Deciphering Scalp Issues: Dandruff or Psoriasis? A Guide to Spotting the Difference
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Deciphering Scalp Issues: Dandruff or Psoriasis? A Guide to Spotting the Difference

Dandruff vs. Psoriasis – An Informative Comparison

A flaky and itchy scalp is a common issue affecting men, women, and children worldwide. When you first notice the white flakes on your shoulders, the first reaction is almost always: Yuck. Unwanted scaly scalp is one of the most bothersome skin conditions in the world.

Most of us try to self-treat the dandruff with home remedies or OTC products, but what if it is more than just dandruff and you are treating it wrong?

It can be a much worse condition therefore understanding psoriasis is crucial in the case of scalp psoriasis which needs a different treatment plan and care for scalp health. Dandruff is a skin condition whereas, scalp psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disorder.

Both dandruff and scalp psoriasis have itching and scaling as common symptoms but it is difficult to distinguish between the two on your own as it is hard to inspect your scalp. Given below are some points to spotting the difference between the two.


What is dandruff?

Dandruff is the common name for seborrheic dermatitis and it causes the skin on the scalp to become dry and flake off. The main cause is yeast growth which causes scalp inflammations. The yeast infection causes the skin cells to go into production to help take the infection. The skin has more cells that it can shed and the flakes form.

The yeast is called Malassezia and it feeds off the oil on your scalp, if you don’t shampoo your scalp regularly it can cause the oily skin to become flaky. Sometimes the infection can also cause dry parts of your body. Other causes include

  • Bad reaction to hair care products such as shampoo or mask
  • Leaving styling products shampoo or conditioner on your scalp for too long irritates the scalp
  • Allergy to certain hair care products
  • Lack of hair hygiene
  • Hormonal changes in males
  • Weakened immune systems

Seborrheic dermatitis also appears as a lightening of the skin and causes lesions on the skin which can spread to the eyebrows, chest hair and even groin hair. Males are more likely to get dandruff than women. Dandruff is not a serious condition but cold and dry climate is known to aggravate the condition.


What is scalp psoriasis?

This is a more serious condition than the common dandruff. It is a skin inflammatory condition that causes the skin cells to multiply at a faster rate than the skin’s natural cycle can handle. This leads to the pile-up of dead skin cells on the surface.

This creates flaky, shiny patches of skin that are itchy and inflamed and appear to be spreading. Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the antibodies attack the healthy skin tissues.

Psoriasis is common on the scalp, elbows, knees, and back and it can take different forms. Serious breakouts of scalp psoriasis can be red and painful and they might spread to the back of the neck from the scalp and start coming off in small patches.

Psoriasis requires medical attention to control. It is a chronic condition and it comes and goes. There are some common triggers that might cause psoriasis flareups such as

  • Infections
  • Weather changes
  • Injuries on the skin
  • Increased stress levels
  • Smoking
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol consumption


Symptoms of dandruff and scalp psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a permanent condition whereas dandruff might come and go. The difference in symptoms is in terms on the location on the body where they occur. Dandruff can reach the scalp and ears and sometimes even eyebrows, and eyelids but scalp psoriasis can manifest anywhere on the body.

It is also possible to have it only on the scalp and nowhere else but there can be symptoms elsewhere on the body. Changes can even occur on fingers, toenails, etc.

Dandruff symptoms

  • Mild redness on the affected area of the scalp
  • Overly oily scalp
  • Itchy scalp
  • The flakes are whitish yellow in colour
  • The cradle cap or the crusty skin on the infant’s scalp
  • Skin infections because of scratching
  • Acne on forehead or cheeks

Scalp psoriasis symptoms

  • Starts with small red bumps on the scalp increases in size and form and becomes scaly
  • Lesions develop on the scalp and it becomes flaky
  • The itchy area becomes thick with red or white plaques that are covered with silvery scales
  • Uncontrolled itching makes the scales worse making them prone to infections
  • Excessive and extensive hair loss in severe cases

While these symptoms and causes might look alike and are subtly different. A skilled dermatologist will be able to make the correct diagnosis for effective treatment.

Understanding the difference between dandruff and scalp psoriasis is the key to device the right psoriasis treatment in Mumbai.

Treatment for dandruff and Scalp psoriasis

There is really no way to prevent dandruff or scalp psoriasis but both can be treated and controlled.


Treatment for dandruff

The first line of treatment is over-the-counter medicated shampoos, lotions, or conditioners. These contain a cocktail of ingredients to treat the dandruff flakes. Tar shampoos are also a good option for reducing inflammations but it might lighten the hair color.

Another popular ingredient is salicylic acid which gives quick results. The third dandruff treatment element is zinc or selenium-based products which are antifungal and reduce the itching greatly.

Dandruff scalp products should be used two to three times a week and make sure you use a good conditioner post the wash. Once you get the results then switch to once or twice a week for some time for maintenance purposes.


Psoriasis treatment in Mumbai

This depends on the extent of psoriasis on the body.

Topical Treatments:

    • Corticosteroids: These are commonly prescribed in various forms such as creams, ointments, foams, or shampoos. They can help reduce inflammation, itching, and scaling.
    • Coal Tar Preparations: Shampoos or solutions containing coal tar can effectively reduce itching, inflammation, and scaling.
    • Topical Vitamin D Analogues: Calcipotriene is a synthetic form of vitamin D that can help slow down the growth of skin cells, reducing scaling and inflammation.
    • Topical Retinoids: These are derived from vitamin A and may help to reduce inflammation.

Medicated Shampoos:

    • Salicylic Acid Shampoos: These can help soften and remove scales when used regularly.
    • Ketoconazole Shampoos: They are antifungal agents that can be effective in reducing scalp inflammation.

Phototherapy (Light Therapy):

    • UVB Phototherapy: Exposing the affected area to UVB light can help reduce scaling, itching, and inflammation. This can be done under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Systemic Medications:

    • Oral Medications: In severe cases or when scalp psoriasis doesn’t respond to other treatments, oral medications like methotrexate, cyclosporine, or acitretin may be prescribed. These medications can have significant side effects and require close monitoring by a healthcare professional.


    • Biologic Agents: These are newer medications for psoriasis treatment in Mumbai that target specific parts of the immune system involved in psoriasis. They are usually reserved for severe cases and are administered by injection or intravenously.

Moisturizing and Care:

    • Regular use of moisturizers and gentle care of the scalp can help alleviate dryness and itchiness.


Before starting any treatment, it’s essential to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional who can evaluate the severity of the scalp psoriasis and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment effectiveness may vary from person to person, so a healthcare provider can determine the best course of action based on individual circumstances and medical history.


Lifestyle changes

Some basic lifestyle changes can help you avoid dandruff and prevent scalp psoriasis flare-ups.

  • Maintain good hair health by using the right shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type.
  • Try to keep stress away from your life as it is the biggest trigger of skin issues

Quit smoking and alcohol

  • Adopt a better diet that helps the skin heal and keeps it hydrated
  • Keep the scalp moisturized by using good fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products to avoid irritation.
  • Avoiding Scratching: While it might be tempting to scratch the itchy scalp, avoid doing so as it can worsen the condition and lead to potential infection. Instead, use gentle movements to loosen scales.
  • Avoiding Trauma to Scalp: Protect the scalp from injury or trauma as it can worsen psoriasis symptoms. Be gentle while brushing or styling hair to minimize irritation.
  • Sun Exposure: Some individuals find that moderate exposure to sunlight helps improve their psoriasis symptoms. However, it’s essential to protect the skin from sunburns by using sunscreen or wearing a hat.


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Dr. Rinky Kapoor- Best Dermatologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Co-founder of The Esthetic Clinics, is one of the best dermatologists in the world & currently practices in Mumbai, India. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist at S L Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. Dr. Kapoor is trained at the National Skin Centre, Singapore & at Stanford University, USA. A celebrity skin doctor, Dr. Rinky Kapoor has won many honors such as “Best Dermatologist in Mumbai”, “Most Valuable & Admired Cosmetic Dermatologist in India” & “Best Dermatologist in India”, etc for her expert dermatology care, affordable & reliable skin care, hair care & nail care Read more

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