Author Archives: Dr. Rinky Kapoor

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Vascular Birthmarks

Understanding Vascular Birthmarks: Unravelling Haemangiomas and Vascular Malformations

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Exploring Vascular Birthmarks

Different cultures have different implications of birthmarks, some consider the particular shape or location of birthmark to be auspicious and some consider it as a mark of beauty. There are many myths associated with birthmarks but the best dermatologist in India have a different view of birthmarks. Even passports and identification documents often use birthmarks as a mark of the identity of a person.

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Skin Whitening

Skin Whitening Creams: Managing Expectations and Understanding Results Timelines

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Understanding Skin Whitening Creams

Sandalwood, rice powder, turmeric, milk, saffron, etc. – the quest to get a fairer smoother skin dates back years and centuries and spans across continents. When we look at each other, there are many things that we notice such as manners and how they look and this is perceived through a set of filters such as ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status of which skin color is a great factor.

Skin whitening creams are not exactly a modern invention. From the ages of lead-based paint to rice flour, to gram flour and turmeric pastes, to sandalwood combinations, the history of skin whitening creams goes back centuries.

While in the past it was about hiding the actual color of the face, modern creams focus on suppressing melanin production and promoting the dermal cell turnover that reduces melanin speedily. Then there are oral skin whitening products that contain products like vitamin C and tranexamic acid that aim to lighten the freckles and melasma which are better than bleaching products.

There are many reasons why you might gravitate towards skin whitening or brightening creams to lighten the skin. For example, sun tanning might have left the skin blotchy and uneven or the hyperpigmentation makes the skin unsightly.

Even acne scars can cause many people to feel less about themselves or you might just want a lighter or even complexion. these creams are the least costly when talking about skin whitening treatment cost in Mumbai.

It is a commonly known fact that the skin gets its color from melanin. The job of this pigment is that help protect the skin from UV radiation and environmental damage. It also protects the injury sites and this is the reason that scarring especially acne scarring appears darker than the surrounding skin.

Age spots mean that that area of skin has higher concentrations of melanin. It takes about four weeks for the melanin to reach the top layers of the skin. 

How do skin-lightening creams work?

Skin lightening creams are applied topically on the skin and the active ingredient in them penetrates the skin and destroys the melanin to even out your complexion and lighten the skin for a few shades.

The effectiveness of the skin brightening creams, how long they last, and how often to apply are some commonly discussed issues but one question that often gets unanswered is how long it takes these creams to work. When you should decide whether it is time to throw it in the bin or keep using them is an important question that needs the right answers.

Skin whitening creams turn down the extent of melanin expression and hence on average the results of the skin creams are hardly likely to show before four weeks of consistent and daily use. The skin does not clear and results don’t show up immediately.

The outer layers of the skin shed and new skin cells replace the dead flakes and they fall off. This cycle differs for everyone. Hence any changes the cream does will take a minimum of four weeks to show themselves.

The longer you keep using the cream, the more its benefits. There is no defined duration in which a cream will reach its peak effectiveness.  good dermatologist in Mumbai suggests that with right use the skin color becomes lighter, the tone is evened out and scarring and pigmentation fade. How long the skin whitening cream takes the work will depend on many factors such as

  • The amount and type of skin that you want to treat
  • The strength of active skin lighting ingredients in the cream formula
  • How consistently do you use the cream on the skin
  • The natural exfoliation rate of the skin
  • How well you protect your skin from harmful sunlight and other factors that can damage the skin.

There are usually four categories of skin-lightening treatments 

  • Ineffective treatments such as creams promise instant results but are usually fraudsters such as snake oil. Since this category is not highly regulated, it is quite common for people to make false claims about ineffective results. Mostly they are poorly made creams promising overnight results and you can use them for years with no results.
  • Slow treatments are the most common ones and they are available in OTC variety or on the pharmacy shelves and even online. They work but take their own sweet time. They target the cells that produce melanin in the deep dermal layers and destroy them. The skin brightening or lightening process takes time. The creams can take from anywhere to a week or four weeks to start showing results.
  • Fast treatments are the ones that have higher concentrations of active ingredients along with synthetic chemicals rather than natural ingredients. These include laser treatments and some skin whitening creams which show results in as little as seven days. They attack the melanin and not the cells that produce it.

Lower concentration of active ingredients gives slow results and high concentrations give faster results but also can do more damage to the skin if not done as per instructions. When shopping for skin whitening creams make sure that you know what the ingredients can do for you.

Here is an overview of skin-whitening active ingredients

1. Hydroquinone:

It’s one of the most potent skin-lightening agents. Results can often be noticed within a few weeks to a few months of consistent use. However, prolonged use of high concentrations should be monitored due to potential side effects like skin irritation or rebound hyperpigmentation.

How to Use: Follow the instructions provided with the product. Usually, it’s applied directly to the affected areas once or twice a day. Use a thin layer and avoid contact with eyes, mouth, and broken skin.


  • Always perform a patch test before using hydroquinone to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Limit sun exposure and use sunscreen daily as hydroquinone can increase sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Prolonged use of high concentrations may lead to side effects like skin irritation or rebound hyperpigmentation.
  • Contact a dermatologist, especially if using higher concentrations or experiencing any adverse reactions.

2. Kojic Acid:

Visible results might be observed within a few weeks to a couple of months with consistent application.

How to Use: Apply the product to affected areas once or twice daily. It’s often found in soaps, creams, and serums.


      • Like with other skin-lightening agents, perform a patch test first.
      • Some individuals might experience skin irritation or allergic reactions. Discontinue use if irritation occurs.
      • Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen as kojic acid may increase skin sensitivity.

3. Arbutin:

Similar to hydroquinone but considered milder, it may take several weeks to a few months to see noticeable effects on skin tone.

How to Use: Apply as directed by the product instructions, generally once or twice a day on the affected areas.


      • Patch testing is recommended to check for any adverse reactions.
      • Use sunscreen regularly to prevent further pigmentation and protect the skin from UV damage.

4. Azelaic Acid:

Depending on the concentration and individual response, improvements might be seen within a few weeks to a couple of months.

How to Use: Apply a thin layer to the affected areas once or twice a day.


      • Some individuals might experience mild irritation, especially at the beginning of use.
      • Sunscreen is crucial as azelaic acid can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight.

5. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):

Results can vary, but with consistent use over a few weeks to months, improvements in skin tone and reduction in pigmentation might be noticeable.

How to Use: Apply topically once or twice a day, as directed.


      • Store vitamin C products properly as they can degrade when exposed to light or air.
      • Some people may experience mild irritation. Discontinue use if irritation persists.

6. Licorice Extract:

Its effects might become apparent after a few weeks to a couple of months with regular use.

How to Use: Follow the product instructions for application frequency and amount.


      • Patch testing is recommended.
      • Discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.

7. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3):

It usually takes several weeks of consistent application to observe visible improvements in skin tone and pigmentation.

How to Use: Apply as directed, typically once or twice daily.


      • Niacinamide is generally well-tolerated but discontinue use if irritation occurs.
      • It’s compatible with most other skincare ingredients.

General Precautions:

  • Always perform a patch test before applying any new product to ensure you’re not allergic or sensitive to it.
  • Avoid using multiple potent skin-lightening ingredients simultaneously without professional advice to prevent skin irritation or adverse reactions.
  • Consistently use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) during the day to protect the skin from further pigmentation and sun damage.
  • Consult a dermatologist or skincare professional before starting any new skin-lightening regimen, especially if you have sensitive skin or any underlying skin conditions.

The skin whitening treatment cost in Mumbai varies with the type of cream you use, the duration you want to use it for, and if there are other treatments done along with it.

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Acne Treatment

Shedding Light on Blue LED Therapy: A Breakthrough in Acne Treatment

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Revealing How Blue LED Therapy Clears Acne

About 90% of the adolescent population around the world suffers from the issues of acne in their growing years. Over the years the dermatology world has developed many acne treatments including retinoids, acids, topical systemic antibiotics, peels etc.

These are used on the skin and often have side effects such as dermatitis, skin irritation, and microbial resistance to antibiotics. The latest development is the use of blue LED therapy for acne and acne scar treatment is becoming a very popular alternative treatment.

Blue light therapy for acne scar treatment in India is a unique treatment for mild to moderate inflammatory acne. Blue light has lower irradiation levels than the usual ablative treatments and directly targets the cells and tissues.

There are two types of acne namely inflammatory and non-inflammatory.  They can also have a yellowish secretion in the centre or as nodules or sometimes acne can lead to scar formation which can be inflamed. The inflammatory acne is visible on the skin and is usually looks red and appears as a bump on the skin.

Non inflammatory acne also called comedones grows inside the skin they are either closed or open. Blue light therapy kills the bacteria on the skin and is an FDA-approved treatment for acne vulgaris. There have been no reports of its damage to skin such as cancer or ageing.


Benefits of blue light therapy:

laser treatment for acne scars and LED lights are the two most popular photo modulations used in skin treatments and have proven effective in acne treatments. The blue light therapy targets the bacterium C. acnes which produce porphyrins.

These absorb the ultraviolet and blue light and cause photoexcitation hence the production of singlet oxygen which eventually leads to the destruction of bacteria. Apart from this blue light also reduces the inflammation in the outer layers of the skin.

Its benefits over other acne treatments include

  • It’s safe when done by licenced and trained practitioners.
  • Do not produce any long-term complications
  • There is no need to take antibiotics and drugs as a part of blue light treatment
  • It can be used on all parts of the body
  • Does not cause acne scarring
  • Can be used with other acne therapies
  • This can be done using at-home machines too

The antimicrobial effect of the blue light wavelength kills many different kinds of bacteria that often collect in pores and oil glands and cause acne breakouts.

Blue light for acne treatment also helps in getting rid of free radicals on the skin and delays oxidizing and skin ageing.

What is the procedure for blue light therapy?

Blue light therapy for acne treatment is a completely outpatient procedure and is done in the dermatologist’s office. Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with the dermatologist and he will examine your skin type and the extent and type of acne to determine suitability for blue light therapy.

Then they will explain the type of light used, what to expect before, in and after the treatment and how many sessions will be needed.

Before the procedure

  • For two weeks prior to blue light sessions avoid applying retinol and other exfoliating skin care products that thin the skin
  • The dermatologist will ask you to stop the anti-inflammatory drugs and maybe the blood-thinning medications
  • Protect your skin from the sun, avoid sun exposure and tanning beds etc.

At the Fermat’s office

  • On the day of the procedure make sure that your face is clean and makeup-free
  • The practitioner might give you additional treatments such as facials to open the pores before LED therapy
  • They will give you safety goggles to wear to protect the eyes from bright lights
  • The health care provider will then make you lie down on your back and put your head in a device to keep your face still. Then the practitioner will place the blue light instrument on the area of the skin that needs to be treated for acne. The device is moved in circular and repetitive movements for a few minutes. The entire treatment session takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.
  • There are no injections and the treatment is completely non-invasive and painless. At most your skin might feel a bit warm but there will be no discomfort.

Post-blue light therapy treatment

  • Immediately post the acne treatment, the skin might appear pink and red and, in a few days, you might notice some mild skin peeling.
  • For a few days afterwards the blue light treatment skin the typical skin care inclusions such as scrubs, exfoliants, topical vitamin A etc.
  • Your skin might be sensitive so make sure you don’t touch your skin often.
  • Wear sunscreen every day and be vigilant with sunblock during the recovery period.

How many treatment sessions will be needed?

Blue light therapy for acne treatment is a type of phototherapy and is rarely done in a single treatment. You might need several rounds with two to three treatments per week and over the course of four to six weeks depending on the extent of acne.

At-home treatment of acne using blue light devices

Blue light devices are also available as at-home devices in the form of masks, bands and hand-held devices. You can easily buy these online. They are simple to use and come with detailed instructions to follow. For example, in the case of blue light LED masks, you will need to use it for a few minutes each day and sit still when applying them. Similarly, in the case of hand-held devices, you will need to hold the device about 6-10 inches from the acne-infested skin for about 10 minutes every day. It is important that you follow the instructions clearly and don’t overdo the use.

Risks of blue light therapy

It is a safe procedure for most skin types but in some cases, the side effects can be

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Skin peeling
  • Mild skin irritation

In cases when the blue light is not used correctly, the treatment can cause

  • Dried pus or blisters on the side of the treatment
  • Some skin burns
  • Pain at the treated skin
  • Dark pigmentation because of overexposure to the sun


Who cannot get blue light therapy treatment?

Blue light therapy is not suitable for the treatment of blackheads, whiteheads and nodular acne. Also, you should avoid this acne treatment if

  • You are currently on antibiotic treatment
  • Your skin is sensitive to sunlight or prone to sunburn
  • You are pregnant
  • you are on Accutane
  • you have a history of certain conditions such as skin cancer or inherited eye diseases.

Continued use of blue light therapy can help control all types of mild to moderate inflammatory acne


Whether you are using an at-home device or going to a clinic blue light therapy can help you get rid of the acne if you wish to avoid prescription medications. The effects of the treatment may need to be maintained by follow-up treatments if needed. At home, blue light therapy is not as fast or effective as professional treatment but it still helps.


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Skin Rejuvenation

Microdermabrasion or Dermaplaning: Navigating Skin Rejuvenation for Your Perfect Match

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Choosing Between Microdermabrasion and Dermaplanin

Regular exfoliation is one of the best things you can do for your skin, especially the face. It removes dead skin cells, unclogs the pores, prevents breakouts, helps in skin cell turnover, and increases the efficacy of skin care products by boosting absorption.

A regular skin exfoliating routine also helps in increasing natural collagen production and improves elastin leading to a natural-looking glowing, smooth, youthful skin and preventing skin sagging and wrinkles.

The two most common skin exfoliation methods used by dermatologists worldwide are microdermabrasion and dermaplaning. They are both skin exfoliating procedures but differ in terms of procedure, results, and benefits and are better suited for particular skin concerns. So, which one is right for you?

Here is a comparison of the skin rejuvenation procedures microdermabrasion and dermaplaning so you can determine which is right for you.


The similarities

Both, microdermabrasion and dermaplaning are done by expert aestheticians in the clinic. Both are painless procedures and are often included in facial appointments to renew the skin.

Both procedures give a noticeable glow to the skin and give almost immediate results. Sometimes some dermatologists do both procedures and include it in the microdermabrasion treatment cost in India to target problem areas and give a rejuvenated look. both procedures remove dead skin cells from the face and remove years from the face.


The differences

What is microdermabrasion?

First developed in Europe in the 1980s, microdermabrasion benefit is that it is a simple and inexpensive procedure to restore youthful facial skin. It is a tried and tested exfoliating treatment. It works by removing the dead upper skin layer to reveal the new skin layer underneath.

This is done by moving a microdermabrasion handheld device over the skin that scrubs the skin. The micro-injuries created by the procedure push the skin in healing mode and increase collagen and elastin production. As the device moves over the skin it also suctions off the dead skin cells

There are two common types of microdermabrasion

  • Diamond microdermabrasion: This is the most common and modern type of skin exfoliation. The microdermabrasion device has a suction device that is covered in tiny diamonds which when moved up the skin exfoliates. The intensity of the treatment depends on the skill of the practitioner as a certain level of pressure is needed to exfoliate the skin effectively and evenly.
  • Crystal microdermabrasion: This technique is more machine-dependent and has a vacuum attached to it that sprays crystals on the skin as it is moved. These crystals exfoliate the skin.

Microdermabrasion procedures take about 30 minutes to complete. The microdermabrasion cost in India varies with the type of treatment option chosen and the number of sessions needed.

Results of microdermabrasion

Post microdermabrasion you will notice the following noticeable differences in your skin

  • Smoother skin
  • Visibly brighter complexion
  • Improved skin tightening with collagen production
  • Softer fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduced appearance of acne scars
  • Reduced pigmentation marks
  • Small pores

Generally, microdermabrasion is done over a sequence of treatments, and depending on the skin type they can range from 3-5 treatments spaced 7-10 days apart. Post treatment the skin might be a little pink but the procedure is painless. The normal skin color returns slowly as the new skin heals and the results improve with every treatment.

Microdermabrasion is not suitable for people with highly sensitive skin. it can be hard on sensitive skin. if you have a skin condition such as rosacea then your dermatologist might not recommend the treatment for you.  Pregnant people should avoid getting microdermabrasion treatment.

What is dermaplaning?

A slightly older procedure than microdermabrasion, dermaplaning came into existence in the 1970s and was traditionally used as a treatment for pimples, especially acne vulgaris caused because of clogged skin pores due to dead facial skin, bacteria, oils, etc. These also include blackheads, whiteheads and cysts, etc.

Dermaplaning gives more control to the aesthetician as they have to manually scrape off the dead skin cells from the face using a surgical blade. The blade is sharp so it needs great attention. Along with the dead skin cells, the peach fuzz on the skin also is removed.

These tiny hairs or the vellus hair are often the hotbeds for dirt and oil which can increase the breakouts and even dull the complexion. it kind of looks like shaving but is much different.

During the procedure, the blade is moved on the skin surface at a 45-degree angle gently. It takes away about two weeks of dirt, dead skin cells, and excess oil from the face. The procedure is usually combined with a light chemical peel for a strong exfoliation.

Dermaplaning is an excellent procedure for people suffering from any kind of acne and has many other benefits such as

  • Immediate results with smoother and radiant skin
  • Softer or reduced light lines and wrinkles
  • Less visible acne scarring
  • Reduced vellus hair
  • Helps in better skin care product absorption

The hair does not grow back thicker or darker. The results are seen after one session and there is no need to wait for a recovery time. The entire procedure is painless and done in an outpatient setting. Its zero-recovery time has made it very popular with celebrities worldwide.

Dermaplaning is suitable for all skin types even for those who suffer from redness or sensitivity. Aging, acne-scarred dry skin benefits from this procedure the most.

Dermaplaning does not unclog the pores and can sometimes it can cause breakouts with oily skin hence it is necessary to take good care of oily skin post dermaplaning treatment. Also, it is not a permanent hair removal process.

Dermaplaning vs microdermabrasion: Which should you choose?

It can be difficult to choose between the two, especially for first-timers and those with normal skin types.

  • If you have an immediate need for skin rejuvenation and need to get rid of dull skin, scarring, and signs of aging without redness or downtime, then dermaplaning is the way to go.
  • If you are pregnant or have sensitive skin or nursing or have recently had a chemical peel then dermaplaning will be the better option.
  • If the choice is to get rid of age spots, blackheads, dry skin, dull skin, stretch marks, sun damage, melasma, and pigmentation along with tightened skin then microdermabrasion will be a good choice.
  • If you are suffering from a fresh bout of breakouts then wait for a few weeks before exfoliation procedures.
  • Microdermabrasion is not suitable for people who have been on acne medication or have spots on the skin that can be a cause of concern or if your skin is prone to scarring.

If you are thinking of getting both, then it always will be dermaplaning before microdermabrasion. This ensures that microdermabrasion removes more debris and is highly effective. There is no right choice between the two, it will depend on the skin woes and needs.

Dermaplaning is a better choice if you have a thinner and sensitive skin. Talk to the dermatologist about the type of skin you have, the skin concern and which treatment will suit you the best. Make sure that your skin is sun-protected well after the treatments.



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Acne Treatment

Exploring Neosporin: A Guide to Its Use for Acne Treatment

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Understanding Neosporin for Acne Treatment

Acne is a common cosmetic condition and Neosporin is a common solution to the problem. When you wake up with a puss-filled zit on your face and there are no other treatments around, Neosporin can come in handy.

It is an antibiotic ointment, easily available at the pharmacy near you, commonly used for minor skin injuries. It can help in treating infected acne but cannot treat all types of acne. Let’s take a look at its efficacy, side effects, and alternatives to this acne and acne scar treatment.

Acne is the most common skin condition around the world, and therefore it is important that you know the right treatment for acne to prevent scarring and skin damage.

What causes acne?

Acne forms when the sebaceous glands are affected by the hormone levels and get worse with bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) which is a gram-positive bacteria) and inflammation and this usually happens because of

  • Excess oil production in the skin pores
  • Accumulation of dead skin cells on the skin
  • Growth of bacteria and germs in the skin cell pores

There are other factors too that can increase the risk of acne on the skin such as sun exposure, tight clothing causing friction, use of oil-based cosmetics, PCOS, genetic disposition, sun exposure, stress, skin trauma, unhealthy diet, and insulin resistance.

When the bacterial P. acnes becomes trapped under the skin it causes acne to form. And in cases when the bacteria cannot escape to the surface of the skin the infection spreads and leads to more painful cystic acne or pustules.  The common acne types include

  • Whiteheads that don’t show up on the skin
  • Blackheads that appear as tiny black dots on the skin and are most visible on the nose
  • Pustules are pimples filled with pus
  • Cystic acne is the most painful and long-lasting kind and can cause scarring such as icepick scars, pitted scars, keloid scars, etc.

Understanding what is the reason behind acne determines the treatment line for the bothersome pimples or zits.


What is Neosporin

Neosporin is an antibiotic made of three primary active ingredients namely neomycin sulfate, polymyxin b sulfate, and bacitracin zinc. It is commonly used to kill the wound bacteria for faster healing. And since acne is also caused because of bacteria it is considered to be an effective treatment for some kinds of acne and acne scaring.

  • The polymyxin antibiotic fights the gram-negative bacteria and breaks down the cell membrane to kill infection-causing bacteria.
  • Bacitracin works on gram-positive bacteria targes the cell walls and prevents cell synthesis. This stops the spread of bacteria.
  • Neomycin is effective in fighting gram-negative bacterial infections.

Out of these three ingredients, bacitracin is considered effective in acting against some causes of acne. Neosporin is only effective in fighting against bacterial infection on the surface of the skin and not the target of acne. Also, Neosporin is also known to cause contact dermatitis.

Neosporin also contains main soothing ingredients like cocoa butter, olive oil, Vitamin E, cottonseed oils, etc. which helps in moisturizing the skin in cases of acne scarring. It helps in softening the scars but does not heal them.

When does using Neosporin help?

If you have popped a pimple or accidentally popped it, it can cause scarring and even hyperpigmentation and the usual acne applications won’t work on them. Popped pimples are treated like a wound or cut on the skin and then using Neosporin two to three times a day will help. But the first step should be to contact your dermatologist before committing to any treatment in order to minimize scarring and ensure that the cause of acne is targeted well.

Excessive use or using it without the need can make the skin bacterial resistant and make it less effective against future bacterial infections. This increases the severity of future skin infections.

Secondly petroleum jelly can block the skin pores and the skin is not able to breathe properly which increases the chances of acne by manyfold. Other side effects of using Neosporin include itching, rash, hives, and damage to the skin.

What is the treatment for acne?

Instead for reaching out to the Neosporin tube lying nearby, you must know about the specific treatments for acne that are effective and give safer and long-lasting results. These include

  • Oral antibiotics which target the bacterial infections inside the skin. Antibiotics like doxycycline, minocycline, or tetracycline are prescribed to reduce inflammation and control bacteria. Usually used in moderate to severe cases.
  • Benzoyl peroxide topical treatment targets most acne-causing bacteria. It can be used in the form of cream, gel, wash, foam, etc. Benzoyl peroxide can be used one to three times a day on acne.
  • Salicylic acid topical treatment which is a milder treatment available in wash-on and leave-on formulas. Helps in unclogging pores and exfoliating dead skin cells. It does not cause any allergic reactions on the skin and can be used along with benzoyl peroxide treatment.
  • Retinoid cream or retinol creams and serums help prevent clogged pores and promote cell turnover, reducing acne. Available in prescription creams or gels.
  • Isotretinoin: A potent oral medication reserved for severe acne. It reduces oil production, prevents clogged pores, and can lead to long-term remission in many cases.
  • Birth control methods to control acne
  • Androgen blockers
  • Chemical peels: Help exfoliate the skin and unclog pores. Various strengths of peels are available.
  • Laser treatment: laser treatment for acne scars is used to target and kill acne-causing bacteria or reduce oil production.
  • Microdermabrasion: A procedure that exfoliates the skin to remove dead skin cells, aiding in unclogging pores.



Home Care and Lifestyle Changes: There are some basic things for skin care you can do at home to prevent acne from showing its appearance

  • Gentle Cleansing: Use mild, non-comedogenic cleansers twice daily to keep the skin clean without drying it out. Use lukewarm water to wash your face.
  • Avoiding Harsh Products: Some skincare products can aggravate acne. Avoid oil-based makeup and opt for non-comedogenic, oil-free products.
  • Regular Moisturizing: Even acne-prone skin needs hydration. Choose oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizers that suit your skin type. It helps reduce the skin sensitivity and irritation.
  • Avoid scrubbing your skin when you have a pimple or acne on the skin.
  • Don’t pick or pop a pimple no matter how itchy or irritating it is. Avoid touching acne with your fingers.
  • Maintain good hair health by shampooing regularly and keeping flaky scalp under control.
  • Protect your skin against sunlight and UV exposure by using non-comedogenic sunscreen and wearing sun-protective wear. Using an oil-based sunscreen can block the skin pores and increase acne.
  • If you have acne then take medications in time before they spread or become worse.
  • Healthy Diet: Some studies suggest a connection between diet and acne. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins may help. Limiting dairy and high-glycaemic foods might also be beneficial for some individuals.


Acne affects many people and its severity can vary from mild to severe and even cause scarring. However, it can be avoided by taking good care of your skin and making sure any skincare issue is treated in time.

Neosporin is not the most effective treatment for acne but it can help in some cases. It’s crucial to consult with a dermatologist to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on the type and severity of acne, as well as individual skin characteristics and medical history. Acne scar treatment in Mumbai also needs to be customized as per the patient.

Combining different treatments or approaches might be necessary for effective acne treatment and acne scar treatment. Being consistent with treatment and skin care and patient adherence to the treatment plan is key for successful acne control.


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Laser Lipolysis

Fighting Fat with Laser Lipolysis

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Exploring Laser Lipolysis as a Safe Solution

Obesity is a real issue and many men and women around the world are struggling to get rid of the extra fat on the body which refuses to budge from its place despite all the struggle of regular exercise and diet programs.

The hanging fat on the arms or the paunchy stomach or thunder thighs, as they are called, are often a big dent to the self-confidence of a person who is doing everything right but still not able to get the sculpted body he or she covets.

Thanks to modern technology, and the invention of lasers for skin care, it is now possible to have a sculpted body easily and get rid of the fat pockets that are bothering you. This process is non-invasive and is called laser lipolysis.  Laser lipolysis is a safe procedure that gives positive results with the use of different wavelengths to break them.


The purpose of laser lipolysis


Our body is made up of many things and fat cells are one of them. The fat cells do the important task of storing energy in the body. But when the fat cells accumulate, they are difficult to get rid of as the body is not expending as much energy as it should. Laser lipolysis helps to break the fat into enzymes and water or hydrolysis. There are two types of laser lipolysis:

Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL): In this process, the surgical small incisions are made in the skin and a small tube with micro laser attached is inserted in the fat under the skin. The laser targets and liquifies the fat which is then sucked out through the hollow cannula.

Non-surgical laser lipolysis:  This is a non-invasive liposuction procedure using the power of lasers. The liposuction device is small blocks which is then placed against the skin. The laser energy penetrates the skin and melts the fat.

This procedure does not burn or damage the skin in any way. The broken-down fat is then flushed out of the body through the natural lymphatic system over the next few weeks.  This type of lipolysis happens naturally in the body and also results in the loss of inches.


Benefits of Laser Lipolysis


  • Stubborn Fat Removal: Laser lipolysis is often chosen to target areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It can address fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, chin, and back.
  • Body Contouring: For individuals looking to reshape their body contours and achieve a more defined silhouette, laser lipolysis can help remove excess fat in particular areas to enhance body proportions.
  • Improved Skin Tightening: Certain types of laser lipolysis not only target fat cells but also stimulate collagen production, which can lead to improved skin tightness and reduced sagging in treated areas.
  • Minimally Invasive Option: Compared to traditional liposuction, laser lipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure that typically involves smaller incisions, leading to potentially quicker recovery times and reduced scarring.
  • Localized Treatment: Laser lipolysis can be a precise method for treating specific areas with localized fat deposits, allowing for more targeted and precise fat removal compared to non-invasive fat reduction methods.
  • It is safe to be used with other cosmetic body contouring procedures such as tummy tuck, breast augmentation, facelifts, thigh contouring, arm lift etc.
  • Enhanced Results: Combining laser energy with traditional liposuction techniques may lead to improved fat removal, smoother contours, and potentially better skin tightening compared to traditional liposuction alone.

It’s important to note that while laser lipolysis can be effective for fat reduction and body contouring, it’s not a weight-loss solution or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Candidates considering this procedure should generally be in good health, at or near their ideal weight, and have realistic expectations about the outcomes.


Results of Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis offers noticeable fat reduction and skin tightening. It targets the small deposits of fat in specific parts of the body. The results are consistent and long-lasting if the patient does not gain weight and maintains a good lifestyle.

With full treatment, you can shed up to 11kgs or 25 pounds of total body weight easily. Results can vary based on individual factors such as skin elasticity, targeted area, and lifestyle choices post-treatment.

One session of laser lipolysis lasts for about 25 minutes. One session can destroy about 24% of fat cells in the area being treated. Results start to become visible after six weeks from the treatment and the finest results are visible about 12 weeks post the treatment. The fat cells that have been destroyed won’t regenerate and this makes the results of laser lipolysis permanent.


Number of Laser Lipolysis Sessions:

The number of sessions required depends on the treatment area, the amount of fat to be reduced, and the individual’s response to the procedure. Generally, multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart may be necessary for optimal results.

Who is a suitable candidate for laser lipolysis treatment

Laser lipolysis is a completely safe procedure and can be used as an outpatient procedure. This will be an ideal procedure for you if:

  • You are an adult and in your ideal weight range (with a BMI of 30-35 and lower) but bothered by the fat pockets
  • You have stubborn fatty tissue in the abdominal, thigh, and hop region
  • The fatty pockets on your buttocks are not going away even with exercise
  • You have undergone massive weight loss but struggling with losing skin
  • You are committed to maintain a healthy weight range
  • You are not able to lose the pregnancy weight


Risks and Side Effects:

Potential risks and side effects of laser lipolysis include:

  • Bruising: The area that is being treated might feel slightly bruised and tender but this is just a very temporary issue and will go away in a few days.
  • Swelling: Some people notice slight swelling on the treated area because of the effects of the treatment but it is never a cause of worry and compression garments help clear up the swelling.
  • Temporary numbness: Some numbness and loss of sensitivity are caused on the skin during the healing period as the skin becomes tone and firmer.
  • Skin irregularities: These happen because it takes about three to six months for the body to flush out the toxins and the fat and hence one might notice some irregularities in the skin during that period. However, the results are visible immediately and keep improving over time.
  • Infection: These are caused because of improper laser lipolysis administration and the practitioner not sanitizing and closing the incisions properly.
  • Burns: Slight burning and tingling sensation happen because the laser uses hot heat to break down the fatty tissue under the skin. The laser devices come with a cooling feature that prevents the skin’s surface from overheating and causing damage.
  • Scarring (rare)



Before and After:

Before the procedure, patients undergo a consultation to discuss expectations, potential risks, and pre-treatment instructions. After treatment, individuals may experience swelling and mild discomfort, followed by a gradual improvement in the treated area’s appearance over several weeks to months.


Lifestyle After Treatment:

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is crucial to sustaining the results of laser lipolysis. This helps prevent fat regain in treated areas.


Laser Lipolysis Cost in India:

The laser lipolysis cost in India can vary based on factors such as the treatment area, the clinic’s reputation, the expertise of the practitioner, and the number of sessions required. On average, the cost may range from ₹30,000 to ₹1,50,000 per session, depending on these variables.



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Diamond Microdermabrasion

Diving into Diamond Microdermabrasion: A Sparkling Approach to Skin Rejuvenation

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Discovering Diamond Microdermabrasion for Glowing Skin

Just imagine having super silky skin at all times without having to undergo long recovery times or invasive treatments. Sounds like a dream come true, doesn’t it? The good news is that it is a reality, just 35 minutes of your time, this skin rejuvenation treatment will revive your skin.

The answer is diamond microdermabrasion! The mention of diamonds might make you think that this procedure is only for the rich but that is just not true. Microdermabrasion cost in India makes it one of the most affordable paths to skin rejuvenation.

Diamond microdermabrasion focuses on removing the dead skin cells and stimulating and hydrating the new skin cells. This gives the skin a refreshed look as the elastic fibres get a fresh boost of life from the first round of treatment itself.

The procedure is safe and effective for all skin types and does not risk in any form. Let us know more about this innovative approach to skin rejuvenation.


What is microdermabrasion?

It is a skin exfoliation technique that was developed by an Italian dermatologist. The inspiration came from the ancient Egyptian method of using sandpaper to scrub the dead skin off the patients and smoothening the skin to appear rested and young. In Germany, the skin experts were using the painful methods of scraping the skin to remove the upper layer.

Italy was the first to develop the modern methods of using a mechanical machine to correct the removed skin cells and since then there have been many advances in the method and diamond microdermabrasion is the newest and most effective microdermabrasion today.


Diamand microdermabrasion

Offered by most top dermatologists, spas and cosmetic clinics, diamond microdermabrasion is the method of exfoliating the skin using an instrument made with a diamond head attached to a wand.

This method is quite precise and lets the dermatologist target the areas of skin more accurately, making it safer to be used around sensitive areas such as mouth, eyes, and lips than other skin rejuvenation treatments.


How does diamond microdermabrasion work?

Best known for combatting the early signs of ageing, this glamorous-sounding skin care treatment is actually as simple as safely buffing up the skin. The diamond-coated device can be safely moved over the skin to remove the damaged skin cells.

The aesthetician can adjust the roughness of the diamond tip depending on the skin’s needs. The suction around the eyes or the sensitive skin around the neck is less and around the problem areas, it is more. These settings help reduce skin damage, through which you can reverse the effects of skin damage with microdermabrasion.

Also, with diamond microdermabrasion, there are fewer chances of particles of abraded skin entering the body through the nose, mouth and eyes. It is a form of mechanical skin exfoliation and it can be used on all parts of the body treating multiple skin concerns at the same time.



Microdermabrasion benefits everybody and anyone who wants to improve their skin condition or generally work towards skin rejuvenation for healthy and glowing skin all day long. Here is a list of benefits of diamond microdermabrasion in India

  • Improved skin tone and colour
  • Clear skin pores
  • Lesser breakouts
  • Softer, younger-looking skin
  • Renewed skin elasticity
  • Reduced visibility of acne scars
  • Reduced early signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines
  • Lessened age spots and sun damage
  • Improves absorption of skin care products
  • Improves skin vitality

Advantages of diamond microdermabrasion


  1. Exfoliation: The procedure effectively exfoliates the skin, helping to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. This process can improve the skin’s texture and overall appearance.
  2. Stimulates Collagen Production: The exfoliation process and the mild trauma to the skin stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. This can result in firmer, more youthful-looking skin over time.
  3. Enhances Product Absorption: By removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, microdermabrasion allows skincare products to penetrate the skin more effectively. This can enhance the effectiveness of serums, moisturizers, and other skincare products used after the procedure.
  4. Reduces Appearance of Blemishes: It can help minimize the appearance of acne scars, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, and blackheads, leading to a more even skin tone and a reduction in skin imperfections.
  5. Evens out skin texture: the removal of dead skin cells, and enhanced collagen production make the skin smoother and youthful.
  6. Gunks out clogged pores: The pores and hence the skin is able to breathe more easily because the procedure loosens the excess oil buildup and makes facial extractions less painful and simpler.
  7. Non-invasive Procedure: Diamond microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that doesn’t require anaesthesia or downtime. It is generally safe for most skin types and colours.
  8. Quick and Painless: The procedure is relatively quick and painless, making it a convenient option for individuals seeking skin rejuvenation without significant discomfort or recovery time.
  9. Can Be Used on Various Body Areas: Besides the face, microdermabrasion can be performed on other areas of the body like the neck, chest, back, and hands to improve skin texture and appearance.


Who is a suitable candidate for diamond microdermabrasion?

The best candidates for diamond peel microdermabrasion are those

  • who have skin sensitivities to chemicals or makeup
  • who have an acne prone skin
  • who are facing early signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles
  • who want to refresh the appearance of their skin
  • who want to diminish the signs of pigmentation, scars and stretch marks
  • who are healthy
  • who don’t want to go in for an invasive skin treatment procedure
  • need immediate results which do not require major downtime


How is diamond microdermabrasion done?

The procedure is done after an in-depth consultation with the practitioner who will ask about your medical history and make sure that the reasons for getting the treatment are healthy. Then after examining the skin and explaining the expected results along with a number of sessions needed, they will fix a date for the treatment.

On the day of the treatment, the dermatologist will cleanse your skin, cover your eyes and ears for protection and begin the bespoke diamond microdermabrasion treatment as decided. The therapist will move the diamond-tipped wand on the skin, creating a gentle vacuum which will exfoliate the skin and treat the skin issues.


Diamond vs crystal: Which one is better

Crystal microdermabrasion is kind of like a sandpapering procedure in which the aluminium oxide crystals are sprayed on the skin which exfoliates the skin. However, since the practitioner has less control over the shape and intensity of the crystals, they can be abrasive and cause inflammation on the skin.

It can worsen the conditions such as rosacea or inflammation. The results are less visible and many times it is difficult to remove the crystals completely. Diamond microdermabrasion on the other hand is much more precise and does not leave any debris behind.

It can reach hard-to-reach places such as close to eyes and mouth and your aestheticians will have full control of the entire process. This is like sandblasting the skin and diamond particles are much gentler on the skin than the aluminium oxide crystals.


How many treatments do you need?

The treatment can be done in many sessions for the full results. A diamond microdermabrasion treatment is done once every two weeks or one month depending on the time your skin needs to heal in between sessions. The full course might need four to six treatments.

When can you see the results?

The results improve progressively with every session. From the first session itself, you will see the difference in the skin as it will appear fresher, cleaner, smoother and softer and by the third treatment you will see more visible results.


Diamond microdermabrasion with other treatments

This is a great procedure to get done before a facial. It helps the facial products penetrate better and be more effective. It also makes removing blackheads easier. This can also be done with light treatments for a safe and comprehensive skin care approach.

Microdermabrasion is not covered by insurance and therefore discuss the microdermabrasion cost in India at your clinic before the treatment.


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psoriasis treatment in mumbai

Deciphering Scalp Issues: Dandruff or Psoriasis? A Guide to Spotting the Difference

Dandruff vs. Psoriasis – An Informative Comparison

A flaky and itchy scalp is a common issue affecting men, women, and children worldwide. When you first notice the white flakes on your shoulders, the first reaction is almost always: Yuck. Unwanted scaly scalp is one of the most bothersome skin conditions in the world.

Most of us try to self-treat the dandruff with home remedies or OTC products, but what if it is more than just dandruff and you are treating it wrong?

It can be a much worse condition therefore understanding psoriasis is crucial in the case of scalp psoriasis which needs a different treatment plan and care for scalp health. Dandruff is a skin condition whereas, scalp psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disorder.

Both dandruff and scalp psoriasis have itching and scaling as common symptoms but it is difficult to distinguish between the two on your own as it is hard to inspect your scalp. Given below are some points to spotting the difference between the two.


What is dandruff?

Dandruff is the common name for seborrheic dermatitis and it causes the skin on the scalp to become dry and flake off. The main cause is yeast growth which causes scalp inflammations. The yeast infection causes the skin cells to go into production to help take the infection. The skin has more cells that it can shed and the flakes form.

The yeast is called Malassezia and it feeds off the oil on your scalp, if you don’t shampoo your scalp regularly it can cause the oily skin to become flaky. Sometimes the infection can also cause dry parts of your body. Other causes include

  • Bad reaction to hair care products such as shampoo or mask
  • Leaving styling products shampoo or conditioner on your scalp for too long irritates the scalp
  • Allergy to certain hair care products
  • Lack of hair hygiene
  • Hormonal changes in males
  • Weakened immune systems

Seborrheic dermatitis also appears as a lightening of the skin and causes lesions on the skin which can spread to the eyebrows, chest hair and even groin hair. Males are more likely to get dandruff than women. Dandruff is not a serious condition but cold and dry climate is known to aggravate the condition.


What is scalp psoriasis?

This is a more serious condition than the common dandruff. It is a skin inflammatory condition that causes the skin cells to multiply at a faster rate than the skin’s natural cycle can handle. This leads to the pile-up of dead skin cells on the surface.

This creates flaky, shiny patches of skin that are itchy and inflamed and appear to be spreading. Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the antibodies attack the healthy skin tissues.

Psoriasis is common on the scalp, elbows, knees, and back and it can take different forms. Serious breakouts of scalp psoriasis can be red and painful and they might spread to the back of the neck from the scalp and start coming off in small patches.

Psoriasis requires medical attention to control. It is a chronic condition and it comes and goes. There are some common triggers that might cause psoriasis flareups such as

  • Infections
  • Weather changes
  • Injuries on the skin
  • Increased stress levels
  • Smoking
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol consumption


Symptoms of dandruff and scalp psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a permanent condition whereas dandruff might come and go. The difference in symptoms is in terms on the location on the body where they occur. Dandruff can reach the scalp and ears and sometimes even eyebrows, and eyelids but scalp psoriasis can manifest anywhere on the body.

It is also possible to have it only on the scalp and nowhere else but there can be symptoms elsewhere on the body. Changes can even occur on fingers, toenails, etc.

Dandruff symptoms

  • Mild redness on the affected area of the scalp
  • Overly oily scalp
  • Itchy scalp
  • The flakes are whitish yellow in colour
  • The cradle cap or the crusty skin on the infant’s scalp
  • Skin infections because of scratching
  • Acne on forehead or cheeks

Scalp psoriasis symptoms

  • Starts with small red bumps on the scalp increases in size and form and becomes scaly
  • Lesions develop on the scalp and it becomes flaky
  • The itchy area becomes thick with red or white plaques that are covered with silvery scales
  • Uncontrolled itching makes the scales worse making them prone to infections
  • Excessive and extensive hair loss in severe cases

While these symptoms and causes might look alike and are subtly different. A skilled dermatologist will be able to make the correct diagnosis for effective treatment.

Understanding the difference between dandruff and scalp psoriasis is the key to device the right psoriasis treatment in Mumbai.

Treatment for dandruff and Scalp psoriasis

There is really no way to prevent dandruff or scalp psoriasis but both can be treated and controlled.


Treatment for dandruff

The first line of treatment is over-the-counter medicated shampoos, lotions, or conditioners. These contain a cocktail of ingredients to treat the dandruff flakes. Tar shampoos are also a good option for reducing inflammations but it might lighten the hair color.

Another popular ingredient is salicylic acid which gives quick results. The third dandruff treatment element is zinc or selenium-based products which are antifungal and reduce the itching greatly.

Dandruff scalp products should be used two to three times a week and make sure you use a good conditioner post the wash. Once you get the results then switch to once or twice a week for some time for maintenance purposes.


Psoriasis treatment in Mumbai

This depends on the extent of psoriasis on the body.

Topical Treatments:

    • Corticosteroids: These are commonly prescribed in various forms such as creams, ointments, foams, or shampoos. They can help reduce inflammation, itching, and scaling.
    • Coal Tar Preparations: Shampoos or solutions containing coal tar can effectively reduce itching, inflammation, and scaling.
    • Topical Vitamin D Analogues: Calcipotriene is a synthetic form of vitamin D that can help slow down the growth of skin cells, reducing scaling and inflammation.
    • Topical Retinoids: These are derived from vitamin A and may help to reduce inflammation.

Medicated Shampoos:

    • Salicylic Acid Shampoos: These can help soften and remove scales when used regularly.
    • Ketoconazole Shampoos: They are antifungal agents that can be effective in reducing scalp inflammation.

Phototherapy (Light Therapy):

    • UVB Phototherapy: Exposing the affected area to UVB light can help reduce scaling, itching, and inflammation. This can be done under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Systemic Medications:

    • Oral Medications: In severe cases or when scalp psoriasis doesn’t respond to other treatments, oral medications like methotrexate, cyclosporine, or acitretin may be prescribed. These medications can have significant side effects and require close monitoring by a healthcare professional.


    • Biologic Agents: These are newer medications for psoriasis treatment in Mumbai that target specific parts of the immune system involved in psoriasis. They are usually reserved for severe cases and are administered by injection or intravenously.

Moisturizing and Care:

    • Regular use of moisturizers and gentle care of the scalp can help alleviate dryness and itchiness.


Before starting any treatment, it’s essential to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional who can evaluate the severity of the scalp psoriasis and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment effectiveness may vary from person to person, so a healthcare provider can determine the best course of action based on individual circumstances and medical history.


Lifestyle changes

Some basic lifestyle changes can help you avoid dandruff and prevent scalp psoriasis flare-ups.

  • Maintain good hair health by using the right shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type.
  • Try to keep stress away from your life as it is the biggest trigger of skin issues

Quit smoking and alcohol

  • Adopt a better diet that helps the skin heal and keeps it hydrated
  • Keep the scalp moisturized by using good fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products to avoid irritation.
  • Avoiding Scratching: While it might be tempting to scratch the itchy scalp, avoid doing so as it can worsen the condition and lead to potential infection. Instead, use gentle movements to loosen scales.
  • Avoiding Trauma to Scalp: Protect the scalp from injury or trauma as it can worsen psoriasis symptoms. Be gentle while brushing or styling hair to minimize irritation.
  • Sun Exposure: Some individuals find that moderate exposure to sunlight helps improve their psoriasis symptoms. However, it’s essential to protect the skin from sunburns by using sunscreen or wearing a hat.


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Skin Lightening Treatment | Cosmetic Dermatologist India

Skin Lightening Treatment in Mumbai, Skin Lightening Treatment Cost in Mumbai

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What is Skin its Cost and Mechanisms?

Skin lightening or skin brightening treatments are cosmetic procedures meant to bring out the natural color of the skin. The skin tries to protect itself against sun rays by increasing the production of tyrosinase enzyme, which in turn increases the production of melanin and hence the darker color of the skin. This is one of the main causes that the skin tone differs in different parts of our bodies. Most people see sharp differences between the face and torso skin tones and the top of the arm and hand skin tones.

Skin tone is an important ingredient of the beauty standards around the world. An even skin tone is always appreciated. The skin consists of many layers and one of them is the basial layer which is the innermost layer of the skin. This layer is the host for skin cells to divide and form the protective outer layer of the skin. the outer layer of the skin has melanocyte cells which produce melanin giving the skin its colour. Overproduction of the enzyme leads to hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.  The dark and light skin tone is a cause of bother for many. Fortunately, the perfect remedy for this is the skin-lightening treatment in Mumbai. These treatments aim to reduce the production of melanin and heal the skin to prevent hyperpigmentation in the future.

Achieving and maintaining an even skin tone can offer several advantages, both in terms of appearance and overall skin health. Here are some of the key advantages of having an even skin tone:

  • Enhanced appearance as the skin gets a smoother, youthful, and healthier look. Skin lightening treatments take care of skin imperfections like dark spots, redness, uneven pigmentation, melasma, etc., and bring out the natural skin radiance.
  • Boosted confidence because when you feel good about your skin, you feel more confident, and requiring less makeup boosts your self-esteem.
  • Less visible signs of aging as even skin tone reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles greatly.
  • Improved skin health and even skin tone go hand in hand. By addressing issues like hyperpigmentation, redness, and acne scars through skin-lightening treatments in Mumbai, you can promote better overall skin health. Treating these problems can also help prevent further damage.
  • Simplified makeup routine when your skin tone is even, you can opt for a more natural routine.
  • Reduced acne scaring with skin lightning treatments as the procedure helps fade acne scars and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, providing a smoother complexion and reducing the visibility of past breakouts.
  • Sun Damage Prevention: Achieving an even skin tone often involves protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. This helps prevent sun damage, which can lead to issues like sunspots, redness, and uneven pigmentation.
  • Encouraging healthier skin habits such as using sunscreen regularly, adopting a suitable skincare routine, and avoiding habits that harm the skin come as a benefit of skin brightening treatments.


Cutting Edge Skin Lightening Treatments

It’s important to note that achieving and maintaining an even skin tone may require a combination of skincare practices, professional treatments, and lifestyle changes. Consulting with a dermatologist or skincare specialist can help you develop a personalized plan to address your specific skin concerns and enjoy the advantages of an even skin tone. The most common treatments include

  • Use Of Skin Brightening Products:

The common cosmetic products include Arbutin, Retinol, Vitamin C, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, and Kojic Acid. Arbutin helps in skin depigmentation and is an extract of the blueberry plant. Retinol is a popular anti-aging and skin-lightening ingredient, and it improves cell turnover collagen production and improves complexion. Kojic acid is a type of fungi and is used as a lightning as well as an anti-aging agent. It works by inhibiting melanin production. Alpha Hydroxy Acids are used to improve skin exfoliation and the popular ones are lactic acid, citric acid, glycolic acid, etc. Vitamin C protects against sun damage and keeps the skin elastic.

  • Prescription products

    Hydroquinone inhibits Skin melanin formation and pigmentation.

  • Medi Facials

    These are medical-grade facial procedures that are curated by dermatologists. They involve the use of specific creams, exfoliation, and techniques such as microdermabrasion, LED therapy, photo rejuvenation, and even lasers to amplify and elongate the results.

  • Microdermabrasion

    This procedure is one of the most popular skin-lightening treatments in Mumbai. This treatment uses a diamond tip tool to gently abrade the top layer of the skin. The abrasion removes skin imperfections and brings out the brighter skin under the layer of dead skin cells. Microdermabrasion injuries also help increase collagen production and improve skin firming.

  • Chemical Peels

    These are specific chemical mixes that when applied on the skin, remove the upper layer of the skin. the skin underneath is smoother and healthier as it regrows. However, chemical peels are not used on people who have darker complexions, skin pigmentations, cold sores, or scar tissues.

  • Glutathione

    This is a new age and the most popular skin-lightening treatment in Mumbai. Glutathione is naturally present in human cells and helps in boosting the immune system and detoxify the body. It is also an antioxidant and is used in the form of pills, injections, and lotions on the skin. When it interacts with the skin it works by lightening melanin colour and deactivating tyrosinase enzyme. It also reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes.

  • Mesotherapy

    This is a cosmetic procedure of delivering skin brightening agents directly to the skin layer. Mesotherapy creates tiny injuries in the skin and ingredients like glutathione, vitamin C, and Kojic acid are able to reach the deep layers of the skin. The result is improved hydration, facial rejuvenation, and reduction in free radical damage.

  • Laser Skin Resurfacing

    this is one of the most effective procedures for skin lightening. The laser light ablates the top layer of the skin and reveals the smoother, even-toned skin underneath. As the top layer of the skin vaporizes the new skin that grows under it is free of imperfections such as fine lines and hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and patchy skin. Erbium, Q-switched, and fractional CO2 lasers are the most popularly used lasers for skin-lightening treatments.

There can be many reasons causing your skin to become darker and to look different for many reasons. Talk to your dermatologist about which treatment will for your skin how long will the results last and how to take care of your skin well to keep the results.

Skin Lightening Treatment Cost

The cost of skin lightening treatments in Mumbai, or any other location, can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of treatment, the area to be treated, the severity of the skin condition, and the clinic or dermatologist you choose and the techniques used by the dermatologists. It’s essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist or skincare specialist for an accurate assessment of your specific needs and a personalized skin-lightening treatment cost estimate in Mumbai. Here are some common skin-lightening treatments and their approximate price ranges in Mumbai:

Chemical Peels:

Chemical peels can help improve skin texture and reduce pigmentation. The cost can range from ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 or more per session, depending on the type and depth of the peel.


This procedure uses tiny crystals to exfoliate the skin’s surface. Prices typically range from ₹1,500 to ₹4,000 per session.

Laser Skin Resurfacing:

Laser treatments for skin lightening can range from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 or more per session, depending on the type of laser used and the area being treated. Multiple sessions may be required.

Topical Lightening Creams:

Over-the-counter and prescription skin-lightening creams can vary in cost. Prices can range from a few hundred rupees to several thousand rupees per product, depending on the brand and ingredients.

In-Office Lightening Treatments:

Dermatologists may offer in-office treatments like mesotherapy or intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy. Costs can vary widely, and it’s best to consult with the dermatologist for pricing.

Combination Treatments:

Some individuals may benefit from a combination of treatments, which can impact the overall cost.

The second impacting factor for the price of skin-lightening treatment in Mumbai is the extent of the area involved and the demographic location of the clinic.

It’s important to keep in mind that the number of sessions required for the desired results can also affect the total skin-lightening treatment cost in Mumbai. Additionally, follow-up appointments and maintenance treatments may be necessary to maintain the results over time.

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Non-Surgical Liposuction

What is Cost of Non-Surgical Liposuction and its How Does it Work

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What is the Cost of Non-Surgical Liposuction and How Does it Work

There is no doubt that obesity is one of the biggest issues in the world today. Obesity leads to many medical issues such as heart disease, and organ damage and it also affects the self-esteem and confidence of a person. Hence recent times have seen a growing number of people working towards losing weight and gaining a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction procedures aid people by removing the stubborn fat pockets that don’t go away with diet and exercise. Fat reduction has been a popular cosmetic treatment for decades.

The latest in this technology is non-surgical liposuction with tens of thousands of men and women opting for this treatment. This procedure is a non-surgical alternative to traditional surgical liposuction.  Nonsurgical liposuction is a body contouring procedure of permanently reducing the fat cells in the target areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, neck, back, upper arms, etc. provided the patient maintains a healthy weight and lifestyle. Just like any other cosmetic treatment the cost of non-surgical liposuction plays an important role for patients in opting for the treatment.

Non-surgical liposuction cost depends on many factors such as

  • The type of procedure used

    Best experts will first analyze the fat cell areas in your body before selecting the right non-surgical liposuction procedure. It is important to remember there are different types of non-surgical liposuction procedures available and each method may have specific eligibility criteria and considerations. During your consultation, your healthcare provider will assess your candidacy and discuss which procedure, if any, is the most suitable option for you. The aim of each type of procedure is to melt the fat away only the process is different:

  • Cry lipolysis

    This is the procedure of fat freezing using a specialized device. The frozen cells are naturally removed from the body in the next several weeks. This process needs no downtime and has long-lasting results.

  • Laser liposuction or lipolysis

    The targeted light from the laser beams breaks down the stubborn fat cells and they are then flushed out of the body through the natural drainage process. This process has a short recovery time and safe, long-lasting results.

  • Ultrasound cavitation

    In this type of liposuction, the ultrasound emits high-frequency sound waves which break down the fat cells. This process has no downtime and gives great contouring results.

  • Radiofrequency Lipolysis

    The frequency waves emit high energy that targets the fat cells and heats them up into breaking. This is also a completely non-invasive procedure and needs no downtime.

  • Surgeon’s expertise

    Non-surgical liposuction and body contouring require great skill on the cosmetic surgeon’s part. The surgeon has to know exactly which areas the fat cells need to be destroyed and how many fat cells to target. Fat cells once destroyed don’t grow back. To make sure that the results are stress-free, perfect, and without skin damage, you need to make sure that you go only to the best cosmetic or plastic surgeon for the procedure.

  • Location Of the Clinic or The Hospital

    Nonsurgical liposuction cost varies with the geographical location of the clinic too. The clinics in metro cities charge more than those in B or C-class cities. You have to find the balance between one clinic that uses the latest technology, has the best surgeon, and still is not heavy in the pocket.

  • Insurance Coverage

    Non-surgical liposuction might not be covered by insurance but you can still talk to your insurer about the coverage.

  • Number Of Sessions Required

    The cost of non-surgical liposuction increases with the number of sessions needed. Some patients can see the difference in just one session but in cases where fat cells are not destroyed fully, a number of sessions might be needed with a time of four to six weeks in between them.

  • Size And the Number of Areas Being Treated

    The cost of non-surgical liposuction also differs on the basis of the area being treated and the number of areas with fat deposits that need contouring. The larger the area size or number of areas the higher the cost of the procedure.


How does non-surgical liposuction work?

The principle is simple, just target the fat cells and melt or destroy them. The body’s natural drainage and lymphatic system flush out the dead fat cells from the body. Post the non-surgical procedure you will notice smoother and better contoured skin. There are no incisions or scars made in this procedure and you won’t have to stay in the hospital or disrupt your regular lifestyle.

Who can get a non-surgical liposuction procedure?

Eligibility for non-surgical liposuction may vary depending on the specific procedure and individual factors. Here are some general considerations for candidates:

  1. Good Overall Health

    Candidates should be in good overall health with no significant medical conditions that could contraindicate the procedure. A consultation with a qualified healthcare provider is essential to assess your health status and determine suitability.

  2. Stable Weight

    Non-surgical liposuction is most effective for individuals who are close to their ideal body weight or have stable weight. It is not a weight loss method but rather a body contouring procedure to target localized fat pockets.

  3. Realistic Expectations

    Candidates should have realistic expectations about the results of non-surgical liposuction. While it can provide noticeable fat reduction and body contouring, it may not achieve the same level of fat removal as surgical liposuction.

  4. Localized Fat Deposits

    Non-surgical liposuction is best suited for targeting specific areas of localized fat, such as the abdomen, thighs, flanks, arms, or chin. It may not be appropriate for individuals with larger or widespread fat deposits.

  5. Skin Elasticity

    The quality and elasticity of the skin in the treatment area are essential factors. Non-surgical liposuction procedures often work best when the skin can contract and conform to the new contour after fat reduction. Loose, excess skin may require additional treatments or surgical procedures for optimal results.

  6. Commitment to Healthy Lifestyle

    Candidates should be committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. Non-surgical liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining results often requires ongoing efforts.

The best way to determine if you are a suitable candidate for non-surgical liposuction is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon, the best dermatologist in India, or another qualified healthcare provider. They can evaluate your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment based on your goals and anatomy.


Traditional liposuction vs Nonsurgical liposuction

Liposuction and non-surgical fat reduction procedures are two different approaches to reducing excess body fat. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on factors like individual goals, preferences, budget, and medical considerations. Here’s a comparison of liposuction and non-surgical fat reduction:


  • Surgical procedure
  • Gives dramatic and immediate results as compared to the non-invasive version
  • Longer recovery time accompanied by bruising, swelling, and discomfort for a few weeks post-liposuction procedures.
  • Long-term results if a healthy lifestyle is maintained
  • Suitable for individuals with large fat deposits and looking for significant fat reduction.
  • Has a higher cost than the nonsurgical lipolysis procedure
  • The surgeon can visualize the fat reduction and know exactly how much fat is removed

Non-Surgical Liposuction

  • Is non-invasive and means so scarring, incision, or anesthesia.
  • Offers gradual results that take weeks to appear and might need multiple sessions
  • Have shorter recovery times and the side effects are mild swelling or redness but there is no disruption in regular life.
  • Results are long-term but not as long-lasting as surgical liposuction
  • Suitable for candidates with smaller fat deposits who prefer noninvasive options and are looking for lesser downtime.
  • Non-surgical fat reduction procedures can be more cost-effective initially, but since multiple sessions may be needed, the overall cost can add up.
  • Since the treatment is done from outside it is challenging for the cosmetic surgeon to see where the fat destruction has been done. Difficult-to-access areas and scar tissues can influence the results.

Ultimately the choice between surgical and non-surgical fat reduction depends on your specific goals, tolerance for downtime and recovery, budget, and the recommendations of a qualified healthcare provider. It’s essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist to discuss your options and determine the most suitable approach for your unique needs.

About Dr. Rinky Kapoor

Dr. Rinky Kapoor- Best Dermatologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Co-founder of The Esthetic Clinics, is one of the best dermatologists in the world & currently practices in Mumbai, India. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist at S L Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. Dr. Kapoor is trained at the National Skin Centre, Singapore & at Stanford University, USA. A celebrity skin doctor, Dr. Rinky Kapoor has won many honors such as “Best Dermatologist in Mumbai”, “Most Valuable & Admired Cosmetic Dermatologist in India” & “Best Dermatologist in India”, etc for her expert dermatology care, affordable & reliable skin care, hair care & nail care Read more

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