysis can be safely combined with other popular cosmetic procedures such as tummy tucks, breast augmentation, face lifts etc. for full body contouring.
  • There is less risk of patient having loose skin as compared to surgical liposuction.

Results of laser lipolysis

Noticeable reduction in the fat of the treated areas is the first thing that one will notice after the laser lipolysis procedure. Usually, multiple sessions are necessary to target the fat pockets and given even results. Over time the patient will also notice tightening of the skin and improved elasticity.

It is important to remember that lipolysis is not a weight loss procedure, it only removes the body fat volume. On an average the patient can see up to 9.5% reduction in body fat. One needs to follow a healthy lifestyle routine to maintain the results for long term. The final results depend on the overall health of the patient and the amount of fat being targeted. It’s essential to consult with a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon to determine if laser lipolysis is suitable for your specific needs and goals. They can assess your candidacy, explain the procedure in more detail, and provide personalized recommendations based on your individual circumstances

Side effects and risks of laser lipolysis

The treatment carries very minimal risk and side effects such as

  • Some bruising and swelling: The area of body which is treated might be swollen or bruised immediately post laser lipolysis. This is very normal and your practitioner will give you compression garment to wear to reduce the swelling and bruising. These will go away in 10 days though some tenderness might remain in the area for up to a month.
  • Numbness or sensitivity on the skin: Since laser targets the fat cells and helps build more collagen in the skin, it can cause some numbness or high sensitivity on the skin as the skin heals to become more toned and firmer.
  • Irregular body shape: this is a temporary side effect of laser lipolysis. This happens become it takes the boy about three to six months to absorb the fat and one might see the effects till then. However, in case of minimally invasive procedure, the results are visible immediately and keep improving. Hence it is important to chose the best cosmetic surgeon for the procedure to ensure the body contouring is even and smooth.
  • Increased appearance of cellulite and it can also cause dimpling in the skin.

It is a myth that laser lipolysis has high rates of infection. Infection rarely happens and when it does it is only because the wound has not healed properly.

Another myth is that laser lipolysis affects internal organs. Laser does not damage the liver or any other internal organs in the body or cause any form of cancer.

Who is a suitable candidate for laser lipolysis?

  • A healthy male or female with stable weight with BMI of 30-35 and lower, but are bothered by the fat pockets can opt for laser lipolysis provided they are committed to maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.
  • If you are pregnant then wait for minimum of 8 weeks post childbirth to go for fat reduction treatments. Before that time period the skin is very stretched and this coupled with the hormonal changes in body can cause the results to be uneven. The laser lipolysis treatment does not affect pregnancies later in life.
  • Laser lipolysis can also be done for people with diabetes provided they keep the sugar levels under the strict control.

The procedure is not recommended for people who have a heart disease, weak immune system and problem with blood flow or autoimmune condition. Laser lipolysis is also not done for menopausal women, or people who have implant, blood clots or suffer from vascular conditions or use a pacemaker.

Laser lipolysis cost

The cost of laser lipolysis in India can vary depending on several factors, including the geographical location, the reputation and expertise of the clinic or surgeon, the extent of treatment required, and the specific areas being targeted for fat reduction. Generally, the cost of laser lipolysis in India can range from ₹50,000 to ₹2,00,000 or more.

The actual cost may differ based on individual circumstances and the specific clinic you choose. It is advisable to consult with a reputable cosmetic surgeon or clinic in your area to get an accurate assessment of the cost for your desired treatment. They will be able to evaluate your specific requirements and provide a personalized cost estimate.

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The effects of time take a toll on your skin and laser skin rejuvenation reveres these effects to give you an even skin tone and complexion. The skin of our face undergoes through many stresses during the day. These include environmental stress such as pollution and particulate exposure, blue light damages, sun exposure, emotional experiences etc. and on top of it the skin is ageing too. As the skin ages it looses its ability to regenerate cells quickly and also starts to lose elasticity.

Both actors combined give rise to problems such as dull and dry skin, early wrinkles and fine lines and a textured complexion. A larger part of women around the world don’t know their right skin type or the right products to use for their skin and it becomes a larger part of women becoming a victim of premature ageing and other skin issues. Wrong skin care and products can

  • Increases the skin’s tendency to age quickly
  • Weakens the natural barrier against extrinsic damage
  • Leads to loss of skin glow, youthfulness, and gleam

Hence not only it is necessary to know about the right products that help with your skin needs it is also important to know about the cosmetic treatments and their benefits for the skin.

Why do fine lines and wrinkles form?

Ageing especially wrinkles are one of the prime concerns for most men and women and more so when they appear before time.  In a normal ageing process wrinkles usually start to appear by the age of 25 and become noticeable by the time a person reaches her 50s.  Fine lines and wrinkles are caused because of a combination of factors

  • Ageing: the skin becomes less elastic, loses fatty layers and produces less natural oil that dries your skin and makes the wrinkles and lines more pronounced
  • Unprotected UV light exposure: Exposure to sun weakens collagen and elastic in the skin and the skin loses its strength and flexibility.
  • Smoking
  • Repeated facial movements such as smiling, frowning, and squinting because as we age the skin’s ability to spring back in place becomes lax.
  • Makeup: when you forget to remove makeup it clogs up your pores and restricts the skin’s ability to breathe and synthesize collagen and elastin proteins. This slows skin cell regeneration and leads to unwanted wrinkles and fine lines.

Collagen and elastic are a type of proteins found inside the body that gives your skin its structure, strength, support, elasticity, and firmness. They are also responsible for the skin’s ability to stretch or be elastic so that it can survive the daily movements easily. Our skin can stretch like a rubber band because of elastin as it is about 1000 times stretchier than collagen.  With age the body’s ability to produce the two proteins slows down and the skin is not able to ‘snap back’ as before causing line and wrinkles on the skin.

Laser skin rejuvenation for fine lines and wrinkles

Laser treatment for anti-ageing has becomes the gold standard for skin rejuvenation. It can work on all skin types and address a myriad of skin issues. Lasers work on the deep layers of the skin and promote healthy skin cell turnover to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles on the surface. Lasers are high intensity of light energy that can precisely target the large or small spots of problem areas for best results.

How does it remove the premature signs of ageing?

There are mainly two types of lasers: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative lasers are used for skin resurfacing as they gently exfoliate the top layers of the skin and cause micro injuries on the skin thus accelerating the body’s self-healing ability. These are also called as lasabration or laser vaporization. Non ablative lasers are skin rejuvenation lasers and they target the deep layers of the skin without damaging the top layers of the dermis.

The most popular forms of lasers used for reducing the appearance of lines, and deep wrinkles are Fractional CO2 lasers and erbium (Er) lasers.

Er lasers skin rejuvenation is used for removal of superficial and deep lines and wrinkles on the skin of hands, neck or chest. The benefit is that this laser does not cause injury to the surrounding tissues but has fever side effects than traditional CO2 lasers such as swelling, redness and bruising. Erbium has shorter recovery time but is done under local anaesthetic.

Fractional CO2 laser skin treatment is a much effective use of traditional CO2 laser skin resurfacing. The laser beams target in the form of narrow columns, penetrating deeply but on the target areas. This gives better results as the surround skin remains untouched.

Laser skin rejuvenation treatments are outpatient procedures. When the laser beam hits the deep layers of the skin, they cause micro injuries that push the natural system of the body into healing mode. As the skin heals the injuries it pushes for fresher collogen production and elastin formation. Hence the result is smoother, plump, brighter and youthful looking skin without the fine lines and wrinkles diminishing its appearance.

The use of laser skin rejuvenation is not limited to just fine lines and wrinkles, the power of ablative and non-ablative laser light can also be harnessed to treat various skin issues including

Laser skin rejuvenation is perfectly safe to use on the areas of neck and around the face including the sensitive and delicate skin around eyes and the mouth.  The other benefits of laser skin rejuvenation include

  • Collagen regeneration for long term effects: Surgical skin rejuvenation procedures work by physically tightening the skin and tissues on a superficial level whereas the laser skin rejuvenation stimulates collagen regeneration that continues for a long time even when the treatment is over. Repeated laser treatments even at regular intervals improve the results many folds and restore the health and beauty of the skin.
  • It is minimally invasive: laser skin rejuvenation does not cause damage to the top layer of the skin, requires no incisions, bandages or general anaesthesia and hence has lower risks and complications than other surgical procedures. There are minor side effects such as swelling and redness but they are easily manageable with little care. There is no pain during the procedure.
  • Minimal downtime: with laser skin rejuvenation you won’t have to take time off work or disrupt your daily routine for healing. The results can be seen almost immediately and continue to improve in the coming days and weeks. All you have to do it to take good care of your skin at all times e. cleanse, tone and moisturize morning and night and wear sunscreen every day.  Also avoid using exfoliating products and harsh chemicals for skin care till the time the doctor Okaysit.
  • Lasers are cost effects: The cost of skin rejuvenation using lasers to remove fine lines and wrinkles is very affordable vis a vis surgical options. The cost is usually dependent on the number of treatment sessions needed, the location of the clinic and the expertise of the cosmetic specialist performing the procedure.

Who is a candidate for laser skin rejuvenation?

Any healthy adult male or female struggling with certain skin care concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles is a suitable candidate for laser treatment for skin. However if you have sensitive skin then make sure your doctor knows about it. The aesthetic specialist will examine your skin type, complexion and other issues and then determine if the laser skin rejuvenation for fine lines and wrinkle removal is the best course of action for you.

About Dr. Rinky Kapoor

Dr. Rinky Kapoor- Best Dermatologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Co-founder of The Esthetic Clinics, is one of the best dermatologists in the world & currently practices in Mumbai, India. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist at S L Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. Dr. Kapoor is trained at the National Skin Centre, Singapore & at Stanford University, USA. A celebrity skin doctor, Dr. Rinky Kapoor has won many honors such as “Best Dermatologist in Mumbai”, “Most Valuable & Admired Cosmetic Dermatologist in India” & “Best Dermatologist in India”, etc for her expert dermatology care, affordable & reliable skin care, hair care & nail care Read more

Expertise In

• Skin diseases
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Hair disorders
• Nail disorders
• Cosmetic skin treatments
• Skin surgeries
• Laser skin treatments

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