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Skin Whitening

Skin Whitening Creams: Managing Expectations and Understanding Results Timelines

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Understanding Skin Whitening Creams

Sandalwood, rice powder, turmeric, milk, saffron, etc. – the quest to get a fairer smoother skin dates back years and centuries and spans across continents. When we look at each other, there are many things that we notice such as manners and how they look and this is perceived through a set of filters such as ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status of which skin color is a great factor.

Skin whitening creams are not exactly a modern invention. From the ages of lead-based paint to rice flour, to gram flour and turmeric pastes, to sandalwood combinations, the history of skin whitening creams goes back centuries.

While in the past it was about hiding the actual color of the face, modern creams focus on suppressing melanin production and promoting the dermal cell turnover that reduces melanin speedily. Then there are oral skin whitening products that contain products like vitamin C and tranexamic acid that aim to lighten the freckles and melasma which are better than bleaching products.

There are many reasons why you might gravitate towards skin whitening or brightening creams to lighten the skin. For example, sun tanning might have left the skin blotchy and uneven or the hyperpigmentation makes the skin unsightly.

Even acne scars can cause many people to feel less about themselves or you might just want a lighter or even complexion. these creams are the least costly when talking about skin whitening treatment cost in Mumbai.

It is a commonly known fact that the skin gets its color from melanin. The job of this pigment is that help protect the skin from UV radiation and environmental damage. It also protects the injury sites and this is the reason that scarring especially acne scarring appears darker than the surrounding skin.

Age spots mean that that area of skin has higher concentrations of melanin. It takes about four weeks for the melanin to reach the top layers of the skin. 

How do skin-lightening creams work?

Skin lightening creams are applied topically on the skin and the active ingredient in them penetrates the skin and destroys the melanin to even out your complexion and lighten the skin for a few shades.

The effectiveness of the skin brightening creams, how long they last, and how often to apply are some commonly discussed issues but one question that often gets unanswered is how long it takes these creams to work. When you should decide whether it is time to throw it in the bin or keep using them is an important question that needs the right answers.

Skin whitening creams turn down the extent of melanin expression and hence on average the results of the skin creams are hardly likely to show before four weeks of consistent and daily use. The skin does not clear and results don’t show up immediately.

The outer layers of the skin shed and new skin cells replace the dead flakes and they fall off. This cycle differs for everyone. Hence any changes the cream does will take a minimum of four weeks to show themselves.

The longer you keep using the cream, the more its benefits. There is no defined duration in which a cream will reach its peak effectiveness.  good dermatologist in Mumbai suggests that with right use the skin color becomes lighter, the tone is evened out and scarring and pigmentation fade. How long the skin whitening cream takes the work will depend on many factors such as

  • The amount and type of skin that you want to treat
  • The strength of active skin lighting ingredients in the cream formula
  • How consistently do you use the cream on the skin
  • The natural exfoliation rate of the skin
  • How well you protect your skin from harmful sunlight and other factors that can damage the skin.

There are usually four categories of skin-lightening treatments 

  • Ineffective treatments such as creams promise instant results but are usually fraudsters such as snake oil. Since this category is not highly regulated, it is quite common for people to make false claims about ineffective results. Mostly they are poorly made creams promising overnight results and you can use them for years with no results.
  • Slow treatments are the most common ones and they are available in OTC variety or on the pharmacy shelves and even online. They work but take their own sweet time. They target the cells that produce melanin in the deep dermal layers and destroy them. The skin brightening or lightening process takes time. The creams can take from anywhere to a week or four weeks to start showing results.
  • Fast treatments are the ones that have higher concentrations of active ingredients along with synthetic chemicals rather than natural ingredients. These include laser treatments and some skin whitening creams which show results in as little as seven days. They attack the melanin and not the cells that produce it.

Lower concentration of active ingredients gives slow results and high concentrations give faster results but also can do more damage to the skin if not done as per instructions. When shopping for skin whitening creams make sure that you know what the ingredients can do for you.

Here is an overview of skin-whitening active ingredients

1. Hydroquinone:

It’s one of the most potent skin-lightening agents. Results can often be noticed within a few weeks to a few months of consistent use. However, prolonged use of high concentrations should be monitored due to potential side effects like skin irritation or rebound hyperpigmentation.

How to Use: Follow the instructions provided with the product. Usually, it’s applied directly to the affected areas once or twice a day. Use a thin layer and avoid contact with eyes, mouth, and broken skin.


  • Always perform a patch test before using hydroquinone to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Limit sun exposure and use sunscreen daily as hydroquinone can increase sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Prolonged use of high concentrations may lead to side effects like skin irritation or rebound hyperpigmentation.
  • Contact a dermatologist, especially if using higher concentrations or experiencing any adverse reactions.

2. Kojic Acid:

Visible results might be observed within a few weeks to a couple of months with consistent application.

How to Use: Apply the product to affected areas once or twice daily. It’s often found in soaps, creams, and serums.


      • Like with other skin-lightening agents, perform a patch test first.
      • Some individuals might experience skin irritation or allergic reactions. Discontinue use if irritation occurs.
      • Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen as kojic acid may increase skin sensitivity.

3. Arbutin:

Similar to hydroquinone but considered milder, it may take several weeks to a few months to see noticeable effects on skin tone.

How to Use: Apply as directed by the product instructions, generally once or twice a day on the affected areas.


      • Patch testing is recommended to check for any adverse reactions.
      • Use sunscreen regularly to prevent further pigmentation and protect the skin from UV damage.

4. Azelaic Acid:

Depending on the concentration and individual response, improvements might be seen within a few weeks to a couple of months.

How to Use: Apply a thin layer to the affected areas once or twice a day.


      • Some individuals might experience mild irritation, especially at the beginning of use.
      • Sunscreen is crucial as azelaic acid can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight.

5. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):

Results can vary, but with consistent use over a few weeks to months, improvements in skin tone and reduction in pigmentation might be noticeable.

How to Use: Apply topically once or twice a day, as directed.


      • Store vitamin C products properly as they can degrade when exposed to light or air.
      • Some people may experience mild irritation. Discontinue use if irritation persists.

6. Licorice Extract:

Its effects might become apparent after a few weeks to a couple of months with regular use.

How to Use: Follow the product instructions for application frequency and amount.


      • Patch testing is recommended.
      • Discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.

7. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3):

It usually takes several weeks of consistent application to observe visible improvements in skin tone and pigmentation.

How to Use: Apply as directed, typically once or twice daily.


      • Niacinamide is generally well-tolerated but discontinue use if irritation occurs.
      • It’s compatible with most other skincare ingredients.

General Precautions:

  • Always perform a patch test before applying any new product to ensure you’re not allergic or sensitive to it.
  • Avoid using multiple potent skin-lightening ingredients simultaneously without professional advice to prevent skin irritation or adverse reactions.
  • Consistently use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) during the day to protect the skin from further pigmentation and sun damage.
  • Consult a dermatologist or skincare professional before starting any new skin-lightening regimen, especially if you have sensitive skin or any underlying skin conditions.

The skin whitening treatment cost in Mumbai varies with the type of cream you use, the duration you want to use it for, and if there are other treatments done along with it.

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Ultimate Guide for Myth & Facts About Skin Whitening Treatment

Ultimate Guide for Myth & Facts About Skin Whitening Treatment in Mumbai

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Ultimate Guide for Myth & Facts About Skin Whitening Treatment

Looking beautiful, younger and fit is some thing that every man and woman wants. But the skin is not the same for everyone and not every one is born with the same skin type. Some people have dark skin, some tan easily, while some never so much as get a pimple. We live in a conservative society for long and most people are often obsessed with fairer skin colours and this thinking reflects in their choices for hiring someone for a job or choosing a partner.  Such traditions have prompted a rise in the demand of skin whitening treatments for oneself and their children.

We all have heard stories about our Asian ancestors using some traditional methods such as using turmeric, saffron, milk, gram flour, lime, tomato etc to lighten down the skin.  these are good for skin but they often don’t give the results that modern people need. An in-today’s world, people don’t have the time for making face packs and don’t have the patience to wait for the results. Skin whitening treatments are sophisticated non-surgical treatments that reduce the melanin pigment and result in whiter skin.

How does the skin get its colour

The skin contains a pigment call melanin which determines the colour of the skin. The amount of melanin present and its concentration under the skin is determined by your gens and the environment that you live in. More the exposure to the sun, the more is the presence of melanin and hence the skin appears darker. This happens to protect the skin against the damages of sun especially skin cancer.

Why skin lightening treatment

Skin lighting treatments affect the excess pigmentation in the skin and reduce the concentration of melanin. The most popular skin lightening treatments include

  1. Topical Skin Whitening Products:

  • Skin Lightening Creams: These creams often contain ingredients like kojic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin C, niacinamide, and liquorice extract to reduce pigmentation, even out skin tone, and promote a brighter complexion. Over-the-counter and prescription-strength options are available.
  • Hydroquinone Creams: Hydroquinone is a potent skin-lightening agent available in prescription and over-the-counter formulations. It’s essential to use hydroquinone under medical supervision as it can have side effects.
  1. Chemical Peels:

  • Dermatologists often perform chemical peels using solutions containing glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or other chemical agents. These peels help exfoliate the top layers of skin, reducing pigmentation and improving skin texture.
  1. Microdermabrasion:

  • Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that uses a machine to exfoliate the outer layer of skin, helping to reduce dark spots, fine lines, and uneven skin tone.
  1. Laser Skin Whitening:

  • Fractional Laser Resurfacing: Fractional CO2 cost in India or fractional erbium laser treatments can target specific areas of pigmentation and stimulate collagen production. They are often used to treat more severe pigmentation issues and can require downtime for recovery.
  • Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser: This laser is often used to target and lighten specific pigmented areas, such as dark spots and melasma.
  1. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy:

  • IPL therapy uses intense pulses of light to target pigmented areas, such as sunspots or freckles. It can be effective for improving overall skin tone and reducing pigmentation.
  1. Chemical Skin Whitening:

  • Intravenous (IV) Glutathione: Some clinics offer IV glutathione treatments, claiming they can lighten skin. However, the safety and efficacy of these treatments are a subject of debate in the medical community.
  1. Home Remedies and Natural Treatments:

  • Some individuals may opt for home remedies using natural ingredients like turmeric, lemon juice, or aloe vera for skin lightening. While these remedies may offer mild benefits, they should be used with caution as they can sometimes irritate the skin.

Most people opt for one or the other skin lightening treatments because of their better precision, faster processing, long term results and no risk of skin damage. However, with so many options such as over the counter creams, lotions etc. calming instant fairer and whiter skin it is easy to be misled. These often contain steroids and bleaching agents which do more harm to skin than good. Skin whitening treatments have gained popularity in various parts of the world, often due to cultural preferences and perceptions of beauty  there are many myths and facts related to skin whitening treatment in Mumbai that one should be ware of.

Myth: Skin whitening treatments are same as bleaching the skin

Fact: This is a big misconception that bleaching whitens the skin. Using a skin bleach only temporarily changes the colour of facial skin and hair but skin whitening treatment is more advanced and works in much deeper skin layers than just the surface. Skin whitening treatment in Mumbai is the process of repairing the skin tone and restore its original fair glow. Bleaching dries the skin whereas skin brightening treatments improve the skin and also protect it against the damage.

Myth: Skin Whitening Is the Same as Skin Lightening or Brightening.

Fact: These terms are often used interchangeably, but they can refer to slightly different goals. “Skin whitening” typically implies a more drastic change in skin colour, often to achieve a lighter or fairer complexion. “Skin lightening” or “skin brightening” treatments aim to improve the skin’s overall tone, reduce pigmentation issues like dark spots or uneven skin tone, and enhance radiance without necessarily making the skin significantly lighter.

Myth All Skin Whitening Treatments can be Harmful.

Fact: Not all skin whitening treatments are inherently harmful. Many treatments suggested by expert skin whitening dermatologists use safe ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), vitamin C, and niacinamide to address pigmentation issues and improve overall skin health. However, some products contain potentially harmful ingredients like mercury or hydroquinone, which can lead to adverse health effects with long-term use. It’s essential to choose products with safe and approved ingredients and consult with a dermatologist before starting any skin whitening regimen.

Myth Skin Whitening Is Suitable for All Skin Types.

Fact: Skin whitening treatments may not be suitable for everyone, especially individuals with naturally darker skin tones. Some treatments can lead to complications like hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone when used on darker skin. It’s crucial to consult with a dermatologist who can recommend safe and appropriate treatments based on your skin type and concerns.

Myth Skin Whitening Treatments Give instant result.

Fact: Skin whitening treatments usually require time and consistent use to show noticeable results and they too appear gradually.  You may need several weeks or even months of treatment before you see significant improvements in skin tone and pigmentation issues. Quick and dramatic changes in skin colour can be risky and may lead to adverse effects.

Myth Natural Remedies Are Always Safe for Skin Whitening.

Fact: While some natural ingredients like liquorice root, kojic acid, and papaya extract, turmeric, milk can help with skin lightening, not all natural remedies are safe or effective. Lemon juice, for example, is often used as a natural skin lightener, but its high acidity can irritate the skin and lead to sun sensitivity. Natural remedies should also be used cautiously and with proper guidance.

Myth Skin Whitening Is Permanent.

Fact: Most skin whitening treatments, whether topical products or procedures, require ongoing maintenance to sustain the results. If you discontinue treatment or do not protect your skin from sun exposure, pigmentation issues may return.

It’s crucial to prioritize skin health over achieving a particular skin tone. Consulting with a dermatologist is essential to determine the safest and most effective approach for addressing any skin concerns or goals you may have, whether it involves lightening, brightening, or maintaining your skin’s natural beauty. Additionally, promoting overall skin health through proper cleansing, sun protection, and a balanced diet is essential for achieving and maintaining beautiful and radiant skin.

It’s important to note that any skin whitening treatment should be approached with caution, and you should consult with a skin whitening dermatologist or skincare professional before starting any treatment to ensure it’s suitable for your skin type and concerns.

Remember that achieving a lighter skin tone should not come at the expense of your skin’s health. Sun protection with sunscreen and protective clothing is crucial, as UV exposure can exacerbate pigmentation issues. It’s also essential to maintain realistic expectations and prioritize overall skin health over dramatic skin whitening.

Consulting with a qualified skin whitening dermatologist in India is the best approach to determine the most suitable and safe skin whitening treatment for your specific needs and skin type. Additionally, they can provide guidance on proper aftercare and long-term maintenance.

Skin whitening treatment cost

There are different options available for skin whitening treatment in Mumbai and each has a different price. The skin whitening treatment cost varies with the type of treatment, the number sessions needed and how your skin responds to the treatment.

Skin whitening treatment cost in Mumbai is also influenced with the experience of the cosmetic surgeon and the fees of the clinic. When factoring in the price of skin whitening treatments in Mumbai you must also consider the cost of number of sessions, post treatment care etc. as insurance does not cover the treatments.

About Dr. Rinky Kapoor

Dr. Rinky Kapoor- Best Dermatologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Co-founder of The Esthetic Clinics, is one of the best dermatologists in the world & currently practices in Mumbai, India. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist at S L Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. Dr. Kapoor is trained at the National Skin Centre, Singapore & at Stanford University, USA. A celebrity skin doctor, Dr. Rinky Kapoor has won many honors such as “Best Dermatologist in Mumbai”, “Most Valuable & Admired Cosmetic Dermatologist in India” & “Best Dermatologist in India”, etc for her expert dermatology care, affordable & reliable skin care, hair care & nail care Read more

Expertise In

• Skin diseases
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Hair disorders
• Nail disorders
• Cosmetic skin treatments
• Skin surgeries
• Laser skin treatments

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