Author Archives: Dr. Rinky Kapoor

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Ultimate Guide for Myth & Facts About Skin Whitening Treatment

Ultimate Guide for Myth & Facts About Skin Whitening Treatment in Mumbai

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Ultimate Guide for Myth & Facts About Skin Whitening Treatment

Looking beautiful, younger and fit is some thing that every man and woman wants. But the skin is not the same for everyone and not every one is born with the same skin type. Some people have dark skin, some tan easily, while some never so much as get a pimple. We live in a conservative society for long and most people are often obsessed with fairer skin colours and this thinking reflects in their choices for hiring someone for a job or choosing a partner.  Such traditions have prompted a rise in the demand of skin whitening treatments for oneself and their children.

We all have heard stories about our Asian ancestors using some traditional methods such as using turmeric, saffron, milk, gram flour, lime, tomato etc to lighten down the skin.  these are good for skin but they often don’t give the results that modern people need. An in-today’s world, people don’t have the time for making face packs and don’t have the patience to wait for the results. Skin whitening treatments are sophisticated non-surgical treatments that reduce the melanin pigment and result in whiter skin.

How does the skin get its colour

The skin contains a pigment call melanin which determines the colour of the skin. The amount of melanin present and its concentration under the skin is determined by your gens and the environment that you live in. More the exposure to the sun, the more is the presence of melanin and hence the skin appears darker. This happens to protect the skin against the damages of sun especially skin cancer.

Why skin lightening treatment

Skin lighting treatments affect the excess pigmentation in the skin and reduce the concentration of melanin. The most popular skin lightening treatments include

  1. Topical Skin Whitening Products:

  • Skin Lightening Creams: These creams often contain ingredients like kojic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin C, niacinamide, and liquorice extract to reduce pigmentation, even out skin tone, and promote a brighter complexion. Over-the-counter and prescription-strength options are available.
  • Hydroquinone Creams: Hydroquinone is a potent skin-lightening agent available in prescription and over-the-counter formulations. It’s essential to use hydroquinone under medical supervision as it can have side effects.
  1. Chemical Peels:

  • Dermatologists often perform chemical peels using solutions containing glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or other chemical agents. These peels help exfoliate the top layers of skin, reducing pigmentation and improving skin texture.
  1. Microdermabrasion:

  • Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that uses a machine to exfoliate the outer layer of skin, helping to reduce dark spots, fine lines, and uneven skin tone.
  1. Laser Skin Whitening:

  • Fractional Laser Resurfacing: Fractional CO2 cost in India or fractional erbium laser treatments can target specific areas of pigmentation and stimulate collagen production. They are often used to treat more severe pigmentation issues and can require downtime for recovery.
  • Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser: This laser is often used to target and lighten specific pigmented areas, such as dark spots and melasma.
  1. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy:

  • IPL therapy uses intense pulses of light to target pigmented areas, such as sunspots or freckles. It can be effective for improving overall skin tone and reducing pigmentation.
  1. Chemical Skin Whitening:

  • Intravenous (IV) Glutathione: Some clinics offer IV glutathione treatments, claiming they can lighten skin. However, the safety and efficacy of these treatments are a subject of debate in the medical community.
  1. Home Remedies and Natural Treatments:

  • Some individuals may opt for home remedies using natural ingredients like turmeric, lemon juice, or aloe vera for skin lightening. While these remedies may offer mild benefits, they should be used with caution as they can sometimes irritate the skin.

Most people opt for one or the other skin lightening treatments because of their better precision, faster processing, long term results and no risk of skin damage. However, with so many options such as over the counter creams, lotions etc. calming instant fairer and whiter skin it is easy to be misled. These often contain steroids and bleaching agents which do more harm to skin than good. Skin whitening treatments have gained popularity in various parts of the world, often due to cultural preferences and perceptions of beauty  there are many myths and facts related to skin whitening treatment in Mumbai that one should be ware of.

Myth: Skin whitening treatments are same as bleaching the skin

Fact: This is a big misconception that bleaching whitens the skin. Using a skin bleach only temporarily changes the colour of facial skin and hair but skin whitening treatment is more advanced and works in much deeper skin layers than just the surface. Skin whitening treatment in Mumbai is the process of repairing the skin tone and restore its original fair glow. Bleaching dries the skin whereas skin brightening treatments improve the skin and also protect it against the damage.

Myth: Skin Whitening Is the Same as Skin Lightening or Brightening.

Fact: These terms are often used interchangeably, but they can refer to slightly different goals. “Skin whitening” typically implies a more drastic change in skin colour, often to achieve a lighter or fairer complexion. “Skin lightening” or “skin brightening” treatments aim to improve the skin’s overall tone, reduce pigmentation issues like dark spots or uneven skin tone, and enhance radiance without necessarily making the skin significantly lighter.

Myth All Skin Whitening Treatments can be Harmful.

Fact: Not all skin whitening treatments are inherently harmful. Many treatments suggested by expert skin whitening dermatologists use safe ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), vitamin C, and niacinamide to address pigmentation issues and improve overall skin health. However, some products contain potentially harmful ingredients like mercury or hydroquinone, which can lead to adverse health effects with long-term use. It’s essential to choose products with safe and approved ingredients and consult with a dermatologist before starting any skin whitening regimen.

Myth Skin Whitening Is Suitable for All Skin Types.

Fact: Skin whitening treatments may not be suitable for everyone, especially individuals with naturally darker skin tones. Some treatments can lead to complications like hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone when used on darker skin. It’s crucial to consult with a dermatologist who can recommend safe and appropriate treatments based on your skin type and concerns.

Myth Skin Whitening Treatments Give instant result.

Fact: Skin whitening treatments usually require time and consistent use to show noticeable results and they too appear gradually.  You may need several weeks or even months of treatment before you see significant improvements in skin tone and pigmentation issues. Quick and dramatic changes in skin colour can be risky and may lead to adverse effects.

Myth Natural Remedies Are Always Safe for Skin Whitening.

Fact: While some natural ingredients like liquorice root, kojic acid, and papaya extract, turmeric, milk can help with skin lightening, not all natural remedies are safe or effective. Lemon juice, for example, is often used as a natural skin lightener, but its high acidity can irritate the skin and lead to sun sensitivity. Natural remedies should also be used cautiously and with proper guidance.

Myth Skin Whitening Is Permanent.

Fact: Most skin whitening treatments, whether topical products or procedures, require ongoing maintenance to sustain the results. If you discontinue treatment or do not protect your skin from sun exposure, pigmentation issues may return.

It’s crucial to prioritize skin health over achieving a particular skin tone. Consulting with a dermatologist is essential to determine the safest and most effective approach for addressing any skin concerns or goals you may have, whether it involves lightening, brightening, or maintaining your skin’s natural beauty. Additionally, promoting overall skin health through proper cleansing, sun protection, and a balanced diet is essential for achieving and maintaining beautiful and radiant skin.

It’s important to note that any skin whitening treatment should be approached with caution, and you should consult with a skin whitening dermatologist or skincare professional before starting any treatment to ensure it’s suitable for your skin type and concerns.

Remember that achieving a lighter skin tone should not come at the expense of your skin’s health. Sun protection with sunscreen and protective clothing is crucial, as UV exposure can exacerbate pigmentation issues. It’s also essential to maintain realistic expectations and prioritize overall skin health over dramatic skin whitening.

Consulting with a qualified skin whitening dermatologist in India is the best approach to determine the most suitable and safe skin whitening treatment for your specific needs and skin type. Additionally, they can provide guidance on proper aftercare and long-term maintenance.

Skin whitening treatment cost

There are different options available for skin whitening treatment in Mumbai and each has a different price. The skin whitening treatment cost varies with the type of treatment, the number sessions needed and how your skin responds to the treatment.

Skin whitening treatment cost in Mumbai is also influenced with the experience of the cosmetic surgeon and the fees of the clinic. When factoring in the price of skin whitening treatments in Mumbai you must also consider the cost of number of sessions, post treatment care etc. as insurance does not cover the treatments.

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The Rise of Laser Treatments: Exploring Mole Removal Techniques in India

The Rise of Laser Treatments: Exploring Laser Mole Removal Cost in India

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The Rise of Laser Treatments: Exploring Mole Removal Techniques in India

Moles are very common and some moles have even got a special place in history, like Marilyn Monroe’s and Cindy Crawford’s. They are usually nothing to worry about. Sometimes when they change in shape or size or grow, they run a risk of developing cancer. In such cases, your doctor might ask you to get the mole removed.

Most people also seek laser mole removal costs in India because of cosmetic reasons or sometimes when the mole is on a location that comes in the day of daily functioning. Laser mole removal is the most popular method of getting rid of the moles in a safe, effective, and non-scarring method. Laser does not run a risk of infection and also speeds up healing.

Let us take a look first at why moles are formed.

Scientifically known as the melanocytic nevi, Moles are common skin growths that occur when cells in the skin called melanocytes grow in clusters. Melanocytes are responsible for producing the pigment melanin, which gives color to your skin, hair, and eyes.  Most people have moles since birth but they can grow later in life too. The exact cause of mole formation is still not fully understood, but there are a few factors that are believed to contribute:

  • Genetics: A significant factor in the development of moles is your genetic makeup. If you have a family history of moles, you might be more prone to developing them yourself. Certain genes can influence how many moles you develop and how atypical they might be.
  • Sun Exposure: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is a known risk factor for developing moles and other skin growths. UV radiation can trigger changes in melanocyte activity and increase the likelihood of moles forming. This is why people who spend a lot of time in the sun or have a history of sunburns tend to have more moles.
  • Hormones: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and hormonal therapy, can influence the development of moles. Hormones can affect melanocyte activity and the growth of new moles.
  • Age: Moles can develop at any age, but they tend to appear more frequently during childhood and adolescence. The number of moles usually peaks by the age of 30 and might start to decrease as you get older.
  • Fair Skin: People with fair skin are more susceptible to developing moles because they have less melanin to protect their skin from UV damage. This is also why fair-skinned individuals are at a higher risk of skin cancer.

Most people tend to ignore the moles but it is important that you keep an eye on the mole and be aware of changes in its shape, size, color, and texture. If the mole causes pain or there is itching or redness around it then get it checked with the dermatologist immediately. Changes of any kind in the moles can sometimes be indicative of melanoma, which is a kind of skin cancer. Regular checkups and sun protection are the key to keeping the skin healthy.

Laser mole removal in India

Laser mole removal cost in India is quite worth the excellent results that it produces. Laser mole removal is a simple procedure. The laser beam is directed on the mole and the laser energy breaks the cells in the mole. Since laser is a very precise mole removal treatment, it only targets the mole and the tissue is left undisturbed and healthy.  The laser does not hurt as the treatment area is numbed before starting the treatment. Mole removal cost in India is also affected by the factor that the entire treatment just takes a few minutes to complete and there is no downtime with the latest laser techniques used. You can go back to your normal duties almost immediately and generally a repeat treatment is not necessary.

Types of lasers used in mole removal

The latest lasers use different techniques to remove the moles. Since they differ in terms of specific wavelength and properties, the choice of laser depends on the indications of the mole such as size, color, and depth. The choice of laser also affects the mole removal cost in India. Here are a few types of commonly used lasers for mole removal:

  • Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser: This type of laser emits high-energy pulses in very short duration. It is often preferred to be used for removing dark, pigmented moles, such as those with brown or black coloration. The laser’s wavelength is absorbed by the melanin in the mole, causing it to break down.
  • Fractional CO2 Laser: This laser is the gold standard for skin rejuvenation treatments Carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers are commonly used in cosmetic procedures, including mole removal. Fractional CO2 lasers work by creating microscopic columns of treated tissue, leaving surrounding tissue untouched. They are useful for removing moles that are raised or have a rough texture, as well as for improving the appearance of the skin after removal.
  • Pulsed Dye Laser: Pulsed dye lasers emit short bursts of high-energy light that are absorbed by blood vessels in the skin. While these lasers are more often used for vascular conditions, they can also be used for some types of pigmented lesions.
  • Alexandrite Laser: This laser emits light at a wavelength that is well-absorbed by melanin. It’s used for removing pigmented moles and is often effective for lighter-colored pigmentation.
  • Ruby Laser: Similar to the Alexandrite laser, the Ruby laser targets melanin. It is sometimes used for removing superficial pigmented lesions.
  • Erbium YAG Laser: Erbium lasers have wavelengths that are absorbed by water in the skin’s tissues. Erbium lasers tend to cause less thermal damage to the surrounding tissue compared to other types of lasers. This causes minimal scarring and is often used as the gold standard for mole removal. It is commonly used for raised moles and flat facial moles.

Not all moles can be treated with laser removal. Some moles need surgical excisions especially when they run a risk of malignancy. Under no circumstances should one try to remove the moles themselves. Always contact a good dermatologist for assessment and the right treatment. only a trained and experienced medical practitioner should do the procedure for laser mole removal in a controlled clinical setting to minimize risks and optimize results.

Will my skin have scarring at the mole site?

Laser is an effective way to get rid of most moles. The only memory that you will have of the mole is a small red spot where the mole was. You will get a temporary dressing to cover the side. A scab will form on the place of the mole and it will fall off in a few days. You will have smooth pale skin for a few days and gradually the mole site will continue to diminish till there is no sign of the mole. Avoid wearing makeup on the treatment site till the time the pink scab falls away.

laser treatment for mole removal cost in India is a preferred option by many because the laser can easily treat the moles in hard-to-reach areas and also remove multiple moles in one treatment session.

What types of moles can be treated with a laser?

The doctor will examine the mole before suggesting the treatment. Raised moles are generally best treated with lasers. However, if the mole has changed in shape size, and color then the doctor might ask for a biopsy and suggest that you wait for the results.

Laser mole removal cost

Laser mole removal cost in India depends on whether it is a single mole or multiple moles that need to be removed. Mole removal cost in Mumbai is also influenced by the type of laser used, the surgeon’s fees, and whether the biopsy is needed or not.  Mole removal cost in India also widely depends on other factors such as the size and location of the mole, and the location of the clinic or medical facility. Additionally, some clinics might charge per mole removed or offer package deals for multiple moles as part of laser treatment for mole removal costs in India.

It’s important to keep in mind that laser mole removal is often considered a cosmetic procedure, which means that it’s generally not covered by health insurance unless there’s a medical necessity, such as suspicion of malignancy. It’s recommended to consult with a few different dermatology clinics or medical professionals to get an accurate idea of the cost in your specific situation.

Will my mole ever come back after being removed?

There is a rare chance of the mole returning to the previous place. But that does not mean that new ones cannot grow. One way to protect your skin is to have sun sun-protective barrier on your skin. Wear sunscreen and long-sleeved clothing. Hats and glasses are also a good idea to carry with you. Check with your dermatologist about regular screenings and keep a tab on your skin health for any new moles or returning moles. Follow a good skincare routine every day by using cleansing, toning, and moisturizing routines daily. Top of Form

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Natural Remedies vs. Clinical Treatments: Which is Best for Face Wrinkles?

Natural Remedies vs. Clinical Treatments: Which is Best for Face Wrinkle Treatment?

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Natural Remedies vs. Clinical Treatments: Which is Best for Face Wrinkles?

Ageing is inevitable. With all the technology, resources and knowledge in our hands, we are still not able to stop the signs of ageing from appearing on the skin. But luckily for us there are some best treatments for wrinkles on face that can delay and minimize the signs of ageing. These include both natural remedies vs clinical treatments. It is a natural process to develop wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation on parts of body that are generally exposed to the sun and other environmental factors more such as face, neck, hands, forearms, chest etc.

What causes wrinkles?

As we touch the age of 40, the skin stats to lose its natural ability to maintain elasticity and becomes drier. It become harder to fight the damages done by pollution, lack of good diet, makeup, not applying enough moisturizer etc. And as time passes the skin starts to loose fat and facial wrinkles become more and more pronounced.

The biggest culprit in the increasing visibility of wrinkles is unprotected sun exposure. The harsh sun rays break down the collagen and elastin even in the deep layers of the skin. This is why wearing sunscreen everyday is absolutely necessary. Other factors that accelerate wrinkle formation include

  • Repetitive facial movements such as frowning, squinting, smiling, crying can lead to wrinkles especially the lip lines, glabellar lines, laugh lines etc.
  • Drinking less water
  • Smoking and heavy drinking body dehydrate the skin and leading to pronounced wrinkles
  • Lack of sleep
  • Genetics
  • Unbalanced diet

There are mainly two types of wrinkles

Static wrinkles which are formed because of loss of elasticity in the skin and gravity taking its effect. These are permanent wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles are the ones that are formed because of repeated facial movements such as puckering or using a straw etc. Lip lines are one such example.

It is never too late to make healthier decisions for the health of your skin. If light or deep, the wrinkles are bothering you then help is at hand in both natural and clinical treatments.

Common natural treatments for wrinkles

  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Egg masks
  • Banana face pack
  • Aloe vera oil
  • Carrot and honey masks
  • Yogurt face packs
  • Essential oils
  • Bakuchiol
  • Balanced diet
  • Hydration
  • Proper sleep

White the natural remedies are very popular, cost effective and have some potential benefits it is important to understand that there are some drawbacks of relying on the home remedies entirely. they may not always provide the same level of effectiveness as medical or professional treatments.

  • Limited Scientific Evidence: Many natural remedies lack rigorous scientific studies to support their efficacy in treating wrinkles. While anecdotal evidence exists, clinical trials and studies are often limited, making it difficult to assess their true effectiveness.
  • Varied Results: Natural remedies can yield varying results among individuals. What works for one person might not work the same way for another due to differences in skin type, genetics, and other factors.
  • Slower Results: Natural remedies often require consistent and long-term use to see noticeable improvements. They might not offer quick or dramatic results or long lasting compared to medical treatments.
  • Inconsistent Quality: Natural products can vary in quality, potency, and purity. This inconsistency can affect their efficacy and might lead to unpredictable outcomes.
  • Limited Depth of Action: Natural remedies usually work on the surface layers of the skin and may not penetrate as deeply as medical treatments. Wrinkles that are deeper or caused by factors beneath the skin’s surface might not respond as effectively to natural remedies.
  • Lack of Regulation: The natural skincare industry is less regulated compared to medical treatments. This can lead to variations in product quality and safety.
  • Allergic Reactions: Natural ingredients can cause allergic reactions in some individuals, leading to skin irritation, redness, or worsening of existing skin conditions.
  • Insufficient Concentrations: Some natural remedies might require high concentrations of active compounds to be effective. Achieving these concentrations through natural ingredients alone can be challenging.
  • Severe Wrinkles: For individuals with more severe wrinkles, natural remedies might not provide the significant improvement they are looking for. Medical treatments like fillers, Botox, or laser therapies might be more appropriate.
  • Potential Interactions: Some natural ingredients might interact with other skincare products or medications, leading to unforeseen consequences.

Often, a combination of treatments is more effective for treating wrinkles. Natural remedies might need to be used in conjunction with other treatments for optimal results. Individuals seeking rapid and significant improvements in their appearance might experience frustration or disappointment with the slower progress of natural remedies especially when seeking treatment for deep wrinkles on face. It’s important to approach natural remedies with realistic expectations. Consultation with a dermatologist or skincare professional can help you make informed decisions about the best treatment options for your specific needs. For more immediate and substantial results, medical treatments performed by qualified professionals might be a more suitable choice.

Clinical treatment options for Wrinkles

Top dermatologists have developed some excellent face wrinkle treatments with years of research and rigours testing. The amount of treatment or number of sessions of treatment of wrinkles on face that will suit you will depend on your skin type, ethnicity, depth and type of wrinkles and your age. After a physical consultation the dermatologist will suggest any or a combination of the following treatments

Topical Medications

  • Retinoids: These are the gold standard of anti-ageing treatments. Retinoid is a derivative of vitamin A which when applied on the skin, helps in removing the dead skin cells, stimulating call turnover and increases collagen production in the process. therefore, apart from removing the wrinkles it also helps in reducing age spots, sun damage and improving skin texture. In few weeks of usage, you will see a marked improvement in your skin as it becomes fresher, younger and looks more rested.

How to use

Retinoids are available in prescription as well as OTC form. It is important that they are used correctly. Introduce retinoids to your skin slowly. Use them only two to three times a week and preferably in your night time routine. Slowly if the skin is responding well, you can start using it daily. Follow up the application with a good moisturizer. Since retinoids are harsh on skin, make sure you apply a good broad spectrum sunscreen  during daytime.


Retinoids take about six months to one year to show a major difference in your skin. be patient and talk to your dermatologist about dosage and type.

  • Vitamin C: This is another super hero that fights ageing very effectively. Vitamin c is a very forceful antioxidant that not only neutralizes the free radicals but also improves collagen production reducing wrinkle and fine lines. It also protects the skin from sun damage, acne scars, dullness, enlarged pores and hyperpigmentation.

How to use

The best form of use is in serums. Look for serums that have more than 15% of vitamin C content for it to be effective. Store it in dark and opaque bottle to prevent oxidation. Apply on the skin before you do your rest of skincare routine. Start slow with two or three days a week and then as the skin develops tolerance gradually increase to every day a week. Make sure you apply a good sunscreen post application always. It is best used in day time skin care routine.


With regular and correct usage, you can expect to start seeing the results from up to three months of application.

  • Niacinamide: This is a vitamin B3 derivative and is available in serums, masks, moisturizer and wrinkle creams commonly. It works greatly in soothing the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles along with hyperpigmentation, red blotches and yellowness on the skin.

How to use

Apply it two times a day along with your normal routine. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen every day.


You can see the results from four weeks of treatments. Sometimes it might take two months for you to see the reduction in wrinkles, softening of skin and reduced pigmentation spots.

  • Tranexamic acid and Azelaic acid: This acid is a gentle amino acid that can be combined with your regular cream or use in the form of serums in your morning and night routines. Your dermatologist will recommend the best concentration for you.

You can also use the non-prescription wrinkle creams which contain active ingredients like retinol, antioxidants, peptides etc to give you mild improvement in wrinkles. However, their results are short lived. You must do a patch test before starting to use any cream on your face.

Wrinkle removal techniques  and surgical procedures

  • Laser skin resurfacing: When talking about best treatment for wrinkles on face, laser skin resurfacing comes on the top of the list of the top dermatologists in the world. The light from laser turns into heat energy and gently ablates the layers of skin (epidermis and dermis). This makes micro and nano little wounds on the skin. As the skin heals the collagen fibres tighten the new skin is smoother and free of wrinkles and lines.

How is it done?

This procedure is done in an expert dermatologist office and is an outpatient procedure. The doctor will use a local anaesthetic to numb the area. depending on the intensity of the wrinkles the surgeon will either use a fractional laser or a non-ablative laser fractional resurfacing. The treatment is done in many sessions over a period of time.


The results take time as the laser as best treatment for wrinkles on face take multiple sessions. The skin heals slowly. Once the results start showing, you can enjoy the silky smooth skin for three to five years to come. You might need some maintenance treatment here and there but mostly it will be hassle free experience.

  • Microneedling: One of the oldest procedures for facial wrinkle treatments, microneedling is a collagen induction therapy. Small needles are used to prick the skin. it creates small injuries on the skin and the natural system gears in to heal by producing more collagen and improving cell turnover. This means the overall skin texture improves and the wrinkles are filled in. This treatment is also used for reducing acne scarring, roughness on skin and enlarged pores.

How is it done?

The process is done under topical anaesthetic. The small needles are moved over the skin to create the punctures. Your skin might bleed a bit but it is not a cause of worry. once the procedure is done the practitioner will clean the skin and apply a serum. The whole process will take about an hour to complete. Avoid trying microneedling at home as it runs a risk of damaging the skin and infections.


It takes about 4-6 weeks for collage to build itself and this is the time for it takes to see the results of microneedling on wrinkles. the skin cells too take about a month to turn over entirely.

  • Radiofrequency treatments: These take the help of lower energy radiation to heat the dermis. This signals the body to stimulate collagen and elastic production and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and even the sagging skin.

How is it done?

The procedure takes less than 30 minutes to complete. the doctor will move the device over the skin gently and that’s it. You might feel a little tingling or the skin might be little red but that is quite normal.


The results can be seen in five days of the treatment and they last for 2-5 months. comfortably. You might need repeat treatments to maintain the results.

  • Chemical peels: A special chemical solution is applied on the skin to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin. The skin starts to peels off and the new skin that appears is smoother, cleaner, softer and less wrinkled.

How is it done?

There are chemical peels of various strengths which target the top, middle and deep layer of the skin. The common chemicals used are glycolic acid, lactic acid, TCA, retinoic acid, kojic acid and salicylic acid. Peels are quite safe to use and are completely an outpatient procedure. As a part of treatment for deep wrinkles on face, the dermatologists use peels that target the deep layer of the skin. For fine lines and wrinkles peels targeting top layer of the skin are used.


You can start to see the results in about 5-10 days post the treatment but some redness might persist. The results last for about four to six weeks comfortably.

  • Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion: This is a physical exfoliating treatment that removes the top layer of the skin. Just like chemical peels this treatment reduces the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation on face.

How is it done?

This simple procedure is done on an outpatient basis. A series of treatment is done over the course of months to get the best results. A small diamond tip device is moved over the skin along with a suction machine to collect the skin debris. You will see redness and blotchiness on the skin for few days but it subsidizes quickly.


The results are moderate and temporary and take about a week to show up. As the skin heals the results keep improving for up to three months post treatment.

  • Botox: When it comes to talking about the best treatment for deep wrinkles on face, the Botox is the first line of treatment by most cosmetic surgeons. It is also the best preventive measure for wrinkles and fine lines.

How is it done?

It is injected in small does in the target area muscles. It blocks the nerve signals and hence keeps the muscles from contracting. This softens the creases on the skin including some wrinkles.


Botox takes one to three days to show the results. It lasts for about few months. Repeat treatments are needed to maintain the wrinkle free look. the thing to keep in mind is that Botox does not work for all wrinkles. it is not suitable for static wrinkles.

  • Soft tissue or dermal fillers: These are another popular face wrinkle treatment around the world. Soft tissue fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid, Calcium hydroxylapatite,  Poly-L-Lactic Acid,  Polymethylmethacrylate etc are injected in the face to plump the skin and smooth the wrinkles. Dermal fillers can be used on static wrinkles too. hyaluronic acid fillers are the most popular ones.

How is it done?

The fillers are injected in the areas where there is volume loss in the skin. they fill in the space and give the skin a smooth look. the whole procedure takes about 30 minutes and there is no down time.


It will take about 3-5 days to notice the changes in your skin. they last for about 6 months to 1 year. A good thing about fillers is that they can be revered (hyaluronic acid filler) if you don’t like the look.

  • Surgical face lift: This is an invasive procedure which involves the skin, muscle and tissue tightening to smoothen out the wrinkle and fine lines on the face and provide it with smooth and rested look.

How is it done?

The procedure is done under general or local anaesthesia. The plastic surgeon makes incisions on the sides of the face, gently lifts the skin and tightens the muscles and tissues underneath and place the skin back. Healing time is for several weeks.


The results of this procedure as the best treatment for wrinkles on face are permanent. However, the skin can still age and you might need a face-lift several years later.

Keep in mind that skin ageing is a natural process and the results of the treatments for wrinkles on face vary depending on the skin condition and the location and depth of the wrinkles. nothing stops the ageing but with good skin care and repeated treatments you can delay the signs of ageing. most clinical treatments for wrinkle removal are not covered by insurance so you need to talk to the doctor about it.

When it comes fighting ageing, prevention is the key. Here are some tips for an anti-wrinkles skin care routine to help aid the results for the best treatment for face wrinkles using clinical methods:

  • Its never to late to add sunscreen to your routine. Make sure you wear a sunscreen of SPF 30 and above. Rain or shine sunscreen application is a must.
  • Chose products that have sunscreen in them. Use then every time you go outside and reapply every 2-3 hours.
  • Use good quality moisturizers
  • Don’t smoke

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CO2 Laser Treatment: Is it the Ultimate Solution for Ageing Skin

CO2 Laser Treatment Cost in India: Is it the Ultimate Solution for Ageing Skin

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CO2 Laser Treatment: Is it the Ultimate Solution for Ageing Skin

Anti-aging is one of the most talked about topics around the world of skin care for years and years. Fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin are the most common concerns among men and women of today. Ageing, pollution, gravity and our lifestyles (including diet, hydration and the exercises we do) often take a toll on the skin which can sometimes cause damage that may seem irreparable. But worry not, CO2 laser treatments are the superheroes to the rescue for all the skin worries.

How does CO2 laser treatments work?

The revolutionary CO2 lasers treatments utilize the light wavelength of 10600 nanometre (mid-infrared spectrum). This wavelength of light is primarily attracted to water. Since our skin is 65% water, when this laser light falls on it, it creates heat and micro and controlled injuries under the skin. this results in skin tightening and promotes quick skin healing resulting in rejuvenated skin. this tool is a great option for reversing the signs of effects of ageing and sun exposure.

For the CO2 laser resurfacing cost in India, the benefits for skin are too many. CO2 (carbon dioxide) lasers are commonly used in dermatology and cosmetic procedures by top cosmetic surgeons, plastic surgeons and dermatologist to address various signs of aging easily. These lasers work by emitting a concentrated beam of light that vaporizes or removes the outer layers of skin, promoting collagen production and skin tightening. CO2 lasers are popular because of their versatility and can be used in resurfacing, excision and incisional treatments.  Some common skin issues  that CO2 lasers can effectively treat include:

  • Wrinkles and Fine Lines: because the skin starts to make more collage and cell turnover increasers the fine lines and wrinkles reduce as the skin tighten up after CO2 lasers treatments.
  • Sun Damage and Brown Spots: CO2 lasers can target and reduce the appearance of sunspots, age spots, and other pigmentation irregularities caused by sun exposure over the years by exfoliating the top layers of the skin.
  • Uneven Skin Texture: The laser’s ability to resurface the skin and improving cell turnover can lead to an improvement in the texture of the skin, making it smoother and more even.
  • Acne Scars: CO2 lasers can help minimize the appearance of acne scars by removing the damaged outer layers of skin and promoting the growth of new, smoother skin.
  • Skin Laxity: The heat from CO2 lasers stimulates collagen production, which can result in tighter and more youthful-looking skin, reducing sagging and laxity.
  • Skin Tone and Discoloration: CO2 lasers can help improve overall skin tone by addressing issues such as redness, blotchiness, and uneven pigmentation.
  • Large Pores: CO2 lasers can reduce the appearance of large pores by resurfacing and exfoliating the skin and promoting collagen and elastin remodelling.
  • Stretch Marks: While complete removal of stretch marks is difficult, CO2 laser treatments can help fade their appearance by encouraging collagen production and improving skin texture.
  • Skin Rejuvenation: CO2 lasers provide an overall rejuvenation to the skin by promoting a more youthful appearance, improving radiance, and enhancing skin quality.
  • Mole and Wart removal: The lasers can cut the wart and destroy the virus causing warts
  • Scars such as burn scars, keloid and hypertrophic scars,
  • Birthmarks: lasers are used to break up the birthmarks and even out the skin.

Is co2 laser treatment cost in India worth it?

The success rate of Laser Skin resurfacing using CO2 lasers are more than 85% which is considerably higher than any other long term treatment methods. CO2 laser treatments are considered more aggressive and may require more downtime compared to some other treatments. Recovery can involve redness, swelling, and peeling of the treated skin. Additionally, individuals with certain skin types or conditions, such as darker skin tones, may need to exercise caution when considering CO2 laser treatments due to the risk of pigmentation changes or scarring. As with any medical procedure, it’s essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist or medical professional before undergoing CO2 laser treatment to determine if it’s appropriate for your individual needs and skin type.

The results of lasers take some time to appear and are often subtle and gradual. Therefore, you will need to have some patience and avoid sun exposure during the recovery time. When considering co2 laser resurfacing cost in India, one must be aware of the benefits of CO2 laser treatments such as

  • Higher precision
  • Lower cost than plastic surgery and face lift
  • Versatility
  • Minimally invasive
  • Lower downtimes
  • Tissue selectivity
  • Ease of administration i.e., lasers can be done as an outpatient procedure and do not need an elaborate setup.

Factors affecting the CO2 laser treatment price in India

Before you finalize getting a treatment understanding the price aspect of it is very important. CO2 laser skin treatments are cosmetic procedures and hence not covered by insurance. Hera are some important things to consider

 1. Location where you will get the laser skin treatment

The cost of the treatment in Major cities where the cost of living is high is more than the places where the cost of living is moderate. If you are looking for an affordable service then look for expert providers that have excellent patient reviews albeit no to luxury offices.  Smaller cities and suburban areas offer lower prices for CO2 laser treatment as they are competing to draw in the patients.

 2. The credentials and expertise of the cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist

As we have mentioned earlier, CO2 laser treatment is an aggressive and intense cosmetic treatment. In correctly used it can cause darkening of skin, more pigmentation and even burns and scarring. Hence you need a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon with great expertise and years of experience using lasers. Therefore, the key to having the best results from the laser treatment is to not go for the cheapest but rather pay for experience.

 3. Type of CO2 laser used

The term CO2 laser just denotes the specific wavelength of the laser. It is also further classified into ablative, non-ablative, fractional and non-fractional lasers. Different brands have different types of lasers and therefore ask your dermatologists about which one will suit your skin concern the best.  All types of lasers use carbon dioxide as a medium to generate the laser beam but they differ in terms of how they deliver energy to the skin during the procedure.

Non-Fractional (Traditional) CO2 Lasers:

Non-fractional CO2 lasers are also known as fully ablative lasers. These lasers deliver a continuous beam of laser energy to the entire surface of the skin being treated. The energy is absorbed by the skin, causing controlled damage to the outer layers. This process removes the damaged skin cells and promotes collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin. Non-fractional CO2 lasers are effective for treating severe signs of aging and significant skin concerns like deep wrinkles, pronounced sun damage, and certain types of scars.

However, the recovery time for non-fractional CO2 laser treatments is usually longer compared to fractional lasers. Patients may experience significant redness, swelling, and require several weeks for complete healing.

Fractional CO2 Lasers:

Fractional CO2 lasers, on the other hand, deliver the laser energy in a fractionated pattern, meaning that the laser beam is divided into numerous microscopic beams or columns. These columns of laser energy create small, controlled zones of damage in the skin, leaving areas of untouched skin in between. This approach stimulates the skin’s natural healing process and encourages the production of new collagen and healthy skin cells. Fractional CO2 lasers are effective for treating a variety of skin concerns because of their precision with less downtime compared to non-fractional lasers.

 1. The size of the treatment area

Generally, laser treatments target the entire face or the body but if the patient desires they can be used to just target the small areas. For example, if you are just concerned about the forehead lines then the practitioner can target that or if you are feeling conscious about pigmentation on your hands then they can be treated. Selected treatment reduces the co2 laser treatment price in India and makes it more affordable. Larger treatment areas take more time, have more downtime and also amp up the cost of CO2 laser treatment in India.

 2. How many sessions of CO2 laser treatment will you need?

The treatment time varies with the skin type and the severity of the issue. Most people will need a series of treatments in case of fractional lasers and this will affect the cost of CO2 laser treatments in India. In case of ablative lasers usually one treatment is enough to show the desired results hence the laser resurfacing cost in India is calculated accordingly. Most clinics offer package pricing for the series of treatment and sometimes you can get good deals on those too.

Treatment procedure for CO2 laser skin resurfacing program

The procedure for CO2 skin laser resurfacing treatment is actually quite simple:

  • The area to be treated is cleaned
  • A local anaesthesia is applied
  • The patient is given eye shield to wear to protect against laser beams
  • The laser is moved on the skin for treatment
  • The total process takes about 30-45 mins to complete
  • The practitioner will clean the area and apply a soothing and antibiotic cream on the area.
  • The patient is given sunscreen to apply on the treatment area

The patient can go home the same day post treatment and resume normal daily activities.

CO2 laser treatment price in India varies with many factors and hence it is important that you get the individual pricing for your concern before starting the treatment.

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Choosing the Right Clinic: What to Look for in a Tattoo Removal Specialist

Choosing the Right Clinic: What to Look for in a Laser Tattoo Removal Specialist

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Choosing the Right Clinic: What to Look for in a Tattoo Removal Specialist

More than 200 million people around the world have at least one tattoo on their body.  Tattoos are especially very popular among the millennials . but not all of them are happy with their tattoos. The history of tattoo dates back to more than 6000 years ago and in the ancient times it was used as a mark of power and identification. As the generations have passed tattoos have become a fashion, a show of personality and intelligence and sometimes a sign of rebel too. about 31% of people who have a tattoo feel that tattoo adds to their sex appeal. Another interesting fact about tattoo is that more women regret getting their tattoos than men. The two most important things that people think about getting a tattoo is its personal means and the tattoo cost. Among all of the people with tattoos, about 25% regret getting the tattoo.

If you are also among those people who no longer wish to keep the tattoo or want a new one in the place of the old one then the good news is that the laser treatment for tattoo removal can not only significantly reduce the appearance of the tattoo with minimal side effects but also give you a smoother skin.

Why is laser tattoo removal so popular?

The use of Q-switched lasers has been in practice since the 1990s. Multiple sessions of the laser treatments are needed to have the tattoo completely. Q switched lasers emit short bursts of high energy that breakup the ink molecules in the skin into small particles. These particles are flushed out of the body’s immune system naturally in a few weeks. Each additional treatment of the tattoo will see it fading more till you can no longer see it.  Tattoo removal is typically done in multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to allow the skin to heal and the body to clear away the fragmented ink particles. The number of sessions required depends on factors like the size, colour, depth, and age of the tattoo. Since the energy burst is in short pulses, the heat does not damage the skin surrounding the tattoo and hence the skin damage is next to minimal.

The latest innovation added to laser tattoo removal is the picosecond lasers, which give off energy that is hits the skin only for billionths of the second. This is more effective and reduces the number of sessions needed for tattoo removal. For different colours in the tattoo different types of lasers is used. Some laser wavelengths have affinity to particular tattoo ink colours and low affinity to the normal skin and hence laser treatment for tattoo removal has minimal effect on the surrounding skin.

Lasers for different pigment colours

There are several types of Q-switched lasers used for tattoo removal, each targeting different colours of tattoo ink:

  • Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser: This laser is one of the most commonly used for tattoo removal. It emits light at two different wavelengths (1064 nm and 532 nm) to target different ink colours. The 1064 nm wavelength is effective for darker colours like black and blue, while the 532 nm wavelength is used for red, orange, and other lighter colours.
  • Q-Switched Ruby Laser: The Ruby laser emits light at a wavelength of 694 nm, primarily targeting blue and green ink colours. It’s less commonly used today compared to other Q-switched lasers due to its limited versatility with other colours.
  • Q-Switched Alexandrite Laser: This laser emits light at a wavelength of 755 nm and is effective for targeting black, blue, and green tattoo pigments.
  • Q-Switched Picosecond Lasers: These newer lasers deliver even shorter pulses of energy in picoseconds and are designed to break down tattoo ink into smaller particles, which can potentially lead to faster and more complete clearance of tattoos. They often work well on a broader range of ink colours and are used in cases where traditional Q-switched lasers might not be as effective.

Modern lasers are also effective in removing all kinds of tattoos such as cosmetic tattoos  or permanent makeups done on eyebrows, eyelids and lips and traumatic tattoos. Laser can also be used to get rid of traumatic tattoos that are often caused because of automobile accidents.

How is laser tattoo removal done?

Laser treatments are done in the surgical clinics by the approved dermatologists or cosmetologists only. It is a relatively painless procedure but the technician will apply a numbing cream on the area that is to be treated.

  • You will be given protectively eyewear to wear to shield the eyes from laser
  • The laser for tattoo removal device is a small hand held device that the practitioner will direct on the tattoo. In case of cosmetic tattoos there is risk of colour shifting and hence it is necessary to do the patch test first. In such cases the cosmetic surgeon will first use an Erbium laser at it vaporises the thin layer of skin which has tattoo in it.
  • The tattoo ink will absorb the light and cause it to break down in the smaller segments. It feels like touching a hot iron but only for a fraction of a second.
  • Once the session is over, the surgeon will apply an ice pack or soothing cream to the treated area. this will help reduce the swelling and discomfort.
  • You can go home after the session but keep the area clean and avoid sun exposure
  • In the following weeks, you will see the ink fade a bit as the body removes the defragmented ink. Redness, swelling, blistering, scabbing and crusting on the tattoo are a part of the normal process.
  • Your surgeon will tell you when to come in for the next session depending on many different factors.

What factors influence the number of sessions needed for laser treatment for tattoo removal

Generally, it is difficult to get the tattoo to fade completely in just one session. The more the colours and delicate designs the more tough it is to get the tattoo out. Single colour and amateur tattoos are relatively easy to remove. Usually, 10-20 treatments are needed for professional coloured tattoos. Therefore, you should factor that in when going for the treatment. Factors that determine how many sessions of laser tattoo removal will be needed for your tattoo also affect the tattoo removal cost in India and these include

  • The skin type: Tattoo removal is easier for pale skin as the laser light can easily distinguish the contrast of the colour. The darker the skin type the more difficult it is to compare the target for the laser. For darker skin the aesthetician will use a lower laser energy setting and hence more sessions will be needed.
  • Placement of the tattoo: The tattoo ink drainage system includes the body’s immune system and the lymphatic drainage system along with the blood supply. Since this is different for various body parts. This network is strongest in the neck, head and trunk area and less in the ends of legs and hands. Therefore, the tattoos in high blood supply area are more quickly faded than others.
  • Colours used in the tattoo: Black is easiest to remove and the colours like green, yellow or tattoos with combination of colours will take the longest and hardest to remove.
  • The amount of ink used: The amount of ink deposits will determine the number of sessions needed for tattoo removal. Tattoos with just outlines or minimal inks will be easier to remove than the solid tattoos.
  • Scarring: Many people get tattoos to cover any existing scarring on the body. or often the tattoos can leave scars on the body or some changes in tissues that can make it difficult to remove with laser. Also tattoo removal procedures don’t remove the preexisting scars, they only remove the tattoo ink.
  • Laying of tattoos: if you have had one tattoo over another then the number of treatment sessions will increase because of the added ink.

The duration of removal of tattoo varies for every person. In some people it can take up to a year to get the full removal as minimum of 4-6 weeks are needed before the next sessions and even more for darker complexions. Doing laser tattoo removal treatments too close to each other can damage the skin as the body is not recovered fully.

Recovery from laser tattoo removal treatment

Immediately after the laser treatment the tattoo might appear a little raised and white in colour and the skin around it can become red. Some even notice some bleeding at the side. The doctor will give you some antibiotic cream to apply on the area. keep the area try and don’t try to touch or scratch the tattoo as it heals. It will take about 1-3 weeks to heal completely.

Before considering laser tattoo removal, schedule a consultation with a qualified dermatologist or medical professional who specializes in the procedure. They will evaluate your skin, your tattoo, and your medical history to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment. They can also provide you with personalized recommendations based on your individual circumstances.

Who should not get at a laser tattoo removal?

Laser tattoo removal is generally a safe procedure, but there are certain individuals who might not be suitable candidates for the treatment or who should approach it with caution

  • Pregnant or Nursing Individuals: Individuals with Certain Medical Conditions, such as immune system disorders, history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring, or certain skin diseases, might not be suitable candidates for laser tattoo removal
  • Individuals with Certain Skin Types: Laser tattoo removal works best on individuals with lighter skin tones and dark tattoos. People with darker skin tones might have a higher risk of pigment changes (hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation) after treatment, and the effectiveness of the laser can be reduced on tattoos with white, light blue, and certain other lighter colours.
  • Recent Sun Exposure or Tanning: Tanned or sunburned skin is more sensitive and prone to adverse reactions after laser treatments. It’s recommended to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds before and after each treatment session.
  • Certain Medications and Topical Products: Some medications or topical products, like certain antibiotics or retinoids, can increase the risk of adverse reactions to laser treatments.
  • Individuals with Active Skin Infections or Lesions: If you have an active skin infection or open sores in the tattooed area, laser treatment should be postponed until the infection has cleared up.
  • Individuals with History of Allergic Reactions: If you have a history of allergic reactions to tattoo ink or other substances, you should inform your medical professional before undergoing laser tattoo removal.

Tattoo removal cost in India

Tattoos are easy to remove and you just need a bit of patience to let the treatment work. Laser tattoo removal cost in India depends on the type of laser used, the skin type, the size of the tattoo, the colours used and how your skin responds to tattoo removal. Tattoo removal cost in India also varies with the surgeon’s expertise and experience. But since it is a cosmetic procedure, it is not often covered by insurance. Hence you should check with your doctor after the patient of the treatment before starting the treatment.

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Beyond the Cost: Understand the Value of Full Body Chemical Peel in India

Beyond the Cost: Understand the Value of Full Body Chemical Peel Cost in India

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Beyond the Cost: Understand the Value of Full Body Chemical Peel in India

At some point of our lives, each one of us has wished that there was a magic solution that could just peel away all the skin issues including the pesky acne and the wrinkles. The good news is that there is a solution like the one you have wished for, and it goes by the name of chemical peels.

Chemical peels are simple and often customized acid solutions that offers instant skin benefitting results. Of course, they are formulated by only the expert cosmetic surgeon and dermatologist. You cannot just pick up any chemical and apply on the skin. Up until a few years ago main thought of chemical peels was restricted to just face and there were only few basic ones available but the modern peels come with many options that are better for certain skin types than the regular peels.

Chemical peels are one of the most sought after cosmetic treatments around the world for revitalizing the skin. More and more men and women are opting for regular peel treatments to keep the skin healthy and younger looking. The customizable chemical peels can take care of

  • Acne scars
  • Light scaring because of injuries
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Open pores
  • Skin discolouration
  • Melasma and sun spots
  • Uneven skin texture and tone and removes keratosis pilaris
  • Stretch marks
  • Body acne and prevent future breakouts
  • Skin dryness
  • Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Precancerous lesions and so much more

How do chemical peels work?

Chemical peel formulas are designed in a way that they exfoliate the skin. This removes the dead skin cells and skin imperfections. The new skin layer that comes is much healthier, smoother and younger looking. You can look at it as a skin resurfacing treatment too. the acid and chemical used in chemical peels cause a controlled trauma in the skin which tricks it into going a  natural healing mode. chemical peels improve the collagen and elastin production in the skin and thus result in long term improvement of signs of ageing and other skin issues.

The use of chemical peels is an FDA approved cosmetic treatment for skin. they have a very minimal downtime and side effects. The concentration and list of active ingredients in the peels vary according to the skin’s need for rejuvenation and hydration. For example, for acne treatment antioxidants peels are used  for scaring and anti-ageing the surgeon will use different acids like the AHAs to stimulate skin renewal.

Types of chemical peels

Depending on the strength of the peel and how deep it penetrates the skin, the peels are classified into three types superficial peels, medium peels and deep chemical peels. The most common acid peels that you will hear in this classification are Alpha Hydroxy acid peels, Beta Hydroxy acid peels, Trichloroacetic Acid Peels (TCA), and Phenol peels. Cosmetic surgeons can tailor the chemical solutions according to your skin types. Using the correct peel is most essential part of a chemical peel treatment. Full body chemical peel cost in India is largely determined by the type of peel used on the skin. The surgeon will also suggest the combination of best skin care, and cosmetic products that will complement the chemical peels tailored especially for you.

The choice of the peel is decided by the skin texture, tone and the problem that one is trying to address. For example, hyperpigmentation will need a different peel than deep wrinkles. Lighter skin types can withstand stronger peels but darker skin tones might need a gentle chemical peel. The common peels include

Light chemical peels

These are used to gently exfoliate the top layer of the skin only. Thes are also known as superficial peels. These chemical peels are generally used to treat fine lines, dry skin, minor acne, mild pigmentation and uneven skin tone. AHAs and BHAs are the most common chemical solutions used in these. The common types include

  • AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid (glycolic acid peels):This is the best known peels for deep exfoliation of the skin. It is also known as the fruit peals and is made of the combination of citrus fruits, lactic acid, tartaric acid  and malic acid. Since glycolic acids has a small molecular structure, it can easily reach in the deep layers of the skin. The acid dissolves the dead skin cells. It used to treat mild scarring, blackheads and white heads, wrinkles and fine lines. These are the easiest to apply because of the gel based form.
  • BHA or Beta Hydroxy Acid (salicylic acid peels):Most popular for the treatment of mild acne and blackheads, the BHA is a lipid based peels and penetrate in the layer of dermis by attaching to the natural oils of the skin. This way they also clear out the congested pores and reduce skin inflammation.  This peel is also safe to use on most skin types even those not suitable for other kinds of peels
  • Lactic Peel:The acid for this is derived from milk, they can hydrate the skin and are very gentle on the skin. Not only moisturizing, the lactic peel also helps in reducing the pore size and makes the skin shades brighter. This peel is also good for patients with eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis and is often used as a party peel for the instant glow.
  • Mandelic acid peel:This type of peel is most popular for treatment of acne. Since it is anti-bacterial it will also help prevent future breakouts.
  • Jessner’s peel:This is one of the most popular types of peels and can be easily customized on strength based on the amount of acids used. This peel has been in use for over a hundred years and is still very popular for its multiple benefits. This superficial peel is used to even out the skin tone, reduce the scars, smooth the fine lines and wrinkles, reduce dark patches and age spots, and treat acne scars, melasma, hyperpigmentation.
  • Vitamin C Peel:A popular option for those looking to fight the free radical damage on the skin. This includes damage from pollution, sun rays and cigarette smoke. The peel cleanses the skin pores and is anti-bacterial. Vitamin C Peel is also known to reduce face blemishes.
  • Retinol Peel:This peel is best suited for those looking for skin rejuvenation and relief from acne. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative and when applied it improves skin cell turnover and renewal. It also hydrates the skin and reduces signs of ageing.

Medium Depth Peels

These peels reach mid layers the skin and work and skin cell turnover. This chemical peel treatment is done in a cosmetic surgeon’s office The most common type of medium depth peel is the TCA peel

  • Trichloroacetic Acid Peels (TCA):This type of medium peel can be customized in various strengths to treat the skin concern. trichloroacetic acid removes the outer layer of the skin, gently. It can also be combined with salicylic acid. TCA peels are effective in treating pigments, sun damaged skin, deep wrinkles and acne scars, and melasma. They are also known as lunchtime peels and can be done without any discomfort. It is also a great choice for treating back and shoulder acne and acne marks. The results take about 7-8 days to show.

Deep peels

Deep peels reach the deep layers of the dermis and encourage skin cell treatment for a very dramatic and long lasting facial rejuvenation.

  • The phenol peels:The  main ingredient is carbolic acid along with the combination of other acids such as salicylic acid. The peel is usually done once a lifetime and produces the most dramatic results for the skin. the results take long to appear but it not never be done at home.

How to use chemical peels at home?

The superficial peels can be easily done at home. Make sure that you do a patch test before using peel on the body. follow the instructions on the package and make sure you only apply on a clean and dry skin. over layering the peels will not help. Make sure the peel does not get into the eyes, lips or other sensitive parts of the body. Let it stay for 5-10 mins and wash with plain water. if suggested, then use the soothing and moisturizing products as directed. Don’t over use the peels, stick to the recommended frequency.

Recovery and Side effects of chemical peels

When you apply the peel or when it is done in the doctor’s office, it is normal to feel some temporary and mild burning. Dryness, redness, and swelling on the skin is quite normal.

As the skin heals makes sure you avoid high sun exposure and apply sunscreen and moisturizer regularly. It is ok for the skin to feel lighter or darker skin tone for a few days post the peel application. It will normalize quickly.  Avoid extreme temperatures and use the prescribed ointments as directed.

Deep chemical peels take the longest to heal. For superficial peel there is almost no downtime, for medical peel it is 5-7 days and deep chemical peels can take for longer than 10-15 days.

How is chemical peel treatment done in a clinic?

Mild to superficial peels do not require any painkillers but deep chemical peels need anaesthesia and sometimes even sedation. The steps for chemical peel include

  • Cleansing the skin with a good cleanser to remove makeup and dirt
  • Double cleansing with a jet of water to ensure no debris are left behind
  • Application of petroleum jelly around the eyes, lips and nose to prevent peeling in those areas
  • Application of peel on the skin. the number of coats depends on the skin condition and depth of peel selected
  • After the required time the peel is removed gently and a mask is applied to sooth the skin

Full body chemical peel cost in India

A full body chemical peel cost in India is influenced with many factors and the prime ones are combination of peel solution and the expertise of the cosmetic surgeon. The more customized the solution is, the higher is the cost. If you combine other treatments like laser skin resurfacing or any other Medi-facials then thit will add to the cost of the full body chemical peel in India.

The price of chemical peels also varies with the number of sessions needed to get the results. For example, the pigmentation peels cost different than acne treatment peels. Simple rejuvenating peels are less pricy and can be done at home. Chemical peel treatments are cosmetic treatments and not covered by insurance. It is important that you chose a good dermatologist who can understand your skin over the price of the full body peel.

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5 Situations When You Should See a Trichologist

5 Situations When You Should See a Trichologist

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5 Situations When You Should See a Trichologist

Hair woes are a common problem in adult men and women. For people in their 20s upwards, being conscious about hair fall and hair thinning is a common issue. Solutions for hair fall is one of the most top ranked searches in popular search engines. While hair loss can be because of many reasons such as stress, illness, ageing, lack of nutrition, medical conditions and the severity varies from one to another, the resulting distress, worry and lack of confidence is same for everyone. Hair issues do not discriminate with age or gender and if you too have been facing an issue with the same then consulting a hair expert or a trichologist doctor or a dermatologist will have surely come up in your mind or come up as a suggestion from family, friends and the internet.

Whether you are suffering from any kind of alopecia, hair breakage, dandruff or scalp irritation or  are generally worried about your hair health, it is important that any treatment you take should be advised by a qualified professional only. The common doubt to come in mind is whether to see a trichologist doctor or a dermatologist and what can the trichologist help with anyway.

What is a trichologist?

Modern science has evolved with time  and it has taken years of research and analysis to develop the excellent hair loos and hair regrowth treatments that we have at our disposal today.  Today trichology is a recognized paramedical science that focuses on treating disease that cause the hair health to decline. It includes scalp conditions too. A person who specializes in trichology is known as a trichologist.

A trichologist in Mumbai is a trained and qualified hair loss specialist. Trichologist in Mumbai is the one you should go to when having any kinds of hair and scalp conditions that may be causing damage to the hair. The trichologist doctor will study your hair and scalp via physical examinations and some tests to determine your hair cycle, your hair heath and what is causing the issue with scalp. A trichologist is a paramedical and hence can help your physician and you understand the causes of hair loss such as deficiencies and medical issues better. They focus solely on hair and scalp health and nothing else. A trichologist will work with you and your physical to device the right hair care routine to stimulate hair growth.

When should you see a trichologist?

  1. You are experiencing more than normal hair loss
  2. You have noticed abnormal hair breakage
  3. Scalp itching, and inflammation
  4. You are suffering from embarrassing dandruff
  5. You are dealing the alopecia

How will the trichologist help you?

The consultation with a trichologist doctor begins with getting to know their clients. During the meeting the trichologist will ask you about your medical history, the issues that you have been having with your hair, delve in to the genetic factors that might be causing the issues, gather information about your daily lifestyle , work, stress conditions, environmental factors and other health conditions affecting your scalp and hair health. Be candid with your trichologist in Mumbai regarding any medications you are taking, hormonal issues, deficiency in nutrition so that they can draw a complete profile.

While they are not medical doctors, they can offer a range of non-medical and non-surgical treatments to address common issues related to hair and scalp health. Here are some treatments and interventions that trichologists may provide:

  • Scalp Examination: Trichologists can perform detailed scalp examinations to assess the health of the scalp and hair follicles. They use various tools and techniques to identify issues such as dandruff, dryness, oiliness, and inflammation.
  • Hair Care Advice: Trichologists can provide personalized recommendations for hair care routines, including guidance on shampoo and conditioner selection, hair styling practices, and the use of hair care products.
  • Topical Treatments: Trichologists may recommend over-the-counter or prescription topical treatments for specific scalp conditions, such as medicated shampoos, conditioners, or scalp serums to address issues like dandruff or psoriasis. They can even recommend treatments like the QR678 hair regrowth therapy and PRP treatment to improve hair growth.
  • Scalp Massages: Trichologists may perform or teach patients how to perform scalp massages, which can help improve blood circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth.
  • Dietary and Nutritional Guidance: best Trichologists in Mumbai may offer advice on nutrition and dietary changes that can support hair and scalp health. They may recommend supplements like biotin or iron if a deficiency is suspected.
  • Lifestyle Modification Suggestions: Best Trichologists in India may discuss lifestyle factors that can impact hair health, such as stress management, smoking cessation, and reducing exposure to environmental factors that may damage the hair and scalp and suggest modifications in the same. Exercises regularly, keeping stress under control are two things that can greatly aid the hair health.
  • Hair Loss Prevention: Trichologists can provide guidance on preventing hair loss or minimizing its effects. This may include recommending specific hair care products, avoiding tight hairstyles that stress the hair follicles, and suggesting protective measures against heat and sun damage.
  • Advice on Hair Restoration Options: While trichologists do not perform surgical hair restoration procedures themselves, they can educate patients about available options, such as hair transplant surgery, wigs, extensions, weaving etc and refer them to qualified specialists when appropriate.
  • Education and Support: Trichologists often play an important role in educating patients about their specific hair and scalp conditions, helping them understand the causes, and offering emotional support and reassurance.

Trichologists in Mumbai typically focus on non-invasive and non-medical approaches to address hair and scalp concerns. If a medical condition is suspected as the underlying cause of a hair or scalp issue, they may refer the patient to a medical doctor or dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment.

What do trichologist treat?

The variety of conditions relating the hair and scalp that trichologist doctor can diagnose and treat include

  • Scalp psoriasis: it is usually a genetic condition and can causes scalp skin in the scalp often confused with dandruff. Best trichologist in Mumbai will be able to differentiate and offer treatment accordingly.
  • Ringworm: Once can contract this fungal infection from a person or animal suffering from ringworm. It causes dry and red patches along with hair loss and the new hair usually grow in different angles than the normal pattern. The scalp becomes tender and sore.
  • Alopecia: There are different kinds of alopecia such as androgenetic, scarring, telogen effluvium, frontal fibrosing etc. Pattern hair loss is the most common type of alopecia though. Hormonal imbalance, family history, change in living environment, stress etc can trigger alopecia. Trichologist doctor will identify the type of alopecia and treat it accordingly.
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Hair loss because of trauma and chemical damage
  • Cradle cap in children
  • Folliculitis
  • Damaged hair texture because of use of heat and chemical and dryness

While trichologists have expertise in their field, there are certain limitations to what they can do:

  • Medical Diagnosis and Treatment: Trichologists are not medical doctors, so they cannot diagnose or treat medical conditions beyond those related to the hair and scalp. If a hair or scalp issue is a symptom of an underlying medical problem, they may recommend consulting a physician for a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Prescribe Medications: Trichologists typically do not have prescribing authority for medications. If a patient requires prescription medications for hair or scalp conditions, a trichologist would need to refer them to a medical doctor or dermatologist.
  • Perform Surgical Procedures: Trichologists do not perform surgical procedures, such as hair transplant surgeries. If a patient requires surgical intervention for hair restoration, they would be referred to a qualified surgeon with expertise in the specific procedure.
  • Treat Systemic Conditions: Trichologists primarily focus on issues related to the hair and scalp. They do not treat systemic conditions that affect the entire body. Any systemic health concerns should be addressed by a medical doctor or specialist.
  • Conduct Laboratory Tests: Trichologists may perform hair and scalp assessments, but they typically do not have access to advanced laboratory facilities for comprehensive testing. If specific laboratory tests are needed to diagnose a condition, they would refer the patient to a relevant healthcare provider.
  • Provide Dental or Oral Care: Trichologists are not trained to diagnose or treat dental or oral health issues, even if they may be related to certain conditions affecting the mouth and scalp, such as alopecia areata. Patients with oral health concerns should see a dentist or oral healthcare professional.

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What if Korean BB Glow Treatment Gone Wrong?

What if Korean BB Glow Treatment Gone Wrong?

The BB glow is the latest in beauty treatments that has taken the world by storm in the last few years. As we age  the fine lines, dull skin and wrinkles start to make their presence known and using makeup to hide them does not work successfully always. The skin fights with the external elements, and our internal factors such as hormones, ageing, UV rays and even the improper diet and lack of sleep every day. This is why makeup becomes necessary to face the day but it is not easy and even cumbersome to apply the even and blended foundation every day.

Here in steps in the BB glow. It is a needling technique that deposits colour foundation pigments under the skin and give the skin a permanent natural glow and contour 24*7. The treatment gives unbelievable results and is minimally invasive. It gives a brightening effect and the look of a wearing a lightweight foundation at all times.

Along with the permanent makeup the treatment also helps hide the flaws on the skin such as open pores, blemishes, light scarring, lines and wrinkles and never gets cakey. It uses two methods of depositing glow serums under the skin using two different methods

  • Microneedling: This process uses long needles and can penetrate deeper in the skin.
  • Nano needling: This is a more popular and latest method in which the needles reach only under the epidermis and there is lesser risk in the results of the BB glow treatment going bad.

Both procedures create tiny injuries on the skin and hence promote collagen production as the skin heals. Regular treatments results in better skin structure and tighter and firmer appearance of the skin in long term. The results of the treatment are almost immediate and last for about 3-4 months.

Sounds good but what if the Korean BB glow treatment goes wrong?

It is a cosmetic treatment and sometimes, though rarely, there can be some undesired side effects. these are classified into two types, the immediate BB glow treatment side effects and the long term bad side effects.

The immediate effects are short terms and usually because of the body’s response to the needling treatment and these include

  • Tightness
  • Redness in the treated area
  • Slight sweeling
  • Irritation and itching
  • Light peels of the skin a few days post the procedure.

These usually go away in a few days and you will notice improvement in skin tone and texture in the next few days. Side effects that last longer than 2-3 days can indicate some serious complications and you need to visit your doctor.

What else can go wrong?

If the serum deposit Korean bb glow treatment in mumbai is not done in the way it is supposed i.e., the serum is deposited a little deeper than it should be or the equipment is not cleaned or the products are not skin suitable it can cause a range of issues such as

  • Skin irritation and infections: If the treatment is not done under sterile conditions, then it can cause complications. This is because the skin is open and sensitive and it is possible for the infection to set in. it can also cause redness, itching and stinging in the treated area. As a precaution make sure that your technician is only using sterile equipment in hygienic conditions.
  • Allergic reactions: The Korean BB glow treatment uses many products such as a cleanser, chemical peels, range of skin serums, hydrating masks, neutralizing solutions etc. Any of them can cause an allergic reaction causing rash, hives, swelling on the skin. It can occur if you have an allergy or sensitivity to any of the products used during the treatment, such as the BB cream or serums.If you have a history of allergies, it’s essential to inform your technician before the treatment. they will run a patch test few days before the treatment to rule out any allergic ingredients.
  • Change in skin colour: The skin colour can turn white, yellow or even greenish. This is because of the titanium dioxide molecules that become trapped in the dermis layer. Since the skin does not shed the dermis, overtime the molecule can change in colour because of UV radiation exposure. The natural oils, and skin processes can also cause a change in skin colour and even discolouration. Some skin serums also contain yellow and red iron oxides and are non-degradablei.e., can stay in the skin infinitely giving a yellow or greenish tinge to the skin colour.
  • Change in skin texture: The titanium dioxide molecules that are not removed during the skin renewal process are pushed out but the body and move of the skin surface. They rise and start showing as lumpy bumps on the skin surface giving the skin a cottage cheese like appearance. This is a long term side effect of Korean BB glow treatment that show up about 5-10 years after the treatment.
  • Hyperpigmentation: People with darker skin tone are more susceptible to this problem post the BB glow treatment. The skin produces extra melanin in response to the treatment resulting in dark patches on the treated areas.
  • Light patches on the tanned skin: the serum is deposited under the skin and if the skin on top of it tans or get darker then the pigments start looking like light coloured patches on the skin.
  • Uneven results: While Korean BB Glow aims to create a more even complexion, there is a possibility of achieving uneven results. The colour may not distribute evenly across the skin, leading to patchy or blotchy areas. Additionally, if the treatment is not performed correctly or by an experienced technician, it may result in an unnatural or “cakey” appearance.

But why does this happen?

The Korean BB glow treatment is means to stay under the top layer of the skin and don’t breach the barrier between epidermis and dermis. When done this way it does not age at all and disappears in one skin renewal cycle. The pigments don’t stay on top or under the skin for long and hence have not time to change colour or cause pigmentation or breakouts on the skin.

When the treatment is given deep in the skin, then the colour pigments become stuck or trapped in the skin and then it is the body’s immune system’s job to break them down and extract them which is a long process and gives the pigments the time to cause skin damage.

How can one prevent the BB treatment from going wrong?

By going to an expert and experience technician or dermatologist in india only not breaking the dermis membrane is the crucial part of the treatment. The facial skin has varying degrees of thickness in different areas, and is very thing in some spots and the cosmetic surgeon needs to stay in the epidermis at all times. This means that the cosmetologist should know where to adjust the needle length during the treatment and not go deeper.

If the practitioner says they will inject the serums deeper for long lasting results, then they are fibbing and are not aware of the long term Korean BB glow treatment side effects.

Can you reverse Korean BB glow treatment?

No, there is no going back. You will just have to wait for the treatment to fade over the months and years.

Serums with titanium oxide cannot be removed by laser treatment as they burn the skin. however, this is some basic care that you should take to make sure the side effects stay minimal and short term

  • Avoid getting a tan (natural or artificial), wear an SPF whenever you are outside and don’t forget to reapply.
  • Avoid doing excessive facial cleanser or facial treatments for 24 hours post treatment
  • Don’t touch the skin in the treated areas to ensure the pigment deposit is not disturbed.
  • For five days post treatment don’t use a skin peel or make up products
  • Avoid swimming and gyming for seven days post treatment

The longer you avoid using facial products or put stress on the skin, the better the results will be. The skin needs time to heal and regenerate and the serums settle down.

Who should not get a Korean BB glow treatment?

Though it is suitable for most skin types but there are some contraindications to BB glow treatment:

  • If you have active acne breakout, then this treatment is not for you. The clogged pores can cause more acne an inflammation
  • People who have been on Accutane medication
  • Those who have too thin skin have a risk of scarring from BB glow treatment
  • For those who are prone to keloid scaring this treatment is not recommended.
  • If you have skin diseases like eczema or psoriasis then BB glow treatment can make the condition worse.

Keep up with a good skin care routine to avoid the side effects of BB glow treatment and let the permanent makeup fade away naturally.

For more Details Contact Us Now!

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Laser Lipolysis: Is It Safe?

Laser Lipolysis: Is It Safe?

Diet and exercise are essential for our healthy being. One of the biggest psychological factors behind all this is the desire to look good and the paunchy stomach and heavy thighs actually do not do good for the morale especially when one is exercising and dieting well.

Sometimes the fat pockets just refuse to go away and can give an odd shape to the body with loose skin. The localized fat that causes bulge at the abdomen is the one thing that people worry about the most and it is most difficult to get rid of. This is where the laser lipolysis or laser liposuction procedure comes to help.

Yes, it is a completely safe procedure that gives positive results with even most stubborn fat pockets. Lasers of different wavelengths have become a very popular in different types of skin treatments in the recent years. The reason being that lasers do not harm the skin, don’t need any incisions and can be used on all skin types for successful results.

How is laser lipolysis done?

This is not a surgical procedure and the total time taken for the entire treatment is less than one hour. It is considered an alternative to traditional liposuction and aims to achieve body contouring and fat reduction. Here is how the simple procedure works

  1. Anaesthesia: Before the procedure begins, the area to be treated is cleaned and local anaesthesia or tumescent anaesthesia (a solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine) is administered to numb the treatment area and minimize discomfort.
  2. Incision: Small incisions, typically less than half an inch in length, are made in the targeted area. These incisions serve as entry points for the insertion of the laser fiber and other surgical instruments.
  3. Laser energy delivery: A thin laser fiber is inserted through the incisions into the subcutaneous fat layer. The laser emits energy that specifically targets and disrupts fat cells while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.
  4. Fat emulsification: The laser energy is absorbed by the fat cells, causing them to heat, rupture and liquefy. This process is known as fat emulsification. The liquefied fat is then easier to remove from the body.The melted fat then moves into the interstitial fluid and is flushed out by the natural lymphatic system of the body
  5. Fat removal: After the fat cells have been disrupted, a cannula (a thin tube) is inserted through the incisions to suction out the emulsified fat from the treatment area. This step helps contour the area and remove excess fat.
  6. Incision closure: Once the fat removal and contouring are complete, the incisions are typically closed with sutures or adhesive strips. Depending on the technique used, the incisions may be so small that they do not require stitches.

There is another kind of laser lipolysis and that is the Non-invasive laser lipolysis in which the laser destroys the fat cells under the skin and they are eliminated from the body through the natural drainage channel.

The benefits of laser lipolysis that make it one of the safest fat removal procedures

Apart from being less invasive than the traditional surgical liposuction, laser liposuction has many more advantages such as

  • Skin tightening: In addition to fat removal, the laser energy also stimulates collagen production in the skin. This can lead to skin tightening and improved overall contouring of the treated area.
  • It can be used to treat multiple areas in one seating such as abdomen, arms, back, thigs and chin.
  • The patient will notice immediate change and improvement in the appearance of the areas that are being treated.
  • There are no large incisions made and local anaesthesia is used and hence there is very less chance of difficult complications or side effects.
  • Laser lipolysis has more accurate results than the other methods of body contouring.
  • It is an outpatient procedure without any need of an overnight stay in the hospital, and the patient can go home the same day to resume the normal daily activities sans rigours exercises for next few days.
  • The treatment has a quick recovery time and does not require repeat visits to the cosmetic clinic.
  • Laser lipolysis can be safely combined with other popular cosmetic procedures such as tummy tucks, breast augmentation, face lifts etc. for full body contouring.
  • There is less risk of patient having loose skin as compared to surgical liposuction.

Results of laser lipolysis

Noticeable reduction in the fat of the treated areas is the first thing that one will notice after the laser lipolysis procedure. Usually, multiple sessions are necessary to target the fat pockets and given even results. Over time the patient will also notice tightening of the skin and improved elasticity.

It is important to remember that lipolysis is not a weight loss procedure, it only removes the body fat volume. On an average the patient can see up to 9.5% reduction in body fat. One needs to follow a healthy lifestyle routine to maintain the results for long term. The final results depend on the overall health of the patient and the amount of fat being targeted. It’s essential to consult with a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon to determine if laser lipolysis is suitable for your specific needs and goals. They can assess your candidacy, explain the procedure in more detail, and provide personalized recommendations based on your individual circumstances

Side effects and risks of laser lipolysis

The treatment carries very minimal risk and side effects such as

  • Some bruising and swelling: The area of body which is treated might be swollen or bruised immediately post laser lipolysis. This is very normal and your practitioner will give you compression garment to wear to reduce the swelling and bruising. These will go away in 10 days though some tenderness might remain in the area for up to a month.
  • Numbness or sensitivity on the skin: Since laser targets the fat cells and helps build more collagen in the skin, it can cause some numbness or high sensitivity on the skin as the skin heals to become more toned and firmer.
  • Irregular body shape: this is a temporary side effect of laser lipolysis. This happens become it takes the boy about three to six months to absorb the fat and one might see the effects till then. However, in case of minimally invasive procedure, the results are visible immediately and keep improving. Hence it is important to chose the best cosmetic surgeon for the procedure to ensure the body contouring is even and smooth.
  • Increased appearance of cellulite and it can also cause dimpling in the skin.

It is a myth that laser lipolysis has high rates of infection. Infection rarely happens and when it does it is only because the wound has not healed properly.

Another myth is that laser lipolysis affects internal organs. Laser does not damage the liver or any other internal organs in the body or cause any form of cancer.

Who is a suitable candidate for laser lipolysis?

  • A healthy male or female with stable weight with BMI of 30-35 and lower, but are bothered by the fat pockets can opt for laser lipolysis provided they are committed to maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.
  • If you are pregnant then wait for minimum of 8 weeks post childbirth to go for fat reduction treatments. Before that time period the skin is very stretched and this coupled with the hormonal changes in body can cause the results to be uneven. The laser lipolysis treatment does not affect pregnancies later in life.
  • Laser lipolysis can also be done for people with diabetes provided they keep the sugar levels under the strict control.

The procedure is not recommended for people who have a heart disease, weak immune system and problem with blood flow or autoimmune condition. Laser lipolysis is also not done for menopausal women, or people who have implant, blood clots or suffer from vascular conditions or use a pacemaker.

Laser lipolysis cost

The cost of laser lipolysis in India can vary depending on several factors, including the geographical location, the reputation and expertise of the clinic or surgeon, the extent of treatment required, and the specific areas being targeted for fat reduction. Generally, the cost of laser lipolysis in India can range from ₹50,000 to ₹2,00,000 or more.

The actual cost may differ based on individual circumstances and the specific clinic you choose. It is advisable to consult with a reputable cosmetic surgeon or clinic in your area to get an accurate assessment of the cost for your desired treatment. They will be able to evaluate your specific requirements and provide a personalized cost estimate.

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Is Laser Treatment Effective for Vitiligo?

Is Laser Treatment Effective for Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes pale white or light coloured patches to develop on the skin. This condition can affect anyone at any age irrespective of their gender, ethnicity and location. Vitiligo can affect any area of the body and is most common in face, neck, hands, back and the areas with creases. There is no one trusted cure for vitiligo but laser treatment among the many treatment options for vitiligoin Mumbai has emerged as an effective treatment to even out the skin tone of the patient and restore the lost colour.

What is vitiligo?

The autoimmune system of the body is supposed to recognized the foreign bodies and fight their invasion. But when this autoimmune system starts seeing the melanocytes( pigments that give the body its colour) as a foreign object and starts attacking them, the skin become discoloured and patches form on the surface.

There is still a mystery about what causes vitiligo.  The most common theories about the causes of vitiligo include genetics (20%), autoimmune response, oxidate stress and environmental factors such as emotional upheaval, sun burn, chemical exposure. Many people suffering from the depressing skin condition also suffer from one or more autoimmune conditions such as hypothyroidism, alopecia areata, IBD and rheumatoid arthritis. People suffering from vitiligo are also at a high risk of other autoimmune conditions such as Addison’s disease.

The most common and the only symptom of vitiligo is a pale patch on the skin. it starts as a light coloured flat spots on the skin (mostly on the areas that are more exposed to sun). the spots become white and increase in size. Sometimes the edges of the spots can become red and cause itchiness. These patches do not have a defined shape or size.

Types of vitiligo

In some the vitiligo patches are small and do not spread but in others they can spread to large white patches that eventually join together and cover a large area of skin. The different types of vitiligo are

Non segmental vitiligo

In this type of skin condition, the white patches are symmetrical at fist and they spread slowly if the condition is visible in only one body area. This is the most common type of vitiligo. The patches are symmetrical and on both sides of the body. The patches appear on arms, eyes, back of the hands, knees, elbows, feet, mouth, armpit, nose, naval, genitals and groin area. this type of vitiligo is further classified into sub categories such as generals, acrofacial, mucosal, universal and focal depending on the location, size and intensity of the vitiligo.

Segmental vitiligo

This is a more intense kind of vitiligo and spreads fast. It is stable but less common and contains itself to one body area. Segmental vitiligo can be treated with topical treatments since it usually accepts the areas of the skin that has nerves attached to it.

Laser treatment for Vitiligo

Vitiligo treatment in Mumbai using lasers has emerged as top preference by doctors and patients alike because it is non-surgical, not painful and has show quite effective results as compared to other treatment options. Also, vitiligo surgery cost in India is much more than vitiligo laser treatment cost in India and hence lasers remain the preferred option by most people. Lasers work by restoring the lost colour on the skin and impair the autoimmune disorder to from causing more skin depigmentation.

Lasers are an effective treatment option because it can target a diversity of signs of vitiligo. Different types of laser treatments along with a treatment course are used depending on the skin type of the patient and the condition of vitiligo. Among the types of lasers Excimer lasers and Narrow band ultraviolet B lasers are the most popular ones.

Excimeror XTRAC lasers

This is the most common vitiligo treatment in Mumbai is the excimer lasers. This laser has proven effective in about 70% of the people who were treated with this with greater than 75% regimentation. This laser was first used for vitiligo treatment in the year 2001 and was FDA approved for treatment in 2007. The laser is a mono therapy laser and it emits a wavelength of 308nm.

  • This UVB laser treatment is often combined with other topical inhibitors to get even hyperpigmentation.
  • The photobiological effects of the Excimer laser do not affect the normal skin and only work on the depigmented lesions selectively
  • This laser can be used on large and delicate areas of the skin safely such as ears and genitals.
  • Excimer lasers are even effective on people who have not responded to topical creams or lotions.
  • The best response of the laser is seen on face and lowest on hands and feet.
  • XTRAC lasers can be used on children safely

To see the results, the patient needs a minimum of 20 excimer laser treatment sessions about 2-3 times per week. The downside to this laser is that the results can minimize or disappear in patients who stop the treatment before one year is over.

How does excimer laser work?

Though it is still under study, the scientists stand up the efficacy of excimer laser for vitiligo treatment in Mumbai. The laser works by enhancing the immune response and improve the production of more melanin producing melanocytes and their spread. This makes this laser the most effective in treatment of non-segmental vitiligo. It also helps with the cell death of T cells.

Treatment and Results

The treatment is done is in one, two or three times a weekly sessions in the doctor’s office. This is an outpatient procedure and each session lasts for about one hour. The pigmentation starts from the hair follicles. The re-pigmentation is more rapid with more frequent treatments and three sessions per week treatment.

The dermatologist uses the laser wand to move over the affected skin areas. There is no pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Side effects of Excimer laser for vitiligo treatment in Mumbai

  • Some erythema
  • Hyperpigmentation or darkening of skin
  • Minor skin lesions.

Vitiligo laser treatment cost in Indiausing Excimer lasers is more cost effective than the surgical options. Ablative lasers are the preferred mode of treatment because they have less chances of scaring. Er:YAG lasers are using for site preparation for vitiligo laser treatments because there are less chances of burns, scaring and dyspigmentation. Other lasers used for vitiligo treatment in Mumbai are

  • Fractional CO2 lasers
  • Erb:YAG lasers to improve the repigmentation.
  • Q-switched lasers for depigmentation of the skin but it is a temporary solution
  • Ti: Sapphire lasers: these are sometimes used as an alternative to Excimer lasers.

Different types of lasers do different things for vitiligo treatment. For example, Fractional CO2 lasers can also reduce the size of the vitiligo lesions, whereas ablative lasers can be used to prepare the skin site for surgical grafting and to give a more even look to the skin depigmentation using Q‐switched lasers is the best option. Each type of laser has its benefits and risks and should be individually chosen based on location, extent, activity and type of vitiligo and the paying capacity of the patient.

Who can get a laser treatment for vitiligo

Any person who is suffering from vitiligo is wants a treatment can opt for phototherapy and laser treatments. The lasers work on all skin tones and people with all ages. The dermatologist will decide on which laser will suit which type of vitiligo.

Vitiligo laser treatment cost

The cost of vitiligo laser treatment in India can vary depending on several factors, such as the number of sessions required, the size of the affected area, the clinic or hospital you choose, and the city you are in. On average, the cost of a single session of vitiligo laser treatment can range from ₹2,000 to ₹10,000 or more.

There are different surgical procedures available for vitiligo, such as punch grafting, split-thickness skin grafting, and blister grafting. The cost of vitiligo surgery can depend on factors like the technique used, the size and location of the affected area, the surgeon’s expertise, the hospital or clinic, and the city you are in. The approximate cost of vitiligo surgery in India can range from ₹20,000 to ₹1,00,000 or more.

About Dr. Rinky Kapoor

Dr. Rinky Kapoor- Best Dermatologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Co-founder of The Esthetic Clinics, is one of the best dermatologists in the world & currently practices in Mumbai, India. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist at S L Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. Dr. Kapoor is trained at the National Skin Centre, Singapore & at Stanford University, USA. A celebrity skin doctor, Dr. Rinky Kapoor has won many honors such as “Best Dermatologist in Mumbai”, “Most Valuable & Admired Cosmetic Dermatologist in India” & “Best Dermatologist in India”, etc for her expert dermatology care, affordable & reliable skin care, hair care & nail care Read more

Expertise In

• Skin diseases
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Hair disorders
• Nail disorders
• Cosmetic skin treatments
• Skin surgeries
• Laser skin treatments

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