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Preparing for Laser Hair Removal

Preparing for Laser Hair Removal Do’s and Don’ts

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Preparing for Laser Hair Removal: Do’s and Don’ts

Hairless skin has been in style and will remain in style for years to come. Hair removal is one of the most common beauty treatments sought by women and men worldwide. The traditional methods of hair removal include plucking, waxing, shaving and using hair removal creams. None of these give long term results or are pain free.

Not to mention the risk of rashes, ingrowths and infections on skin that come with these methods. Today the hair removal methods have changed a lot but the expectations are still the same: to get the smooth, attractive arms, legs, and other parts of body with little pain and more comfort. This is possible by the modern method of laser hair removal.

Unwanted hair removal from the body using the latest lasers is the safest and convenient way to a hair free skin even from the bikini area.

How does laser hair removal work?

It is a cosmetic treatment. The laser beams target the hair follicles deep in the patient’s skin. They pick the hair follicles because of the pigment melanin in the hair and do not damage the rest of the skin. The light energy from the laser coverts into heat energy and warms up the follicles. This disrupts the growth cycle and interrupts the hair growth.

In couple of weeks post a laser treatment, the existing hair begin to shed and the new hair growth becomes very slow and eventually comes down to negligible hair growth. The new hair the grow during this cycle is very fine and thing and barely noticeable. Lasers can be safely used on legs, arms, underarms, armpits, back, stomach, neck, face (including upper lip and chin) and bikini area. Lasers cannot be used on tattooed areas and areas surrounding the eyes. Multiple hair are targeted in one session of the laser hair removal.

Lasers work on the principle that the pigment in hair is different than the pigment of the skin. The hair follicles should absorb the light and not the skin. The contrast between the skin colour and hair colour plays an important role in this. Dark hair colour with light skin gives best results. Lasers might not be that effective for people who have grey, red, blond and white hair colours as they do not absorb the light well. Best laser hair removal clinic in Mumbai will do a thorough skin analysis before recommending permanent hair removal treatments.

Permanent hair removing using lasers is not a one session treatment. Multiple sessions at regular interval is needed to target the hair follicles in all growth stages. At a minimum 4-6 treatments are needed to get visible long-lasting results. The treatments are placed four to eight weeks apart. Some patients may also need regular touch ups depending on the hair growth cycle. The results of laser hair removal are cumulative and they become more noticeable and impressive with each treatment cycle. Once the continuous hair growth stops, all you will notice is how smooth your skin looks and feels.

In some cases, some people might see some hair growth because of hormonal fluctuations especially around pregnancy. This can be easily addressed during touch up treatments. Laser hair removal in Mumbai is very safe and if you want to get the best results with shortest downtime then there are a few pre-treatment preparations that you need to follow. Best Laser Hair Removal Clinic in Mumbai endorse the following guidelines for patients:


For a few months before the treatment

  • Start avoiding the sun. Reduce the time of exposure to the harmful sun rays, or tanning beds or self-tanners. Wear a sun screen every three hours with an SPF factor of minimum 40 and above. This will ensure that your skin has even skin tone and retains its base colour. Tanning causes damage to the skin and increases its sensitivity to the treatment. tanning can also cause laser burns. In tanned skin the laser might mistake the skin pigment as hair pigment. Also wear a hat and full sleeved breathable clothes to protect the skin.


  • Stop hair removal treatments: This might seem strange but your cosmetologist will tell you to stop going for waxing appointments a few months before the laser hair removal in Mumbai. You should also stay away from epilating, tweezing, threading, or anything that pulls the hair from its roots. If there are no hair in the follicle the laser will have nothing to target.


  • Thirdly there are certain medications that need to be stopped months before starting the laser treatment. These include blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, topical retinol products, acne products and hormone treatments. If you are using any such medication then ask your doctor if you can stop them without risks. The drugs in your system increase photosensitivity of the skin can cause skin damage post laser treatment. Inform the dermatologist about the medications you have been on.

Weeks before permanent laser hair removal

As you come closer to the date of your appointment, its time to be more vigilant about your skin. here is all that you need to avoid and take care

  • Stop taking antibiotic, retin-A treatments, and Aspirin etc. two weeks before the treatment. This will reduce sensitivity of the skin
  • Avoid using any products that cause skin exfoliation such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, benzoyl peroxide etc. exfoliating the skin can cause the laser to not work as effective as intended.
  • Continue using sunscreen diligently and keep the skin protected from sunlight.
  • Go easy on skin care products. Don’t try out the new products unless the cosmetic surgeon has asked for them. Some skin care ingredients can make your skin sensitive to pain and increase damage changes such as discoloration, redness and even scaring. Use gentle cleansers and moisturizers for keeping the skin health.


Before the appointment

  • Clean your skin. Make sure that the area that is to be treatment is clean of dirt, creams, makeup and pollutants. Lotions and other impurities on the skin can scatter the light of laser and reduce the effectiveness of laser. Clean skin lets the laser reach directly to the hair follicles.
  • Remove hair from the skin surface: One or two days before laser hair removal treatment in Mumbai shave or use a hair removal cream on your skin to get rid of the hair. This way the hair remains in the root and the laser can target. Also, when there is no hair on the surface, the lesser is the chance of getting burned by the laser. The closer you shave to your appointment the better it is. Don’t shave the area where you don’t want the hair to be removed.
  • Stop drinking alcohol: Alcohol causes dehydration and dries out the skin surface. It can make the laser hair remove painful for you. The skin becomes sensitive because of alcohol (24 hours before the session).
  • Don’t use makeup or deodorant or perfume on the skin to be treated on the day of the appointment.
  • Avoid drinking coffee or other nicotine drinks before your laser treatment appointment. Coffee can cause the same discomfort on the skin just like alcohol.

Laser hair removal is avoided on patient’s who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive. If you are on your periods then laser hair removal cannot be done on the bikini area. Lasers are also not advised just after Botox and Dermal filler treatments. If you have had any such recent procedure done then wait for two weeks for the injectables to settle down. Lasers before that time can cause swelling and redness in the treatment areas.


Permanent Laser Hair Removal Cost

Permanent laser hair removal in Mumbai is a popular cosmetic treatment that offers a long-term solution for unwanted hair. In Mumbai, the cost of permanent laser hair removal can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the treatment area, the number of sessions required, and the type of laser used.

On average, the cost of permanent laser hair removal in Mumbai can range from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 15,000 per session. The cost may be higher for larger treatment areas such as the legs, back, or chest. It is important to note that multiple sessions are usually required to achieve optimal results, and the cost for hair removal can add up over time.

It is also important to consider the reputation and experience of the clinic or practitioner offering the treatment. Lower prices may be tempting, but it is important to ensure that the provider is qualified and experienced in performing laser hair removal. Choosing an experienced and reputable provider can help minimize the risk of complications and ensure that the treatment is effective and safe.

Additionally, the type of laser used can also affect the cost of the treatment. Nd:YAG and diode lasers are commonly used for permanent hair removal in Mumbai, and they may vary in price. The ND:YAG laser is generally more expensive than the diode laser, but it is more effective on darker skin tones. It is important to choose an experienced and reputable provider and to consider the type of laser used to ensure the best possible results.

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laser hair removal

How can laser hair removal work?

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Most of us have faced this issue sometimes in our lives when we want to wear our favourite sleeveless or short dress or a crop top or skirt but are not able to do so because we have not waxed or shaved yet.  The same is the case of men, sometimes there is an important interview or date to go to and no time to shave and the body hair just does not fit do they? The simple solution is to get the hair removed permanently using lasers. In many cultures, too much facial hair is considered disfiguring and many feel conscious about the hair on their body. Some women suffer from hirsutism which seriously affects their quality of life and other social and interpersonal activities.  Permanent hair removal using lasers can help control hair growth in hirsutism in women.

Laser treatment for hair removal is the buzzword today and many actors and models are opting for it as it gives them the freedom to wear whatever they want without having to worry about saloon appointments or relying on unreliable shavers.  Permanent hair removal using a laser can be done on any body part including

  • Chest
  • Back
  • Bikini line
  • Armpits
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Face (but not around the eyes)
  • Legs
  • Arms

Traditional hair removal practices have many disadvantages such as

  • Waxing can be painful and cause damage to the skin
  • Shaving causes ingrowths and needs to be repeated every second or third day
  • The hair grows rougher after shaving
  • Waxing needs to be done in frequent intervals
  • Plucking is very painful and does not give results in larger areas
  • There is always a risk of skin cuts and skin pulling in threading

Let’s take a look at full-body laser hair removal benefits

Lasers are a safe and easy way to remove body hair permanently but there are many other benefits of permanent hair removal as well.

  • It is a long-term solution to hair growth. Once the hair follicles are dead, they do not grow hair. This means years and years of body hair-free life.
  • They are very low maintenance. You might have to go for a touch-up every now and then but that is nothing compared to the time and energy wasted in shaving, waxing and plucking.
  • Side effects of laser treatments are very rare. There is hardly any pain or increased skin sensitivity. You might notice some redness at the follicle but that goes away in 24-48 hours.
  • These treatments are quick. Unlike other body hair removal treatments laser hair removal sessions are short and you can get back to work almost immediately. Lasers can treat an area about a size of a coin in just a second. For example, only 20 minutes are needed for the underarms or bikini area, and under a minute for the lips and legs and arms takes about only 1 hour.
  • Get relief from all the ingrown hair. A big risk of shaving and waxing is ingrown hair that is not only ugly to look at but can also cause skin irritation. Laser hair removal does not have ingrown hair as a side effect.
  • Lasers work great for sensitive skin.
  • Laser treatments for hair removal are less painful than waxing, threading, tweezing.
  • More safety. No longer need to worry about razor cuts or scaring or change in skin texture. Laser hair removal technology does no damage to the skin.
  • Laser treatments are very precise. Lasers can be targeted to remove specific hair leaving the skin undamaged. Different lasers with different wavelengths can be used to target a small section of the skin or a particular area such as between your eyebrows or in beard shaping.
  • Lasers have more benefits than side effects. Lasers are also skin rejuvenating and help you get rid of acne, acne marks, and dark spots to improve skin quality.
  • Laser hair removal prices might seem high but if you do a budget calculation it works out much cheaper than the trip to the salons, shaving cream, razor costs, and the cost of your time. Most clinics offer an EMI option in laser hair removal treatments therefore it is not heavy on your pocket as a long-term solution.

How does laser hair removal work?

Our hair grows from the millions of follicles that are present in our skin. Each hair follicle has a unique cycle of growth, resting and shedding periods. Laser permanent hair removal treatment is targeted to destroy the hair follicles. The hair follicles are easy to target because of their contrasting colour to the surrounding skin. The pigment in the follicles absorbs the laser light. The heat generated by the lasers renders the hair follicles unable to generate or sustain any new hair. Dermatologists use triple wavelength lasers which are a combination of a diode laser, long pulse ND: YG laser and Alexandrite laser to treat different lengths and thicknesses of hair.

How many treatment sessions are needed?

On average about 6-8 treatment sessions are needed to completely remove the hair. 90% of people see permanent hair loss after a few treatment sessions. The number of treatments needed depends on

  • Colour and coarseness of the hair
  • Hormonal stimulus
  • Area of the body

The sessions of laser hair removal are spaced four weeks apart. The hair in the resting period might not be visible and therefore the time is given between the sessions so that the hair can regrow. In areas with slow hair growth such as the back, the treatments are placed further apart such as 12-16 weeks. Hence each session of permanent hair removal using lasers helps achieve a certain level of reduction depending on the skill of the technician and the darkness and thickness that grows back. Since the laser targets melanin in the hair, many people also notice a significant reduction in the colour of the hair as they become lighter and less visible.

Am I as suitable candidate of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal works best for people who have darker hair with lighter skin tones and this makes it easier for the laser to target the follicles. laser hair removal, when done by an expert and the right machine is a great option for everyone i.e. all genders, skin tones, ages and even people with medical histories. However, this generalization does have some exceptions because laser hair removal is not recommended for women who are

  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • Going through puberty or menopause

If you are in the age group of teens to late 20s your body might still be undergoing hormonal changes and therefore it is possible that you notice new hair growth after the treatment. But don’t worry this can be easily treated with another round of hair removal.

Results of permanent hair removal

You will notice that a few of your hair is shed in a few days after the treatment.  After the initial treatments are over your doctor will ask you to have yearly touch-up sessions. Some people go by years without a regrowth. Laser therapy gets rid of hair very effectively and prevents them from growing back for a long period of time. But consistency is the key to the best result with this treatment.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Yes, it is. However, in some people, few hairs might grow back in the targeted area because of various natural reasons. Hence periodic sessions are needed to eliminate all hair. The regrown hair is usually less noticeable than before because of the damaged follicle. Also in people who have too short hair or have hair that is resistant to treatment, laser hair removal might not work.

Getting ready for laser hair removal

It is not about just walking into a spa and asking for hair removal. Laser treatment for hair removal is a medical procedure and contains some potential risks. Before going in you should check the credentials of the practitioner or the doctor and ask about their experiences and qualification.

Before the treatment avoid

  • Plucking
  • Waxing
  • Electrolysis
  • Using hair removal creams

After laser treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure for one day, after that using sunscreen is very important
  • Do not use a tanning bed
  • Avoid wearing makeup till the skin heals
  • Don’t shower or bath immediately after treatment

Laser Hari Removal Side Effects and Risks

With the post-laser treatment, your skin might feel a little sunburned. The doctor will give you cool compresses and moisturizers to cool the skin. There is rarely any scarring or changes in skin colour but some swelling and redness are common it goes away in one or two days. People with dark skin might notice some change in skin colour but it is temporary.

How much Laser hair Removal Cost

Laser hair removal prices vary and depend on many factors including

  • Size of the area being treated
  • Time required for the treatment
  • Regrowth of hair
  • Number of treatments
  • The skill of the technician or the doctor
  • Geographical location

Since it is a cosmetic procedure, insurance does not cover permanent hair removal using lasers.

About Dr. Rinky Kapoor

Dr. Rinky Kapoor- Best Dermatologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Co-founder of The Esthetic Clinics, is one of the best dermatologists in the world & currently practices in Mumbai, India. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist at S L Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. Dr. Kapoor is trained at the National Skin Centre, Singapore & at Stanford University, USA. A celebrity skin doctor, Dr. Rinky Kapoor has won many honors such as “Best Dermatologist in Mumbai”, “Most Valuable & Admired Cosmetic Dermatologist in India” & “Best Dermatologist in India”, etc for her expert dermatology care, affordable & reliable skin care, hair care & nail care Read more

Expertise In

• Skin diseases
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Hair disorders
• Nail disorders
• Cosmetic skin treatments
• Skin surgeries
• Laser skin treatments

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